Don't just sit there and waste your precious time

Don't just sit there and waste your precious time.
When you want to do something, do it right away.
Do it when you can. It's the only way to live without regrets.

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He's right.

Thank you sonic.

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quitting my job next week and trying to make a video game with the free time i’ll have. thanks for the push

Oh no no no

>when the villain misinterprets the sacred text

This is why I always love Sonic. He's the embodiment of freedom.

Thanks sonic now I know what to do

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I don't care for Sonic, but I've been toying with quitting vidya altogether to focus on gardening, Japanese study, and tailoring.

Go for it user, I quit my job last week to draw porn.

Has anyone studied the sexual power that feminine appearances have when applied to men?
I think it says a lot that we often fall for makeup and clothes that we associate as feminine without any need to correlate it to a vagina

>quiting vidya
>japanese study

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Good luck user, sounds like a comfy life.

People get degrees in this

>kill 6 million jews
wow sonic thanks!

>japanese studies


Man, Degrees would mean so much if more than 10% of them actually got you a job

I study it most nights user

I'm already fluent in Polish, Russian, and Italian.

After Japanese I'm going to pick up Spanish.

Thanks op, now if you excuse me, I will proceed to kill my self

I've had it in the back of my mind to learn Japanese for years, but never started. Perhaps I will since I have more time to organize nowadays.

I already did exactly that, and now my wife is pregnant. Not only am i not a wizard (subverted everyones expectations, even my own) but im going to be a dad. F for my freedom but GG life i win this round

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Whenever I try to do something, I fail so I've stopped.
Even my birth should have been a failure but man played God and now here I am.

>Whenever I try to do something, I fail so I've stopped.
I know that feeling, and for a while I lived with it as a truth. But then I started trying again because I realized something:
I don't know what happens when I try something, but I do know what will happen if I don't, and the latter is often far worse than the former.

If I fear failure, I'm as good as dead, and I don't want to go back to that feel.