>Furtive Pygmy was so easily forgotten From forgot to add him to any Souls game
Deepest lore
>Furtive Pygmy was so easily forgotten From forgot to add him to any Souls game
Deepest lore
you are the pygmy
Are you retarded? He's Manus.
pygmy was just the first human and eventually got corruoted by the abyss into becoming manus
All humans share the dark soul where as all the gods shared gwyns soul.
This is the meme thread
Protip: furtive pygmy is in ringed city, he's the pygmy lord without a crown who talks mad shit about gwyn
Can't be. Manus is neither furtive nor a pygmy. You've got a picture of him in the OP and it looks nothing like Manus. All the rest of the lords in the game look exactly the same as how they look in the opening cinematic.
all the other lords didn't get stuck in the abyss for god knows how long
>You've got a picture of him in the OP and it looks nothing like Manus
Manus' grave is human sized. It's in the center of the arena.
You, the player are the pygmy.
Nobody knows who you are and yet you are able to kill dragons, monsters and the other lords.
What's your point?
Look it's clearly not the same character because one is called Furtive Pygmy and the other is called Manus and they look absolutely nothing alike. When you see two people who look completely different and have different names do you always immediately assume it's the same person?
Pretty sure the player is not the pygmy but rather a descendant from him. Like all other humans.
No you aren't, in both dark souls 1 and 2 you're just a normal human that gets stronger with ever gathered soul.
Only in dark souls 3 do you have a special status (ashen) aka someone who was strong enough to link the fire.
His power was dormant until he was driven mad. Manus is the pygmy.
Gaels dialogue confirms that you are the pygmy.
>hand it over, that thing, your dark soul!
>and they look absolutely nothing alike
Manus' grave is human sized. It's in the center of the arena.
How come you respawn and no other NPC's do then? Yeah stfu retard you dont know what youre talking about. Player is the pygmy
Or, alternatively, your headcanon that you pulled out of your ass is bullshit and they are two different people.
All humans have a dark soul. That's what the humanity item in DkS1 is. A piece of the original dark soul.
only real answer in this thread
# P L A Y E R I S P Y G M Y
All of the hollowed human enemies respawn
no you idiot, every human has a part of the dark soul and at that point you (the player) are the last person alive with a piece, gael was collecting all parts of the dark soul so painter girl could paint a new world.
You keep going on about this but continue to ignore
>Manus' grave is human sized. It's in the center of the arena.
Well, obviously it's not his grave because Manus is not human sized. He's significantly larger than a human. You did play the game, right? I mean, Manus is clearly not human sized. I cannot even fathom how you could consider Manus to be human sized.
Chester call Manus "primeval man", and Manus is referred to by Elizabeth as "the source of humanity."
The furtive pygme was deceased before the events of the first game. The pygme king you're talking about is a descendant of it.
This and the player is also the only character the doesn't go mad even though you are hollow. Even patches goes mad and he's the only NPC that makes it to the end.
From Marvelous Chester, "Fooled by that toothy serpent, they upturned the grave of primeval man, and incited his ornery wrath."
Manus is the first ever human, or the first one to obtain the Dark Soul. We know that's the pygmy. It stands to reason that Manus is the Pygmy.
We can't know for certain if Manus is The Pygmy. The game always dodges a definitive answer.
Chester, Elizabeth, and Gough say that the people of Oolicile dug up Primeval Man. But they never say whether Munus was A primeval human or THE primeval human. However the only time Dark Souls ever uses the word "primeval" it's in reference to the major Lords.
Also every soul in the game looks like a flame. Even Artorias who was irrevocably corrupted by the Abyss still has a bright core in his Soul. Manus is the only one whos Soul is black all the way through. Also where New Londo had to invent time travel to round up enough Humanity to destroy their own city, Manus did it single handedly.
So was Manus the Furtive Pygmy? Nobody knows for sure and we'll never know for sure. That's the point. The Pygmy exists in the shadows behind the scenes yet he has more influence on the world than anything else
it's more likely the player is because it has the ability to respawn and keep coming back to the bosses.
Why isnt Black Iron Tarkus still respawning and killing bosses? You find his armor where he died.
So what you are saying is it's not the furtive pygmy that created humans but Manus?
Then why is the player the only character that doesn't go mad from hollowing?
>But, seduced by a Dark serpent or no,
They awoke that thing themselves, and drove it mad.
if anyone keeps replying to the bait you should consider suicide as an option to kick the weekend off
You start to hollow when you lose a sense of purpose. So the only way for the player to go hollow is by quitting the game and never start it up again.
>Also where New Londo had to invent time travel to round up enough Humanity to destroy their own city
I have a minimum of 300h in every souls game and I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
I meant these geezers
I'm not denying they woke Manus up and pissed him off.
in dark souls fashion it never gives a definitive answer manus could be one of the first human descendants of the pygmy and that would still qualify him being "primeval"
muh lore
>Also where New Londo had to invent time travel to round up enough Humanity to destroy their own city, Manus did it single handedly.
What the fuck? They invented time travel to destroy their own city? How the hell did I miss this part of the lore?
Yeah. They woke him up from his grave, fucked him up, and his Humanity went wild. Do you think the just threw a random grave in the center of the arena for no reason?
>time is convoluted in lordran
How did you even miss this?
I'm taking about the Red Eye Orb which is used to travel across time and space to other worlds. Because time, convoluted, blah blah blah. Here's a fun fact: Kaathe gave them a handheld wormhole for the Express purpose of pillaging Humanity so they could get strong enough to kill Gwyn. What he didn't expect is that the violent fucks would forget the original mission and spend all day pvp'ing until the Sealers drowned them. That's why Kaathe called them failures.
Humans are fucking immortal you tard. The pygmy lords literally exist at the very end of all existence.
Deepest indisputable lore
>They woke him up from his grave
It can't be his grave. He's too big to fit.
>Do you think the just threw a random grave in the center of the arena for no reason?
No. But that doesn't mean it's his. Maybe he dug the grave for the furtive pygmy and then took a nap afterwards because he was really tired from digging a grave and then these asshole interrupted his nap and that made him very irritable.
Because that's a retarded Miyazaki idea. "You go hollow when you give up and lose your path". This is exactly what happens to anyone who loses his path or gets majorly disappointed during the game: they go insane and hollow.
All the lords looked like that until they found their souls
>if you don't finish the game you go hollow IRL
Thanks kojima!
>How come you respawn and no other NPCs do then?
You just start to hollow but because you're driven by purpose and linked to the flame, you're able to continue to grasp at your humanity and fight on. Also, alternate timeline convoluted bullshit if that explanation doesn't work for you.
This is in-universe canon, too; NPCs die and come back as hollows. Some have 'died' and respawned several times. Any that have become mindless corpse-zombie hollows are ones that have given up on whatever motivated them.
Whenever you, the player character, gives up on the game and quits before the ending, it's assumed that you, too, hollowed due to losing your motivation.
you are part of the pygmy you faggot
This still doesn't really make sense.
>He's immortal!!
Nice circular logic chicano.
But we see the furtive pygmy with his soul and he still looks like he did beforehand. By "found their souls" do you actually mean "found their clothes"?
Every human in the game is the pygmy, it's a metaphore you moron!
>foolish human townsfolk unearth well of humanity
>goes wild with it
>grows to grotesque proportions and gets weird big heads with red eyes in them
>furtive pygmy and his superhumanity gets woken up
>goes wild with it
>grows to grotesque proportions and gets weird big head with red eyes in it
The real question is how bonfire keepers are able to retain their form, composure, and sanity while being swarmed with humanity
>Every human in the game is the pygmy
'cus Black Iron Tarkus kept getting knocked off the railings in Anor Londo and ragequit, user.
Thats the point, he was irrelevant other than finding the dark soul and spreading to the rest of humanity.
Yes, exactly.
It kind of makes you wonder what kind of a hellscape the Age of Dark would look like. Because with the Fire gone it pretty much becomes a rat race to either gather all the Humanity you can or go hollow. Meaning theoretically it would be a world filled with monsters and zombies and a small collection of unfathomably powerful humans just trying to survive as long as they can.
I can see why Gwyn would be frightened by this
Manus made the townsfolk that, not humanity. If humanity was responsible the firekeepers would look like the townsfolk did.
Oh I'm just being coaxed for a snafu. You had me going, though.
Manus' Soul:
>Soul of Manus, Father of the Abyss. This extraordinary soul is a viscous, lukewarm lump of gentile humanity. Ancient Manus was clearly once human. But he became the Father of the Abyss after his humanity went wild, eternally seeking his precious broken pendant.
>They upturned the grave of primeval man and woke his ornery wrath.
>And fooled by a dark serpent or no, they woke that thing themselves and drove it mad.
>I have awaited thee. Thou hast rescued Princess Dusk... and rid us of that terrible, primeval human—original man.
But I thought only the undead can go hollow. If the fire goes out and it's the Age of Dark, there should be no undead curse.
What is the connection between Dark Souls 1 events and Dark Souls 3 events?
Something something gouging out their eyes/blindness/purity.
Couldn't you drive that one cleric woman mad with Dark Miracle braile texts in DS3, though?
Manus is not the pygmy, Manus is just another human. You fight him in the Ringed City. The pygmy was one of those guys Gael eats.
But that wouldn't work, if you bring the age of dark then people would be able to die again because it would break the curse. Keeping the flame alive is what's causing people to hollow.
I always thought the Age of Dark would just become our real world. All the magic and the old lords and shit are gone and humanity makes its own way, alone, like us.
No wonder people followed Gwyn, what a nightmare that would be.
But I thought the pigmy just split itself apart to create humanity?
Where do you find this guy?
>Ancient Manus was clearly once human
Thanks for confirming Manus is definitely NOT the furtive pygmy.
You know it always tripped me the fuck up that the Age of Dark was talked about as the Age of Humanity and shit but it's Fire that's touted as having brought the disparity of life and death to the world.
But I think that the whole fucking point is that you're not supposed to know for sure what happens because Serpent Propaganda.
Dark Souls 2 basically establishes that it doesn't fucking matter and some poor bastard will collect enough humanity/souls and reignite another age of fire anyway and that humanity never gets really wiped out during the Age of Dark.
>a rat race to either gather all the Humanity you can or go hollow. Meaning theoretically it would be a world filled with monsters and zombies and a small collection of unfathomably powerful humans just trying to survive as long as they can
That's exactly what's happening in the late Age of Fire though. The only peaceful conditions come from late Dark or early Fire.
>I can see why Gwyn would be frightened by this
Gywn was afraid of shit other than his Age of Fire ending and humans being in charge in the next age. He created the undead curse by putting a seal of fire into the dark soul and propagated the relinking of the first flame. All the shit that happens in the series is directly and indirectly his fault.
>durrrrrr why Dark Souls 3 has to make a reference to every single plot point from DaS1?? Fucking ruins the imersion
>Oh no there's a losen plot point xdddd this cannot be!
Yes that's why gwyn feared it, he would lose all his powers. His and Witch of Izalith fear of the dark fucked everyone. Unironically Nito did nothing wrong.
>Series is called Dark Souls
>everyone forgot about it until some random mention in the last dlc of the last game where a literally who never seen before somehow killed the owners of it and stole it despite making no sense
Online play item. Invade another world. Defeat the master of the world you have invaded to acquire humanity.
The Darkwraiths of Kaathe use this orb to seek humanity and plunge further into dark. Perhaps they are more human than we?
We are amidst strange beings, in a strange land.
The flow of time itself is convoluted, with heroes centuries old phasing in and out.
The very fabric wavers, and relations shift and obscure.
There's no telling how much longer your world and mine will remain in contact.
But, use this,
to summon one another as spirits, cross the gaps between the worlds,
and engage in jolly co-operation!
Of course, we are not the only one engaged in this.
Translated to English: whatever the First Flame is whenever it goes out time and space begin to get scrambled. People from entirely different timelines start accidentally slipping into yours and vice versa. So people started taking advantage of this. Kaathe taught the Darkwraiths how to intentionally force their way into other worlds and steal humanity from the people there. I mean think about it, the ability to go to any other timeline? That's functionally infinite humanity. The idea was that after a human gained enough humanity he would eventually get powerful enough to check Big Dick Gwyn and take his place as the Dark Lord of the world. But no one in New Londo did. Instead they spent all day just murdering as many people as they could until they created an Abyss and the Sealers flooded the city to keep their cancer from spreading
Basically the orbs are used to
I understood that reference
>Before age of the dark
>Demons, hollow people, unpeople, monsters and tentacle futa
>age of the dark starts
>libtards, bethesda, todd howard, hl3, reddit, rap, niggers, jews, trannies, Yea Forums
Hell indeed.
>some poor bastard will collect enough humanity/souls and reignite another age of fire anyway and that humanity never gets really wiped out during the Age of Dark.
Except its established in DkS3 that its the same of Age of Fire that Gwyn started with. The first flame never died out or was always relinked in the end. The Age of Fire never ended and the Age of Dark never really started. Only in End of Fire ending did, that the Age of Dark begun and the First Flame truly died.
Exactly, nobody knows what will happen in the age of dark. The serpents have their own agenda so they can't be trusted.
Isn't the broken pendant one of the starting items that people went crazy trying to figure out what it did?
Fucking Kaathe is responsible for this.
But don't they say in the end of DS3 that there will still be embers?
No, that's just a pendant. The broken pendant is the thing dropped by a golem you use to access the DLC.
After reading this thread, it's clear Miyazaki is a fucking retarded hack.
>This is the old church.
>It was abandoned in favour of the church that you passed through.
>There are paths leading from here to two forbidden planes: Sen's Fortress, and the Darkroot Garden.
They attract all sorts of lunatics, no-one as cultured as yourself.
>It's fine to be Undead, but keep a level head, eh?
Fog walls exist for an in-universe reason. They show up when you fight a boss or get invaded for an in-universe reason.
Every sub-zone is it's own dimensional plane. Every door is a gateway.
Were fog gates ever explained?
No. This is his headcanon.
Not the same embers as before, plus the Ages have always been kinda cycles which Gwyn disrupted since he didn't want his Age of Fire to end.
Eh debatable. Mostly because of the FUCKING STUPID time bubble known as the Untended Graves. So initially you think the Untended Graves is in the future right? But if you talk to the handmaiden there first then the handmaiden in Firelink Shrine will remember you. Oh so then the Untended Graves exists in the past... right? Well the kingdoms of the past and present aren't dog piling on each other like they are in the Kiln when the Flame went out for the final time. So when the fuck is the Untended Graves?
No one knows whether DaS3 is the first Age of Dark ever or if it's the second or even third one. After all Kaathe does say that the Flame faded and only Dark remained and Ludleth claims he brought the Fire back by himself
Fucking Snakes are responsible for all the shit, suffering, limbs and comrades!
Wait a sec...
In universe? No. They are there for technical reasons to do with the multiplayer.
I always saw the fog gate as visiting an old memory. Like the fight between OnS, no chance in hell the would have survived that long.
The pygmy was the one to bear and distribute the dark soul. The dark soul is humanity. Humanity includes but is not limited to "humans."
It's in the future. It's part of when Pontiff Sulyvahn was the last boss.
No fags.
The fog gates are holdovers from Demons Souls (a game in which they were alluded to as part of the plot). They just didn't bother to change them. Stop talking crazy.
Lazy game design. A productive designer would find other ways of separating boss areas with the rest of the world. But at the same time, it's not a big deal and a smart way of cutting down cost and saving time.
>no chance in hell the would have survived that long.
Why not? They're chilling in Anor Londo and that woman with the big breasts survived just fine outside of a fog gate.
>obvious shit garbage tier bait
>Yea Forums falls for it
>100+ (You)s
just shows how stupid this board is
The Untended Graves is set in the past, it was still technically in the Age of Fire and on its way to a Age of Dark since you could actually see shit unlike in the End of Fire ending. Gudyr was suppose to be the one to relink the flame but since he was late, Ludleth was the one that relinked the flame in the last minute.
He is.
The duality of man
Frankly, I doubt Manus is the pygmy because I doubt from ever intended for it to be a character that actually physically appeared in the series in any form.
dark souls lore is crappy berserk fanfic and it has no plot
But he's not. It says so right there. The furtive pygmy was not human. Manus is. Therefore, it's not possible for the furtive pygmy and Manus to be the same person.
It's a parallel world, and people share fleeting consciousness across their different versions. When she "remembers" you, it's deja vu from another self.
Or is it
wink wink
The beauty of DS lore is that it is all fanfic bullshit. The speculation is a hundred times more interesting than the truth could ever be.
such is the case of lewd>porn as well
Why is the Untended Graves area physically contiguous with Oceiros' castle?
>The speculation is a hundred times more interesting than the truth could ever be.
Not really. It's all pretty meh. There's just not a lot to work with and people take it a little too seriously.
They literally say "Primeval man". Not A Primeval man, not Primeval men, Primeval Man singular. There is one opened grave in Manus' boss arena, presumably his own (because who else's would it be?). Manus' soul is pure darkness because it's the most pure concentration of the Dark Soul. The least fragmented, compared to hollows. Most of the other bosses in the game aren't human/hollows, they are Gods/Monsters/Demons/whatever and thus don't possess the Dark Soul of humanity. That's why Artorias' soul shines brightly in spite of his condition, compared to Manus.
In the game, proper, it's in the past. There's no disputing that. But it's meant to be the future.
>presumably his own
We've already established it's not his grave because he's too big to fit in it. Why would he even have a grave anyway? He's not dead.
I'd bet anything that if From made the lore more explicit it would be uninteresting. They've never been big world builders.
That's a silly conclusion to make, Dark Souls' boss and NPC sizes have always been completely arbitrary compared to canon and his mutations are the result of his being disturbed and the darkness going out of control. It's why the denizens of Oolacile mutated as well. As for not being dead, why would he have to be dead. Maybe he was just sleeping. Or maybe he WAS dead and just came back. He is a hollow, after all, first human and all that.
I'm glad that it's not explicit. I love reading the fan theories and shit.
but what are twin humanities supposed to represent? and why aren't firekeeper souls dark, they're all human except Quelaag's sister.
Why does Dark Souls respawn mechanic gets its own treatment whereas in any other game it is taken at face value that it is a game so when the player gets killed they get to try it again?
Is it because "time is convoluted lol"?
+ (You)s
Are you okay retard?
>Dark Souls' boss and NPC sizes have always been completely arbitrary compared to canon
No they haven't. Literally the only time there is an inconsistency is if you believe Manus and pygmy are the same person and that's his grave.
there was never a pygmy
Dark Souls 3 is the most fun Souls game I've played right next to Bloodborne but with more content and builds.
So how did Sif get big?
ate many hotpockets
Dark Souls 2 is very fun to play but fags get hurt that it doesn't cater to their autistic narrative needs
Most games integrate gameplay mechanics into the story and vice versa. That's game development 101. It's not particularly amazing that From decided to do that with the "continue" mechanic, just a little novel.
Why don't dragons have a soul, Yea Forums?
Have you seen how big the cats are in the darkroot basin? Imagine being a regular sized dog there.
It is his grave, Oolacile explicitly got fucked because they were tampering with the ancient graves while researching Humanity
Disturbing the grave of Manus, the primeval human, awoke him and turned him into a giant abyssal rage monster - I agree that it's not clear-cut that he's the Pygmy though
Also this whole scenario is kind of a prototype of Bloodborne
furries and scalies are soulless
He didn't. Sif and the dog in the DLC are not the same dog.
wtf. Source on that please
Dark Souls 2 is not very fun to play because it doesn't feel like the other games. I still enjoy it though although my will to finish it completely vanished when I started another DS1 run
Souls are a manifestation of the flame
Dragons existed before the flame, so dragons can't have souls unless they're gifted them, like Seath was
What do you mean "source"? You can clearly see the size disparity between the two in the game. They are obviously not the same dog because one is 50 times larger than the other.
i always thought the Pygmy was just a plural word to refer to the first humans who found the dark soul and shared it among themselves
i didnt get to play the dlc but wasnt the ringed city some sort of ancient pygmy civilization?
Sure they are. Artorias and his sword are far larger than the version we get, but not as large as the version Sif has. Ornstein and Smough can apparently fusion dance to just make themselves bigger for some reason. In the opening Gwyn is shown dwarfing the size of the Silver/Black knights but in game he's roughly the same size (though I'll concede that was likely deliberately done). Vendrick is colossal compared to the other normal humans he supposedly was one of. Ditto Velstadt, Fume Knight, and Sir Alonne. Gael gets larger between meeting him and fighting him. Characters being bigger is just something that's done to make them easier to see in a fight, or in O&S's case to denote a new phase. It's not necessarily canon. And besides, Manus actually DOES have a canon reason for why he'd look different than his original appearance.
dlc's sif is still a pup
Are all my childhood photos fake since I'm much smaller in them then I am now?
why do you dumb fucks keep replying to the bait
This isn't even interesting bait at this point
You're genuinely not trying to be humorous, just vomiting on your keyboard and giggling to yourself
user can I just take some time to tell you how much I hate you for wasting my time?
Bold of you to imply your parents didn't replace you many times
babies and children die easily, user. Think about it.
you’re someone who was too weak to link the fire actually
It's not that the other NPC's don't respawn, they do but only in canon.
From demonstrate this a few times in the game most notably with Oscar on your trip back to undead asylum and other parts where you fight 'hollowed' NPC's.
At some point in hollowing 'losing your wits' occurs, the reason the player always seems to have their wits is because you, the player, keeps playing. When the player stops using the character, they 'lose their wits'.
he's right though it's unprovable youre the same person as you were, especially since all the cells get replaced every 7 years. You could argue genes but telomeres do shorten so they arent the same anymore.
I thought humans collectively were the pygmy
Furtive pygmy was the progenitor of humantiy. Humanity is one with the dark. He's been in every game.
the real pygmy was the friends we made along the way
Bad side effect of Pygmy being the same singular or plural. It could legitimately be either, but considering its implied that the other lords were the same sort of creature as the "Pygmy" before taking their souls it seems more likely that in this case it's a proper noun referring to a single being, in the same way the opening distinguishes between individuals and groups like Gwyn and the knights, or the Witch of Izalith and her Daughters. It does do some similar fuckery with calling Nito the First of the Dead but in that case I think its deliberately meant to mean both literally the first dead thing and the most important dead thing.
What about that one Pygmy in DS3 that we didn't help?
What friends?? Everyone turned hollow or died.
Trusty Patches is always there for you, friend.
>a comfy souls thread not tainted by blatant shitposting
Id never thought Id see the day, well done friends.
now they're friends on the otherside
I hate the fucking constant search lore fags have for "WHO DA REAL FURTIVE PYGMY IZ!!!!"
The whole message of the Pygmy was that he gave up any chance of being a god like Gwyn or Nito in favor of allowing all of the other hollows to have a chance at truly living. He is not Manus. Manus is what he would have been like if he kept the power for himself, but the pygmy was just a guy.
and they were a good friend
>friends on the otherside
More like the fartive pygmy haha bark souls, like a spider
Ah yes I forgot about him.
yes, all the small normal sized people are part of the pygmy you big dumb
time is wonky in dark souls, cmon man you knew that.
I mean it can be both. I like your theory personally but the "point" of the Artorias of the Abyss DLC was to dispel the notion that Kaathe's Age of Dark ending was somehow the objectively good ending of DS1 by showing what rampant darkness and humanity actually looks like and the effect it has. The Pygmy/Manus could have likely been a bro who just wanted to help everyone and then chill but even he was turned into a monster.
>The real question is how bonfire keepers are able to retain their form, composure, and sanity while being swarmed with humanity
They burn it on the fire, they don't keep it.
he was a bad friend
Manus is the pigmy
they hate us cause they manus
He was originally implied to be Manus in das1
>primeval man
>primeval = really fucking old
>furtive pigmy = only old human known in the lore up that point
I dont know if DaS3 retconned that idea, i mean, in the Gods records, The Ringed City doesnt exist (it was meant to be used as a hidden area for all the badasses age of ancient humans), so the furtive pigmy might just have been moved there or he might still be implied to be Manus.
Manus is the pygmy retards, the game repeatedly tells you this
so did several posts already in the thread but that didn't stop you
>even remotely considering timelines in souls lore
You crack me up, little buddy.
You forget that were all those who came from the dark before acquiring power. Gwyn and the pygmy once had far more in common than you would believe before the fire sprung forth, before they had a true identity and were almost formless humanoids
It doesn't.
unsure if bait but titties left Anor Londo years before you got there
the furtive pigmy more like
the furious fapper
look at that damn arm he has in artorias dlc desu
ok then, what would you put in instead of a fog gate?
Some battles already use ledgees.
Gates in the castle and rampart like regions we see so often.
Shit even a big door could work in some cases.
How about a massive platform lowers and is most of the arena for a place with mechanical contraptions and the lever is behind something the boss is blocking with part of its existence.
That wasnt even me being creative either.
You could do something like a giant boulder or ball is chasing you through a gauntlet and seals you into the boss afterwards. Then you would be able to explore it on your second run after the ball fell and find loot and another way that drops you in from above.
Designing shit is part of the job
In truth, the undead curse would be the only thing left. It's explored in 2 and further expanded on in 3. Hollowing isn't actually a curse - it's a reversion to humanity's natural state. Before life and death followed the First Flame, humans were all essentially hollows. Give us a little flame, though, and you have human society
>Basically the orbs are used to
Keep going, user, you had my attention
fun fact about this lil nigga: in the original japanese text, one of his lines is:
>Even this [小人] here was honored to become a lord.
which is changed to
>I may be but small, but I will die a colossus.
in the english translation.
the weird part is, 小人 is usually translated to "pygmy" in english, and is in fact the same kanji used for the furtive pygmy itself
>moon runes being translatable at all
Why even pretend? They just make up whatever shit they want and tell us its true.
hes in the ringed city dlc before the first sitting judicator
I mean, pygmy literally means small person, which he is. They probably could have used a word with less baggage though.
the point was that they use 小人 for both ludleth and the furtive pygmy which is weird given the context of the rest of the series, they usually only use 小人 to refer to "small person" when they are specifically talking about the furtive pygmy. it's odd that they also use it here to refer to ludleth
fuck off weeb
those sound neat and all, but you have to take in the factors that are the pvp and summoning mechanics as well. They probably tried to implement these, but for a game with 20+ bosses and different areas (along with a ps3/360 era engine), it was probably too time consuming or tedious to design these kinds of things
all that shit would get real old after a single attempt
Who would win?
>Lots of huge hotdudes literally on fucking FIRE
>One pygmyboi
Oscar does. If you kill him he will still come back as a hollow.
>Logan's student
>Every hollow enemy in places like the Undead Burg