Yak Simulator Extreme 2

This may seem like a Yakuza thread.
It is.

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Just change render scaling to 50% and it'll get rid of all the jaggies

i pre-ordered yakuza Kiwami on steam with a 20 i wanted to waste and i haven't touch it since release, is it worth playing?


Yes. It's just not as good as Yakuza 0.

announced at E3

It's a pretty weak entry, having the writing of a PS2 game and reusing a lot of assets from Y0. Many see it as an expansion pack to Y0 and played it using the momentum from Y0.

Fuck you all for trucking me into buying this shitty ass walking sim. It's not even comfy like walking sims are.

Get fucked.


Point and laugh everyone.

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I still don't know if I like K2 combat or not

>le comfy meme

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The only thing I like about it so far is the hilarious ragdoll physics.

>having the writing of a PS2 game

What do you mean by this? PS2 games don't have inherently worse writing that games on other platforms

The cutscenes are short and the substories are less involved, often repeating several times. Unlike how Y0 had long, draggy cutscenes and substories with many twist and turns.


Destruction really shines in those few office space fights otherwise its pretty meh and repetitive

I'm playing the PC version and sometimes guys just get ragdolled at sanic speeds and bounce of the walls and shit, I wonder if this is intended or is it because it runs at 60fps and the engine just freaks out

happened on ps3 too

Nothing more comfy than nighttime Dotonbori, get the fuck outta here.

I finished it yesterday and now we just wait for E3

Also pic rel for ending

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PCGamer said Sega refused their invitation so they're not announcing anything at the show. They could of course just announce something themselves alongside E3, but I doubt it.

I only hope the remasters will also be released on PC, literally all I want from gaming

>literally all I want from gaming
wut about sex

Either they're really busy with their games (Judgment, Yakuza remasters, Catherine FB, etc.) or they just don't have anything to announce at the time.

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Combat is better than yakuza 0, though it has less side content

Yak threads are shit now, everyone keeps pointing out flaws or saying what they personally dislike about the games. It has killed all discussion. Thankfully I have a life outside of Yak threads on Yea Forums so this isn't a big deal.

I got a handful of DVDs from that weapon seller, I assume they have an use for fighting techniques, but I haven't found a place to watch them yet. Beam doesn't seem to have a DVD player. Any idea where it is ?

Sex is overrated

Don't worry, it's disguised as a Yakuza thread, Yak Simulator haters won't be able to find it.

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Fusion in Kamurocho, in Sotenbori there's a place to the very south of the map, I forgot the name but it's marked purple on the map

Is there a way to fix the horrible AA on Yakuza Kiwami 2 for the PC version anons?

Thanks friend.

DSR on Nvidia, VSR on AMD, SSAA on both.
Aside from that, no.

DSR? I'll try. Thanks user.

Bullshit. 1 samefag amounts to 70% of such posts.


You're replying to pasta.

Liked more than Zero and Kiwami 1.
Now just in the end of Kiryu root trying to fulfill Haruka's requests. Now stuck on a baseball.

Really enjoyed Hostess Club minigame, still, its a shame I can't upgrade all girls to the end. Playing a millionaire league with bronze girls is simply impossible, even on their maximum level.

Don't understand Majima Construction minigame. Why do I need so many workers? Is there any profit to uprade avarage workers or it is better to use only SR workers?

How to unlock 2 last fight in Coliseum? I'm now S-rank.

Last question - Daigo Dajima with a bow tie. What do you think to add in the background?

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It's barely more than a line. Who would bother reposting that and why?

Just use your rarest cards and 2-3 guys with explosive weapons, have attack, healing and repair skills and you're good


>FF7 remake
>ever coming out

Grappling seems really overpowered

I bought Yakuza 2 last year at release date and still haven't played it. Judgement and Samsho are coming out in a few weeks too.... My backlog's getting insane... I'm gonna have to power through it around Christmas with a bag of weed.
Not to mention rumor has it FF7 part 1 is coming out this year too.

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There is going to be a playable demo at E3.

>tfw fucking niggas up as based takeshi

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I prefer the grab finishes to raw grabs, but the standard grab is pretty good for grup battles due to the swing

Coliseum is related to both finishing majima construction and finishing all side content.