Who would've though this game would end up being more interesting and and discussed than fucking Red Dead Redemption 2?
REmake 2
There's a lot to discuss
Anyone who played rdr and re2
I played RDR1 and RE2. Does thar count?
Both were absolute garbage though.
We live extremely dark times if those two are the "cream" of the industry.
You just needed to look at the extreme amount of praise Breath of the Wild got to know things are going downhill fast.
Yes that's what I said
BotW was fucking amazing though.
It is however quite bizarre that Nintendo of all the people managed to make one of the most non-patronizing and thus enjoyable games of the decade.
The most interesting part of the game was how it rewards creativity and thinking outside the box, but at the same time the combat and enemy variety is extremely basic, as well as something you're discouraged of doing once you start obtaining higher end gear despite it being one of the game's main systems.
I personally wouldn't go so far as to call it amazing, but it does show promise.
>but at the same time the combat and enemy variety is extremely basic
I don't agree on that.
All the older Zeldas had a "basic" combat: lock on to the enemy, smash A, maybe pop an arrow to the face from the distance at times.
Compared to this, BotW innovates, expands and encourages creativity even in case of the enemy encounters. All the interacting systems let you deal with bad situations using indirect tactics, and stealth is actually a very legit for once.
I still keep seeing footage of people dealing with boss battles and regular encounters with some totally outlandish tricks. Many that I would've never thought of myself, no matter that they tend to make sense in the end.
>as well as something you're discouraged of doing once you start obtaining higher end gear
I don't understand what you mean by this.
All in all, BotW completely blew my pessimistic, skeptic expectations out of the water. Never thought we get a game that'd truly challenge good ol' OoT and MM, but that it did.
Easily one of the landmark games this decade, one that I wish more devs dare to emulate more closely .
I played RDR2 and RE2 remake. Does that count?
Well it had gameplay. I had to figure things out myself. It didn't have a subtitle down at the bottom of the screen constantly reminding the player what to do.
The only thing better than a nostalgia trip, is a really well done nostalgia trip.
Also, its a real challenge if you play hardcore
Ghost survivors is awesome, but nkt as repayable as mercenaries.
Really hyped for RE3R, but I hope they take their time to do it right.
Jill must have white panties
Thought I'd ask here. Why is it like this in RE4 when I look through infrared scope? Playing Steam version. Think I'm on 5-2.
I just want a mod that adds boob physics to her original outfits.
I've seen and done stuff myself like holding metallic weapons as lighting rods to electrocute enemies during storms, while that's something to be appreciated and a good showcase of systems working together that in and of itself is not combat.
When it comes down to it you have three weapon types (and bows) with a short combo, a throw, and a charge attack as moveset. It's very limited and it's something that would have benefited by the addition of discoverable techniques, just like how you would learn new moves for the sword in Twilight Princess. BotW is a very long game, and things can get tedious without something to spice things up. It would be relatively simple too, I'm sure the system allows for it, and it would give further incentive for exploring.
>I don't understand what you mean by this.
That's surprising since it's a really common complaint around here. What I mean is that once you advance far enough it starts to not be worth it to fight the lesser enemies you encounter as the durability loss the fight would entail isn't compensated by the potential gains.
I'd also have preferred for the world itself to be smaller and instead offer more in the way of actual dungeons, there's only four in the game itself and while the shrines offer some cute puzzles I'd have gladly given up some for them.
>Also, its a real challenge if you play hardcore
Not really, though. The game is very easy all the way through even on Hardcore.
Do it yourself. There are YT tutorials on how to mod the models
>while that's something to be appreciated and a good showcase of systems working together that in and of itself is not combat.
That's because you refuse to count anything but traditional, direct engagement as combat. Which itself potentially reduces the enjoyment of the game quite a bit in general.
I myself early on fell in love with the bombs and bows, and used them throughout the whole game to not only give myself tactical advantages, but to even neutralize certain weaker foes right off the bat (the skeletons are good examples of this).
The Magnetism the game practically spoonfeeds you, so I don't think I need to even mention the globbering of entire enemy camps w/ metal boxes and doors.
I actually used lightning very little myself, though even that provides lots of tactical tricks people don't even necessarily think of (ie dropping a metallic weapon for the enemies to pick up & thus auto-electrocute themselves).
Fire on the otherhand is nearly OP; it makes enemies panic, saps their HP, and generates up-raft for you to exploit for easy escapes and/or slowmotion headshotting.
>you have three weapon types (and bows) with a short combo, a throw, and a charge attack as moveset. It's very limited
It's the polar opposite! It's roughly 3x more than you had in most of the previous games alone. It also indeed should be always counted with the environmental / system interaction elements, because the game wants you to think outside of the box and actually survive by using your brain.
>once you advance far enough it starts to not be worth it to fight the lesser enemies you encounter as the durability loss the fight would entail isn't compensated by the potential gains
Oh that.
I had the completely OPPOSITE issue by the end game: I was swimming in legendary-tier Durability++ arsenal, plus a couple elemental specialities just in case, and simply had no need to face off tiny camps any more.
Still, I am a big fan of the durability. It too encourages creativity.
If thats true then every other RE is very easy too, because RE2make on HC is among the hardest. One zombie bite takes 90% of your HP
>because RE2make on HC is among the hardest.
Not him, but DEmake2 is piss easy through and through. The only way it can mimic challenge is by its ridiculous bullet-sponge enemies and the stupid auto-balance function, that literally punishes you for playing "too well".
All in all, the whole piece of shit was perhaps the biggest buyer's remorse in my entire life.
What about the double lunges and the extreme damage? Hardcore mode only has 2 adaptive difficulty ranks and they are both hard as shit. It starts at the harder one and only goes down one if you play too POORLY, not too well. And it doesnt go down any further no matter how shitty you play
RDR2 was discussed more. The only reason as to why REmake 2 keeps appearing here is cringy and smelly waifufags.
>What about the double lunges and the extreme damage?
Perfectly fine on their own, and I was actually shocked to learn how goddamn passive zeds are on Normal / easy. The removal of Ink Ribbons was a huge mistake.
Overall a fucking boring game with tons of missed opportunities.
Demake 2 sucked ass.
Why do you fucking retards call it a demake? You know that "demake" is already a word with its own definition, right? It doesnt mean "bad remake" like you blindly assume, it means a remake of a MODERN GAME for an OLDER PLATFORM.
Why can Rockstar make a huge open world game but Capcom can't even add the old enemies back with a good B scenario?
>Why do you fucking retards call it a demake?
Because it makes fags like you seethe.
That used not to be the main reason before just now, but it certainly is now.
So the reason before that was because you're an ignorant retard, got it
>because RE2make on HC is among the hardest. One zombie bite takes 90% of your HP
Just because you take a lot of damage that doesn't make it the hardest game.
RE2 has you manage zombies, lickers, Ivies and in a short segment, dogs. All of those are very easy to handle. Just because they can kill you in two hits it doesn't mean the game is super hard. And even then there is no shortage of healing items.
The adaptive difficulty is overblown, it doesn't do that much in Hardcore difficulty, plus the zombies being tanky adds to their presence and makes the situation feel tenser instead of them just being an ammo dump. You can very easily shoot off a leg or instantly kill them with one shot from the shotgun, which has plenty of ammo, if you really want them out of the way.
The tankiness is really a non issue when you get down to it and if anything it helps zombies not feel like a complete joke.
>double lunges
A non-issue as well. If you want to get by a zombie you can always shoot it a bit to make it stagger and slip by then, the game is very generous with its ammo.
It's a game made with a real passion and it shows.
>with a real passion
>scenarios gutted
>bosses reused instead of each having unique ones
>less enemy types
>NEST is 2smol
Idk about that one.
Just post the sfm porn already
Fuck the haters ITT, it's an amazing game and one of the best Resident Evils ever
In case you're indeed an single-digit IQ brainlett, who does not understand how common-speech naming conventions usually work:
>Resident Evil remake -> "REmake"
>REmake2 is shit compared to OG -> "DEmake2"
It simply rolls off your tongue better.
>The adaptive difficulty is overblown, it doesn't do that much in Hardcore difficulty
I've seen ammo pickups' drop down to HALF from the original after I reloaded an older save and speed through the previously hard segments with little effort on the 2nd run. If that is not artificial difficulty, dunno what is.
>The tankiness is really a non issue when you get down to it and if anything it helps zombies not feel like a complete joke.
False. It is a major fuck up, and lazy as hell game design.
There would've been dozens of smarter, way less gameplay-ruining ways to balance the "new", OP camera-angle and shooting systems, many which Crapcom had actually already used a decade ago themselves, but this rushed piece of shit was developed by literal who zoomers, with their bosses breathing down on their neck, hoping for a 2018 release originally.
Just admit it:
You've never even played any other RE game before.
Probably didn't even give jack shit about the series before the shilling started.
>Just admit it
No, fuck you, I started with RE2 on PS1 at age 10 and played all except spinoffs and RE6. There's a reason why RE2R is so often in people's top 3 when ranking RE games, usually next to REmake 1 somewhere
>No, fuck you, I started with RE2 on PS1 at age 10 and played all except spinoffs and RE6
I on the other hand was 9 when RE1 originally dropped, and played ALL the games when they were released. Including Gaiden.
I waited 17 or so years for REmake2, and what do we get? A goddamn reskin of Dead Space. Fuck the fucking fuckers.
>There's a reason why RE2R is so often in people's top 3 when ranking RE games, usually next to REmake 1 somewhere
Yeah: they're the only games available on Xbone and Ps4.
>way less gameplay-ruining ways to balance the "new
It's not bad enough that it ruins the gameplay in any way. It's perfectly easy to get past them one way or another, plus with their sturdiness they get to show off the gore system.
How would you fix it? That stuff other people mention of making them the stereotypical one shot headshots but give you barely any ammo?
I'm sure glad I'm not an elitist snob like you, because for me and most others it was a great time
This man.
Is Undead Nightmare truly the best of both worlds?
it's usually not even SFM, it's in-game graphics
>It's not bad enough that it ruins the gameplay in any way.
Nah, it completely butchers it.
>How would you fix it?
I'd prefer completely redoing the whole game from scratch. However, if I had to make do with the current base-game's style, then I'd do at least the following:
1) Remove player's capability to move and attack at the same time.
2) Make the aiming actually shake and wobble strongly once again, and weapons have significant recoil to boot.
2.5) Make the aiming device an in-game object, such as the flashlight or good ol' laser. Remove on-screen ammo counter and auto reloads.
3) More enemies, everywhere.
4) Make zombies wobble and move in unpredictable, even unnatural manner.
5) Make zombies more quiet, whimpering and moaning only occasionally.
6) Headshots would be the most lethal way to dispose of them the quickest, but depending on WHERE to the head you'd hit them, they could still soak up several hits (ie. bullet to jaw wouldn't do anything but dislocate it, eyes could be popped off individually...).
7) Restore cut enemies (crows, all the bugs...), and make them appear more often. Crows especially could be a simple nuisance type foe; not really that deadly, but they could distract and leave you vulnerable to other enemies' assaults. Boos the dog's health.
8) Semi-randomized enemy mobs, like in RE3. You'd never quite know what you may need to face behind the corner.
9) Less ammo pickups, BUT more ammo in them. More HIDDEN ammo pickups, that really make you look around carefully (this would practically demand removal of .
Rockstar hasn't been good since gta ov it's bee let down after let down red dead 1 was ok rockstar is just like brandpeople buy cuz it's bud brh
I'm sure glad I'm not a zoom zoom pleb like you, because for me and most others it was shit time.
so basically you're one of those "I prefer tank controls" fags
What you are describing is basically RE4, except for this stupid obsession with "wobbling". You want them to be like clickers from TLOU?
>quiet zombies
lol. I thought you wanted a remake
>headshot tech
every speedrunner with m+kb would just kill every zombie in one bullet
It's almost like standards have gotten higher across 21 years. THPS2 isn't the 2nd best game of all time either
>so basically you're one of those "I prefer tank controls" fags
And you're apparently one of those "didn't even realize he was playing w/ tank controls the whole time" kids.
>What you are describing is basically RE4,
No shit Sherlock! There's a reason 4 is still one of the most praised and acclaimed games of all time: its gameplay is fucking fun, super solid.
>You want them to be like clickers from TLOU?
I have no idea what you're talking about, but clearly (You) have not even played the Dead Aim.
>lol. I thought you wanted a remake
Indeed. And these screaming, "angry dudes w/ skin problems" "zombies" are the polar opposite of what RE's zeds should be like.
>every speedrunner with m+kb would just kill every zombie in one bullet
I take that you've never even played RE4 before, huh?
You also completely ignored all the items I suggested that were there to make the head-popping more challenging, and engagements in general harder.
>It's almost like standards have gotten higher across 21 years.
Imagine actually believing that kind of bullshit.
The PC version with the Randomizer mod is arguably best game of the year so far.
That doesn't mean much, when there's been zero good games the whole year, and you still need to mod it.
it is sad the game I'm looking forward most to this year is 15 year old Classic WoW
I know that feel.
I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for Serious Sam 4.
>It's almost like standards have gotten higher across 21 years
not that user but theres no way you typed that with a straight face.
Truth be told that stuff doesn't sound half-bad. The devs pretty much nudge you towards not moving while shooting through the focusing reticle, but you still have that freedom.
>7) Restore cut enemies (crows, all the bugs...), and make them appear more often. Crows especially could be a simple nuisance type foe; not really that deadly, but they could distract and leave you vulnerable to other enemies' assaults. Boos the dog's health.
I feel part of the reason this wasn't in the game was for the difficulty to shoot a bird flying all over you with manual aim.
>I feel part of the reason this wasn't in the game was for the difficulty to shoot a bird flying all over you with manual aim.
And that would be a good thing in this case.
They already had fast moving dogs and Lickers could do quick dashes if alarmed (even up in the ceiling), so why not have foes that fly? In the old games, the crows were already sort of enemies you wanted to avoid alarming, or alternatively the ones you ran away from.
Contrary to what you might think criticism is a good thing. RE2 has clear, glaring flaws and to just accept what you're given without an ounce of judgement is way worse.
It only had about 3-4 weeks of genuine game discussion. After that and anything you see now are artificial threads for waifufags and clairefags.
It was good, but I don't think there was enough of it. And as others have said, it streamlined too much and lost something not having each boss fight unique to the characters. NEST needed to be a lot larger since nothing about it was logical.
RDR2 is probably the best game of this gen, but it's also an
>open world
>made by R*
>single player (for the most part)
>very long and story intense game
The threads about RDR2 during it's high point were easily better than the REmake 2, hell the few RDR2 are still better, but REnake 2 has Claire, so every since REmake 2 came out like 90% of all RE threads has been waifu dumps with very few threads being about the game itself.
Tldr: Waifufags are ruining everything
>single player (for the most part)
How is this a bad thing?
>Both are garbage
>enjoys BotW
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the superior game.
What do you mean? RDR2 is significantly more popular and continually discussed than Resident Evil 2 can ever hope to be. Try leaving your echo chamber for once lol
>Just admit it
>you like REmake2, that means you haven't played the other REs and didn't care about them
Actually kill yourself. I'll personally send you the rope and everything.
>it streamlined too much
Oh fuck off
hey look he's still here. Oof. Retard alert.
I love RE2 its my favorite game of this year so far
the only 2 games from this generation that will be talked about for years to come is Bloodborne, nu GOW that even got a making of documentary, and BOTW. RDR 2 is a forgotten overrated garbage that everyone was wow'ed by cuz of rockstar
>20+ million
20 million yet no one talks about it. says a lot
>these screaming, "angry dudes w/ skin problems" "zombies" are the polar opposite of what RE's zeds should be like.
The zombies in OG RE2 screamed so loud I would have nightmares of it
Damn, people are still shitposting and pretending this game was bad. Wild.
>arguing with "DEmake" guy.
come on now. just insult and walk away. some people aren't even worth typing too. Everyone knows the problem with REmake 2 and it was the B scenario. That's it.
no thanks. I hate fighting flapping birds in pretty much every game they've ever been featured in. I can imagine how annoying it would be in this game on hardcore, with each little quick flapping scratch taking away like half your HP
I love Claire.
The clairefagging was both the best and worst thing to come out of this game. Does anyone have a web.m of the schoolgirl outfit in motion.