Share your creations, stories and other bullshit here
also special announcements when

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Other urls found in this thread:


Friendly reminder to keep flaming down to a minimum and respect opinions.
Everyone has a right to an opinion.

>10 years old
Fuck, I still remember Yea Forums's "hey check out this new block building game" threads like they were yesterday

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>ftw can't remember your first time playing

Memory problems suck, Yea Forumsros...

Music surpasses memory, though, and Minecraft has the best, most memorable soundtrack of any game.

Fuck you and fuck Minecraft!

Calling it right now:stars and stones update
They will add new cave improvements and something where theres a space dimension with planets and shit that’s accessible only with a special firework and a normal elytra.

That's too much of work for Mojang. Instead you're gonna get two new mobs and three new items.

i played it, liked it and left it
10 years later i masturbated with 1(one) minecraft animation in pornhub
Thats my story

Anyone know what Super Craft Bros was? It was my first experience with minecraft. Fun server

I was 8 when I first started playing it’s been a decade wtf.

>tfw you would watch low quality minecraft videos on your mom’s iphone 3 while she was shopping

(((They))) said they won’t add any dimensions until they’re done with the ocean, nether, etc.

>January 2011
>see a Minecraft thread of Yea Forums
>download and launch Beta 1.2_02 for the first time
>create World1
>have no idea what I'm doing
>"chop down" a big tree
>build an autistic box "house" on the beach
>fill up holes in the ground with cobblestone
>continue playing for a while
>"heh I should probably make a backup save somewhere, what if I suddenly decide to come back to it many years later just for nostalgia's sake?"
>fast forward 8 years
>check up my old USB drive

Attached: box.png (1366x706, 783K)

Wait actually?
What the fuck?

Makes sense to me. Refine and improve the Nether and end before adding any other new dimensions.

Its going to be Minecraft 2.

When are the announcement anyways?

No one has any fucking clue
Supposedly it's some Microsoft Mixed Reality bullshit and a date for Minecon.

I still have a copy of my very first MC world from Dec 2010 too.

>play the shit out of minecraft throughout the alpha into beta period
>"eww user, this game sucks! look at how shitty the graphics are!"
>slowly drift off from the game as full release updates roll around
>"user why don't you play minecraft with us, it's the best game ever!"

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wasnt this last week?

Ah yeah, I love minecraft. I love their building mechanics and cave exploring. I actually found the dungeon with the ender portal in my last world and I couldn't find the ender portal, I don't think is spawned

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Its smash bruh

Yikes. Guess that happens with anything that gets popular though. Now you get to say you liked it before it was cool unlike the majority of minecraft players

>game is now the same age as the avarega Yea Forums poster

oh boy i love miney crafta

While it's fine as an autism lego simulator, Minecraft is stilll a pretty disappointing game. Mining isn't fun, crafting isn't fun, movement isn't fun, combat sure as hell isn't fun. Exploring is okay but the vanilla environments and dungeons are so samey that there's not a lot to explore. It's an excellent vehicle for mods though. The modding scene is ridiculous.

>he has a backup of his very first world
im fucking jelly dog, i remember my first world where i build autistic castle, and i build a stairway to it with every block touching the ground, i had no idea there is no sense of gravity in a fucking bootleg lego clone, good times holy fuck

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The time that Notch said fuck niggers.

Discovered that shit back when it was in beta like a year till full pc release. Kinda liked it a first was spooky since you were the only one in the world so it gave a survival gameplay that i've never experienced before.
Fun ended once classmates started playing and when it got hyped so fucking hard everyone was talking about it. Then mc died didnt play it for like 6-9 years atleast.
Alot of shit i hate but im guessing because of the community like many of todays battle royales that i can achnowladge it is a good game but rotten with shitty ass community from children to toxic faggots.


>Yea Forums now loves minecraft
I want newfags to leave

>minecraft kids are now old enough to post on Yea Forums and make nostalgia threads about it
Jesus Christ, i wasted my life getting mad at video games in an internet forum

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>was 18 when it came out
>still nostalgic for it
fuck off kid

Now i can finally post boomer wojak with steve on it

>theres a space dimension with planets and shit that’s accessible only with a special firework and a normal elytra.
The End is already the space dimension

I never got into minecraft despite buying it when it was still in Alpha stage

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I hope the 10th anniversary announcements include a gigantic fucking surprise party for Notch, the man deserves some damn recognition and respect after all this stupid shit.

>playing singleplayer Minecraft
>build a comfy little house
>slowly start expanding it
>made a basement, new floors, a farm outside, a treasure room, secret passages, a mine, traps to keep intruders away, etc
>even made a diary where i wrote abou my adventures before going to bed
>then realise that all that effort was for nothing because no one is ever going to see that and i dont have anyone to show it to
>its a infinite world and im literally the only person in it
Singleplayer Minecraft is unironically the most depressing game ive ever played

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Yeah holy shit

>nostalgia is only about things you did when you were a child
lmao, you can have nostalgia about things that you experienced a year ago, the definition doesn't age or time restrict it

That’s why you get mods on PC, or get your friends onto a server


People should have the right to say whatever they want. And if it is offensive, then the offended should or grow some skin, or take the complaint ONLY to notch.

Its freedom of speech, dammit! #Metoo shouldnt have the power to take a person away from his earned place in videogame history.

>Play with group of friends
>Build a comfy community with our own houses and shit
>Inevitably something goes missing from somebody's chest
>Infighting begins
>Ends with the settlement being burned down/blown to smithereens
>Rinse and repeat
Comfy as fuck

You can copy the world onto a server. That's what I did with my first world

/f home

Every fucking time

I played it in the free alpha version when it was posted on Yea Forums back in 2009. Purchased it in feb of 2011.

>he needs validation from strangers on his house
I'd rather just have fun, its not comfy when I have to worry about people shitting stuff up

I would have thought Minecraft would be a "impossible to ever discuss on Yea Forums without autistic screeching over it" game forever after Notch left Yea Forums for leddit and thus the usual "THIS WAS NEVER GOOD, FUCKING LEDDIT MEME GAME" shitposting and FLAOT1.jpeg posting to bully people away from it forever. Did people just mellow out? Did all the people who were there forget? Or did FLAOT1 guy end up an heroing?

>play hunger games
>see no one the whole time
>have leather hat and wooden sword
>get teleported to the middle for the final 3 fight
>other two have full iron and diamond swords
>they fight each other as I stay away
>one dies
>loot on the ground
>try to make my way over to it
>the other guy makes a fire wall with flint and steel
>loot is everywhere so he starts torching the area
>he accidentally walks into the fire
>takes about 3 ticks of damage

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different people still flaotpost
I guess people just wanna reminise about playing hunger games over skype

My friends got me to pirate minecraft so we could play it as a group

So, when do you lads think they will finally reveal what is behind the two curtains today?


>ran a small mostly vanilla server with an IRL friend
>we would just fuck with people by spawning blazes and ghasts in the main area or set up pressure panels around the place that would kill a random player if you stepped on it
>anytime anyone complained we’d just give them a free diamond pickaxe or something and they immediately forgot all about it
Peak comfy

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>play hunger games
>Somehow end up teaming with this guy
>End up stuck on a mountain cliff and can only survive by making it to a pool of water
>not enough space to jump
>my team made hits me just barely into the body of water
>tries jumping after me and dies
>At first think he tried killing me
>Realized what he was trying to do later on
I ended up winning that match and I salute the sacrifice that guy made for me


>10 years
>still shit online
>no graphical upgrade

These are your announcements

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When are they announcing the 2 things?

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The most fun I've had with the game is with the Mystcraft mod and just dicking around in strange, alien worlds. Pic related is a world I made with eight moons at zenith.

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Theres another announcement tho

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I expect nothing and I'm still let down

The AR thing sounds cool. I can't wait to see blocky penises spread throughout the earth.

Why did anyone think it would be Smash? Do people think that's the only video game to exist or something?

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alright boys its fucking nothing. pack it up, time to go home

Sonic mashup pack?
I never thought I would ever pay for a fucking skin or texture pack but I've been playing the Switch version lately and would instantly buy that.

I remember the first time I found the game, we had a thread about it one weekend in march 2010, I spent 20-30 hours that weekend doing nothing but assisting in the construction of rapeture, except some ass kept flooding the place so we had to cheese the fort to keep the water at bay. I also remember buying survival mode, was buyer #9331 I wanna say. Then shortly after the minepit level became big on TF2, and the TF2 blog covered minecraft, and the sold copies went from 10k to 30k to 50k to over 100k in pretty much a week, and from there it was all but history.

Only problem was that notch showed his true colors when he got rich, dude just didn't care enough to work consistently on the project. That halloween update fuckup was the moment when the opinion shift started happening.

I haven't played since 2011, stopped during Alpha 1.2 maybe? I never saw anything that made me want to come back, the hunger meter alone ruined the entire concept of the "wandering" game style, and the building was never something that really was fun to do IMO.

youtube.com/watch?v=VO118JL7pKQ The audio description version of the Minecraft Earth trailer is cracking my shit up.
>Block-like ducks.

two mobs? You're expecting a lot

so this is what it means to be a zoomer

Was beta already out by then? Surprised that you'd even be able to load the world in question.

All my saved worlds were indev ones, so fml

Smartphones ruined videogames forever

My first time playing was on a beta server ran by a small imageboard I used to frequent.
So much cool stuff motivated by pure autism, wish I could go there again.

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>10 year old
>no sequel or graphic updates







idk about you but I'd back up the whole game, not just the world folder
it's not like it was saddled with a required launcher at that point

picked up

Unironically based

>No fucking underground update

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He has been specifically not invited.

He became "Based and Redpilled" which is all Yea Forums cares about now.

>customized worlds still gone
lol at this point there is more chance that hytale is going to broke their anus

Anyone know when the sale ends? I'm still debating whether or not I should buy a few extra accounts.


Anarchy servers

Then everyone gets permabanned for "toxicity".


>my minecraft girlfriend was pretending to like me because i accidentally killed her a month earlier

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Remember to thank Notch

1.14 mods when

When's Brohan coming back

You can play Minecraft classic with others right now. They should it down years back but it's up and running right now.

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>be me
>first found out about minecraft at around 2012 due to minecraft youtubers likke ssundee, sky, jerome, antvemon, etc
>ends up getting interested in minecraft by 2013
>made an account on feb 4, 2013
>request my dad to get me minecraft
>he gets it but it's pirated
>I eventually ditch the pirated copy due to never updating and unable to play multiplayer
>months pass
>I end up getting minecraft on christmas 2013 thanks to rich uncle
>play it for the first time legitimately, found lots of nice multiplayer servers, nice people and lots of fun content

8 more years and it'll be able to shitpost here!

For me Classic would 1.8.
Also what with all the companies going for "Classic" version of their games lately?

Feels much older than ten years old. I was playing this shit in college and that was a very long time ago.

You dont need them to release a classic version to play 1.8, the launcher already lets you do that.

This one time on a server, a friend had made a hugeass showoff castle so I build a dirt hut in his entry hall.
he never found my secret cellar, which I used to tunnel to one of his chest rooms and steal all his food from below. I didn't even use the food, I just stored in a different, underground chest.


I got banned from a server because I said fuck the queen and death to the English. Scottish not Irish btw this started when I had an argument about game of thrones ( the books) being more complex than lord of the rings and the dude was English so naturally it spiralled into a massive political argument about the uk.

It was really funny because I ended up getting banned because he was friends with the mods and therefore a fucking grass. He also wasn’t a sound English cunt he was an upper class entitled little gimp.

I ended up getting unbanned and I farmed TNT and then blew up the whole server. I planted it under that guys house and under the whole city that they built and then I filled it in with lava. Naturally I got a perma ban. It was worth it just to ruin that wee cunts whole day.

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Are there any hidden easter eggs for the 10 years hidden inside our survival maps?

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I realise years later that I probably should have just kept to battlefield or any other shooter because I’m either authoritarian when I’m in charge of a server or if I am not in games like minecraft I just want to destroy other people’s worlds. I used to grief on halo 3 forge I’m such a shithead haha.

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>sleep anxious in anticipation
Every day is truly a new hell, my fault for actually expecting something cool to happen for once.

>Make buildings using a trainer back in 2010
>Using words like "XD" for signs
>End up going inside one of the homes present day
>Filled with small journal entries and dates for each milestone
It hurts

>Plants vs Zombies and now this