>23 DAYS TO E3

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Bigger and hopefully better.

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microsoft closer. Fromsoft. Title is great rune. With horses.

Jecht prequel faggots are gay and retarded

bad list. not even all conferences listed

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>all those literally who cares conferences
nothing of value was lost

Why has there been less e3 posts this year compared to last year? Have xCucks finally accepted their fate?

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Where's Sony? Dont they have cool new games to show off?

Thanks for bumping the thread snoytard

Jesus christ. How do you guys still pop up. I cant believe how misinformed people are nowadays when information is just 2 clicks away


E3 is dying/dead, even sony knows this.

I'm excited for Bethesda

>Literally Who Run
>Greg Miller's Anal Orgy
Wow, those conferences are definitely worth watching.

Is Yea Forums doing another picture this year?

E3 is dead because companies have ran out of games to show, not the other way around.

He was baiting

Fuck you. the jecht prequel is the only appealing thing they can do in that universe. if it involves yuna square can keep it. Fag

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Me too. If there is nothing else, at least we see Todd again.

>Unreal Garden next to Nintendo

Just becaude you force the meme to stay alive doesnt mean that its culture

Okay nincel

What IS culture? pepes and wojaks? posting twitter screencaps and kotaku articles?

I'm looking forward to Todds next scheme

Nothing, because the community isnt intelligent enough to have culture

Xbox outside in Xbox plaza next door

Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your Windows/iOS/Android device. Microsoft will offer streaming from Microsoft Azure by end of year 2019.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, or Android device.
>Xbox Live Gold will continue to offer the best complimentary games for subscribers each month.
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid. Streaming to phones and tablets uses adaptive touch controls
>More Backwards Compatible games from Xbox 360 and OG Xbox announced
New games being shown off:
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>The Outer Worlds
>Ninja Theory’s Bleeding Edge
>More than 30 games shown off

Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019


There is something weirdly hypnotic in his voice. Maybe thats what made me buy fallout 4. I knew he was lying but i bought it anyway and hated it.

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>new eso dlc
>blades update
>74 goes f2p
>starfield is 32 times the detail
>not a word on tes6

You know jack shit about storytelling if you think making that is even remotely a good idea

state of play is going to be better then the whole E3 isn't it?

i dont think hes actually excited for the games user, he just wants to see what bethesda has to say about fallout 76

yes user, of course

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they better announce a new one soon and it should take place somewhere between before e3 or shortly after it. I'm expecting a ps5 announcement

It's going to be a fucking shitfest, also as says, we see Todd who I somehow fall for his lies time and time age

They already announced the ps5

This. Also Bethesda really fucked up this years and dont gonna show shit. Same with EA and Anthem.

i meant a full formal announcement, maybe show off controller again before showing the console itself but announce specs


The price tag and release date is important

CP 2077 gameplay at night.

Defenetly. I think most of what they will show will be night

Night only toggle or bust

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