Killer murders someone even though we were controlling him like 5 seconds ago and reading his thoughts

Killer murders someone even though we were controlling him like 5 seconds ago and reading his thoughts

Is David Cage fucking retarded?

Attached: heavy-rain-destacada-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 117K)


Yes, yes he is. It took him 5 games to build some kind of coherent plot, and he still had to go through every sci-fi cliche imaginable. He's like a trained chimpanzee who sees something he likes in a movie and then writes into his games without context.

very Lynchian twist

I bet you dislike the MUrder of Roger Ackroyd too

People have been calling Cage a hack for years. Welcome to the club. Have you played Indigo Prophecy yet?

>Is David Cage fucking retarded?
Do you really have to ask? Of course he is.
At least it seems like he has learned though. Detroit: Become Human also has a twist but it doesn't involve lying to the player and you can see it coming it you pay attention. And it just generally has decent writing, hamfisted analogies aside.
Heavy Rain can only be enjoyed ironically, same with Beyond.

So Kojima?

Yes but
>it's ok when Japan does it

what is the twist in detroit?

I agree that the writing is "so bad it's good", but I enjoy the atmosphere unironically. I like the melancholy feel it gives off.

Personally, I think an entire game about Jayden would've been great.

Yeah, but Kojima has some game behind the story and his characters are charismatic.

Cage is if you took Kojima, replaced all the over-the-top idiot characters with "boring assholes having boring asshole relationship drama", and replaced all the game with... not game. Otherwise you've still got the worthless, endless exposition, the pacing that's shot, the unexciting, completely low-stakes plot twists and so on.

Alice, the little girl the female protag wants to protect, is an android herself. Kara knows that but deliberately repressed that memory cause she wants to feel like a "real mom".

And this revelation is pretty much entirely at odds with everything in Act 1. It's not as bad as the Heavy Rain "twist," but then again, nothing is as bad as that.

His autistic detective characters are always the best. Connor is also miles better than the other two protagonists in Detroit. I don't even understand why Cage attempts to write anything else, especially women. He absolutely cannot write female characters well.
On top of that, both Norman and Connor have also the most interesting gameplay cause of the investigation work they have to do. He should really stick to characters like that.

>see Mars jumping in front of a car to try and save his kid
>heh I'm gonna test that faggot

I disagree about his detective characters being good (they're completely terrible, it's just that they look better in the light of everything else in the game), but his female characters are definitely worse.

>Madison in Heavy Rain
>Three consecutive scenes
>Goes to house for information, ends up tied to a table the basement of a psycho who tries to literally drill her vagina
>Goes to nightclub for information, ends up forced to strip at gunpoint by a sleazy criminal who intends to rape her
>Goes back to Ethan and attempts to force herself on him

I pursue every romance in every video game, and I've masturbated to some pretty outlandish things, but I NOPE'd the fuck right out of that one.

Madison could have been cut from the game with no consequence. I kill her off in every play through because of that. At least Lauren was actually relevant to the story.

David Cage frustrates me because Quantanic Dream is definitely a studio with a lot of talent in it (which is why pretty much everything except the writing in Heavy Rain was good)l but they're stuck with a complete hack as a project lead.

If they dropped Cage and got a better writer for their choose your own adventure style games, then they could easily fill the niche that Telltale left in the market.

True story: on my first (and only) playthrough, I thought Madison was Ethan's ex-wife for her first scene and half of her second one. It wasn't until she ran into Ethan and they didn't know each other than I realized she was a completely different character. Pretty dumb, but then I was still trying to give the game some small shred of credit.

You don't understand, OP. HE LIES TO HIMSELF IN HIS MIND to better play the part of detective.

Hey now, Ellen Page wasn't that bad.

Norman is definitely a bad character, but I would deem Connor a legit good character. He is believable, his story makes actual sense, has the most effective branching (such as deviating actually being a choice unlike the other two who get railroaded to deviate and has actual character development. (And he was very well acted but I don't count that as a personality trait obviously) He was also more popular than the other two characters COMBINED, according to the in-game votes.

Are you fucking kidding me? Beyond was such a fucking garbage fire. Jodie was one of the most annoying and unlikable character's I've ever seen.
>AIDEN HEEELP :( There's poop stuck in my butt I literally can't do anything myself
>wow I hate this fucking CIA cunt
>nvm now we are dating :) wtf Aiden why are you mad? Fuck you asshole
>wow I can't believe it, CIA cunt is actually a complete cunt :(((
I could go on forever. What the fuck man how can you think she wasn't so bad?

Is Detroit worth playing when the price drops?

I enjoyed Heavy Rain for it's branching paths and atmosphere, although I'm scared to do another play through of it in case it holds up worse than I remember.

Connor might be okay. I played Heavy Rain and got my fill of cupboard opening for at least five lifetimes, so I only watched an LP of Detroit. Nothing particularly impressed me, but to be fair maybe you get into his development more when you control his choices.

Detroit is easily his best, although I have a soft spot for HR. You'd be surprised it holds up pretty well despite its bad writing, but it's atmosphere is still top notch.

why didn't they just stick with the super natural stuff instead of cutting it

I think it's definitely worth 20-30 bucks, yeah. I think its leagues better than Heavy Rain and it has a lot more branching. IMO Detroit is everything that HR tried to be.

His development (as well as Hank's) becomes a lot more significant and clear when you see his other ending(s). Most LPers do the same boring choices anyway, there's a lot of interesting options they basically never choose.

Expectations subverted :^)

Because, for example, the CIA jackass she hated at first because he took her away from Dafoe against her will, but after she got over that she eventually grew attracted to him for whatever reason, maybe because he was handsome.
And Aiden is something she has been bound to all her life against her will, while she hates her condition she's also grown dependant on it and the possibilities it brings.
It's not that bad, there's just timeskips everywhere and out of order.

>why didn't they stick with the supernatural stuff
Because they thought it was dumb. Which is ironic, because knowing about the super natural stuff actually makes the story less dumb.


>maybe because he was handsome
But that's fucking retarded
>well, he's a manipulative asshole, but... he's so handsome!
How the fuck is that okay? In addition to the that, the game literally forces him onto you to forgive after he literally lied to you to manipulate you into committing LITERAL WAR CRIMES. What the FUCK. You have to deny the cunt like fucking 4 more times to finally get rid of him. And we don't even know why the FUCK he likes Jodie. They just suddenly start dating. And there's also that part where he tries to fuck her, but she gets a rape PTSP flashback. What does he do? HE JUST FUCKING LEAVES. Jesus Christ.

She hates Aiden even as a child despite him helping her all the time and trying to fight his own fear of the entities to protect her. She should hate literally everyone else except Aiden. Fucker did everything for her despite her being an ungrateful cunt. He received literally nothing for everything he did, not even a single "thanks".
And no, the timeskips have nothing to do with how shit her character is. I played the patched version where everything is in order and it's not any better. She's an awful character and the story makes no fucking sense. What was the point of the fucking Navajo chapter?