I think I have decided to give up on life and move back in with my mother. What game should be my source of social interaction for the rest of my days?
I think I have decided to give up on life and move back in with my mother...
Other urls found in this thread:
WoW Classic
Why give up when you haven't even tried?
we all know it's going to be Yea Forums
Literally just have sex.
this desu
Shes so fucking huge he could dive into her pee hole
But I have had sex and would honestly prefer an expensive flesh light for the rest of my days. It's less of a hassel.
I used to not try, smacked sense into myself, started working out landed a nice job, started interacting with people all that for about three years and I'm more unhappy than I've ever been. TLDR; I just want to play video games.
Why don't you just play games when you've done your chores/work?
could you imagine lol
My schedule is packed and often times I'm working 60 hours a week.
haha I don't want to, the insides of humans disgust me.
I want to see his skeleton.
Games aren't a viable social activity. I recommend suicide if you want people to notice someone as worthless as you.
does anyone wisecrack's take on darksouls?
Please make sure the projector is put away properly when you are finished with it
its so surreal looking at these types of fat people
you can see their chin and cheekbones so you can kind of make out how they would look without all that fat
Look man I was you at one point, minus the nice job. I started dreading everyday I had to work and just wanted to play games. I quit my job after I couldn't take it any longer, I was literally throwing up to the thought of going to my job. I went full NEET mode for 2 years. Never went outside, stopped working out, played vidya all day everyday. It was fun for a while. Then I just started to feel empty. Like I was wasting my life away playing these fucking games. I got a job at a grocery store 5 months ago and now I'm starting to feel better. I'm working out again, eating better, and have a job. What I'm getting at is that you can quit life but eventually you will need to do things.
But even work is pointless it's all for the sake of consumerism that's literally it.And most people I'm forcrd to interact with are garbage like 90% at least. If I didn't have to work I could play Vidya, learn to play an instrument, I could go where I please when ever I please. It's nice talking to someone who has experienced the Neet life but the only reason I see to continue running the rat race is to survive and buy more things that are shoved in your face every day that you know won't really make you happy.
I can see at least 3 chins.
>Like I was wasting my life away playing these fucking games
That's a wagie mentality speaking in you. I'm still having fun with games.
t. NEET for 9 years
>the only reason I see to continue running the rat race is to survive and buy more things that are shoved in your face every day that you know won't really make you happy.
I can't say that I relate to that. I only buy things that will help me improve myself. I bought a home gym, a bicycle, a new more comfortable bed to help me sleep. I buy healthy food, hell the other day I bought a foam roller and a couple of lacrosse balls. The only thing that I buy now that doesn't truly contribute to me being happy with myself is vidya. But that's just me. Maybe one day you'll think the same way, but maybe not, I can't tell you what makes you truly feel worthwhile. Only you can.
that's great man. you do you. Neet life just doesn't cut it for me anymore
Don't bother user.
There are a lot of people who are so blinded by the idea of money that using your own limited amount of time to pursue interests over owning material that they can't fathom the idea.
It's not unfathomable
It's just that you don't seem to realise you need the money
>I wanna go travel
Walking everywhere? You need money to do that
>I wanna play games!
Games aren't free, computers and internet aren't free
>Learn an instrument
Not free either, nor are the class to learn or the internet and computer you would need for online classes
Take your commie bullshit elsewhere
You wanna do stuff you have to have done stuff yourself
>I have decided to give up on life
>move back in with my mother
dont, seriously, if you have your own place and can do the least work possible work to mantain it, keep it that way.
I like you user. Good luck in life.
Moving in with parents will destroy you mentally. Better not do that if you can.
you too homie. I gotta go now, it's leg day
So my options are to work like a dog and have enough money to do things but no time to do it or not work at all and not have access to things that I would like to do. Suicide isn't the craziest option I suppose
Manly tears is fucking hot chicks and here we're fapping alone
What's our excuse?
That's when I finally realized how fucking shitty life is unless you are that 1% with everything without doing anything.
That's why I will not have children. I don't want them to suffer like I do and ask same question over and over - why the fuck do I even live? Every day starts and ends with a thought about suicide.
Could be worse, could be a nomadic hunter-gatherer 10,000 years ago
At least they were free men.
>whole tribe is wiped out by rivals
>kill you, your friends, children and take your women
>"a-at least i die free"
There's old game called
>kick the bucket