>own a PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, and a Switch
>Yea Forums will call you a soiboy seething nintendie if you want to talk about any games for one of these systems
Why is this, exactly?
Own a PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, and a Switch
Because Nintendo fans have become insufferable and making fun of them is too easy. Being a casual Nintendo fan is unheard of and poorfags demand you pick a side.
What a beautifully plump body
Because snyofags worship so(n)y, so if they censor a game you must hate it.
Like this, why are snoyfags so angry when somebody slightly questions them?
Who cares? I want to see those nips.
>Implying I'm strictly a Sony fan
There is autism on both sides but Nintendo fans take it to an entirely new level and will gobble up anything Nintendo puts before them. If you disagree with anything Nintendo is doing you're a "snoyfag"
booby hahahaahaahah
Top kek, how contradictory.
Have you seen snoyfags defend censorship on Yea Forums?
It will never get worse than that, it is peak retarded.
I want Letty to purge my area into an eternal winter. Fuck the heat!
Because they think everyone is against them. Simple.
ive seen shitstirrers leave decent bait about censorship, seeing as how this website is oneangrygamer.org
Same. Fuck summer, shittiest fucking season.
So you're just gonna pretend their not muh true snoyfags!
I want to fuck that monster.
I've not really followed any of that because I don't play the kind of trash that is getting censored in the first place.
Let us now forget how censorship was the right thing to do when nintendo did it, and those weird japanese pervert games sony got were pathetic until now.
How many people defended the treehouse?
Nobody, exactly.
>Let us now forget how censorship was the right thing to do when nintendo did it
Damn near nobody said this
>Let us now forget how censorship was the right thing to do when nintendo did it,
Just like how you're forgetting how people fought against their censorship?
So wait, it's bad now that it's Sony doing it?
Where were you when we had more bait about Nintendo's censorship?
Sony's censorship now is on a whole different level from Nintendo's during the Wii U era.