In honour of the cat, what is the single most frustrating moment in any video game that has made you look and feel the raw definition of grumpy?
Grumpy Cat passed away
Other urls found in this thread:
is he next?
Last two months of vanilla P4
video games
Playing Sticker Star
>It's all so tiresome...
Fuck Doge is old now wtf.
>Such Tired...
>Time 2 Go
>never like fighting games
>friend: "Hey man, let's play Tekken!"
>trashes me in 6 out of 6 games
>manage to get a lucky win
>think I can finally win some games
>I won 1 out of 12 games
>"maybe we should play something else man"
Is Peter still alive?
What about Gafics?
>Thinking I should give to fucks about a shitty meme dying
Good, can't wait until grumpy faggot is forgotten.
>Just 7 years old
>My cat turned 13 in March
>Any day now
The high-score pagie from Rextro's arcade in Capital Cashino from Yooka-Layle, thats one of the few times in my life that I nearly wanted to break the disc/cartridge even when I really like the game
zoom zoom
>Uurrh Durr cats are funny hahaha hrheh *shits adult diapers drooling at mouth*
Eat shit and die Boomer.
No, he's right.
2016 tourist pls go
>mad at an animal for having pictures taken of it
>trying too hard to look tough on Yea Forums by disregarding things kids like
Don't you have a Tellietubbies-shooting flash game to finish?
One Shot One Kill or Mile High Club on Veteran on CoD4 vanilla (they're much easier in Remastered).
Edgy faggot detected. Hope you grow up soon homo.
The chocobo race in FFX. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
This hurts to watch.
Why are you so angry?
We're genuinely looking back at something that made us happy.
It's not even trolling, you're not instigating a fight. So please, answer.
Why so angry?
You should be OK for a little bit user. My cat lived until 19 years. Most cats can make it to like 16 of they live happy healthy lives.
Some cats do die young but usually that's because they have a health problem or just get unlucky and die in their sleep. Happens to people to. Go to sleep and then just never wake up.
I wouldn't worry about it.
A section in Spec Ops - The Line where you have to sprint from some sand filled boats to a bit of cover, whilst enemy soldiers and an apc pour over a crest.
It seemed totally bullshit and broken as I died repeatedly, and IIRC the checkpoint was a bit back and the repetition of about 20 times was infuriating. Add in after a few times the game would ask after a death "would you like to lower the difficulty?", which is essentially yelling GIT GUD at you. Most likely I was just being a bit shit and would've had no problem any other day.
stfu edgelord
>punished shibe
I'll tell you why I'm so angry. Grumpy cat and by extension animal memes are the very thing I can't fucking stand about the current and future internet. The internet is on a direct crash course to become the most sanitised, boring as sin platform in existence. I fucking despise the notion that everything should be corporate, bubblewrapped and edge-protected.
This wonderful landscape of garbage, porn, hatred, edgy content, backdoor dealings and other heinous shit is actually wonderful, because it is was made by us. Internet culture wasn't made by a company think tank, or a government sting-op. It was made by a bunch of retarded people who share retarded opinions. And I don't want to see this landscape become just another normie safe, television equivilent where only cats, dogs and "DAWWW WOOK AT DE PUPPER SO CUTES, I WANNY BOP IS BOOPER" are allowed.
Rest in piece to the cat and my condolences to the family, but fuck the meme. Give me at least give more minutes to escape the scrubbed, bland reality we have before everything becomes boring on the net too.
What the fuck? Dude I just got remaster and mhc aint easy. I somehow beat it on vet 12 years ago...
Who? I only remember longcat and tacgnol, and they're both still alive. So fuck you reddit cat and fuck you.
lolcats, advice dog, it all came from there and it was all our work inbetween extremely racist memes and laughing at kids being raped
fuck you're edgy. grumpycat, lolcats in general, advice dog, and most animal memes were created here right alongside the hatred, garbage and porn. it is just as much a part of the culture as the edgelord retard mindset.
>Being this upset over Yea Forums memes from 2007
Granted grumpy cat is not one of them, we had Caturday and shit back then, newfriend. Be angry at redditors reposting feels guy and sad frog 24/7.
Grumpy was a victim of meme solidification among the general populace but for a time was just a great concept that was easy to work with. I think you're reading too much into it.
I don't want to grow old and die bros
> The internet is on a direct crash course to become the most sanitised, boring as sin platform in existence.
Says who edgelord.
> The internet is on a direct crash course to become the most sanitised, boring as sin platform in existence.
Says who edgelord.
Neck yourself zoomer faggot
My cat was 21. You still have time
Then blame reddit for fuck sakes, like:
Alot of that stuff came from here, it was a simpler time back then, the polarization of the awful shit on Yea Forums and the nice shit was all part of the game friend, before it all became malicious and politically charged. Back then it was funny. Now not so much.
Amendment due to typo:
I meant are correct, not that they where to blame. Reading my post makes it seem like I'm blaming them.
>7 years old
I-I am sure my 10 year cat will live another decade, right?
It's common, how your younger self managed to beat it easier than your present self could. I wonder why that happens
>my friends cat lived to be 23.
>my cat lived to be 13.
treat your cat well, and cherish the time you have with them. that's all you can do user. Pet your cat for me.
Some cats and dogs who only have 7-10 years live up to 20, way beyond their lifespan. Cherish them and find ways to prolong their lives.
Don't worry Grumpy...
Legends never die...
I will continue to make people happy :DDDDD
Cats can live up to 20 years and even a bit longer. The grumpy cats owners named the cat Tard and then let it die from a UTI. I guess they just didn’t take it to the vet?
Aubrey Plaza must be devastated today.
This particular cat had health issues don't worry too hard
>have a 10 year old westie
>aunt has a 15 years old westie
>got cancer and went blind out of the blue
I really want to make sure my dog lives for at least another five years, but I'm scared of something suddenly going wrong and not being able to do anything about it. It's not fair, bros. They deserve better than this.
I thought this until I got it on my second try. Previous user is right. It was a bitch in Vanilla, we're just not as sharp as we used to be..
My cat is 17 and is still super active.
I honestly expect her to reach 20 at this rate.
Just feed them good food, and make sure they keep active and your pet will be with you for years to come.
>female cat treated you like one of her kittens
>dies from old age
I still miss her bros
>Doge will die before I do
what's the point of life Bros?
Have you been living under a rock? Everything has been going tits up. Videogames now banning you for trolling, being an asshole, saying something mean, etc.
Reddit existing.
Facebook watching over everything and being big enough so that nothing can compete. (Don't have a Facebook either? Companies hiring don't like that nowadays.)
Google actively censoring searches.
YouTube demonetizing, removing videos and outright deleting channels with no prior warning because of "bad opinions."
Hypersensitive faggots in high positions on website moderation staff.
Twitter existing and continuing to pump out squeaky clean garbage.
European Union and articles 11 & 13 (thanks Sweden)
Politics running rampant all over. "Hey guys, I know you are talking about videogames, but how about we talk about trannies instead?"
It's all so tiresome.
Have you been hit by a rock?
I had a quick look in /an/ and saw that this is shopped. This is doge.
She's doing fine!
He's right you know. We live in a pussified time. I am normally pretty optimistic about things, but I cannot help but notice how the "free" internet is slowly circling the drain.
Based Doge.
>such life
>many years left
Is Yea Forums so full of newfags that no one remembers these?
of course his right. But despite all of that 'internet culture' will still remain. There will always be people to stand up to all the bullshit.
Is Longcat still kicking? I've heard that the owner posts updates every so often but I've never been able to find out where.
I wish I was hit by a fucking rock and made mentally retarded. It would probably make life more fun than the mundane slog it is now.
Based and dogepilled
24 was our oldest cat, another reaching 22. All outdoor cats too although the semi-rural location with no major predators probably helped
In days previous yes, a man could stand against bullshit, for the land was open to all. But on the internet, you can't stand because the groups that you fight against can deny you any space to speak. Its a depressing reality, but it's the truth.
Go get shadowbanned on Reddit, or added to the block lists on Twitter. Try going back to Facebook after a ban, see how well that works, cuz Zuckeburg has all your data and can quickly delete you again. Try complaining about the internet out in the real world, nobody gives two flying fucks.
Then come back and say that you can stand up to the bullshit and still be backed by others.
Pls tell me our friend the blessed kot blini has a few more years?
I'm sorry user, I know that feel. You made her very happy if she did that, take comfort in that.
I used to fall asleep to all these whacky conspiracy videos, things like Nephilim being among us, that kind of shit. Never believed any of it, still don't, but it was kino storytelling to fall asleep to. I search for anything like that now and YouTube censors it all, and I get only checkmark accounts and their 'news' being shilled to me. It's sad.
The oldest cat was 32 so it can vary. Show lots of love and take it to a vet occasionally to check for complications.
Yes I miss those days. Even memes that were created to be disparaging were hilarious. I never once felt any anger when someone posted Burger spurdo. That shit is hilarious. Compare that to the goblin shit, not funny at all. Really representative of these last few years.
One of my cats is a ticking timebomb health wise has to be given pills to balance the hormones in her thyroid but now her kidneys have started to degrade slowly as well.
Sorry to hear. I hope they are able to die a peaceful death.
I got my two cats when I was around two. One lived to eighteen the other to twenty-three. Yours can potentially live another ten years. I miss those girls they used to literally sleep on top of me when I was a kid
As opposed to what, frog posters?
I don't miss that era of the internet at all, i'm happy with the current times
Ever watch how kids will try something over and over again, even the same way? Sometimes they get lucky, and their memory for time is warped. Its not necessarily reflexes, its just that kids will pump more effort into something and not remember
Ah yes, I sure do love Yea Forums being filled to the brim with endless "my oc donut steel" renditions of Wojack and Pepe. We have zoomer wojack, Boomer Wojack, depressed wojack, proper Pepe, fren pepe. It's great here on Yea Forums when a pic of 40% pepe gets 300 replies while a thread talking about, I dunno, VIDEOGAMES, gets maybe 2 replies. (That's what I'm liking about lobotomy Corp, it's actual discussion of something new. too bad they won't slow down on making threads, and it's gonna get banned to /vg/ and die.)
Granted, I like laughing at trannies as much as the next guy, but it's stale and old. Yea Forums at the moment isn't much better than the rest of the net, but at least we can still say "fuck you faggot, you are retarded" or bait people and not be be banned.
>i'm happy with the current times
My current cat has 18 years his mother passed away with 21 years. I have his daughter and granddaughter with me.
Pretty much a generation in my family now
>Yea Forums then
>Yea Forums now
What's the point in preserving a culture built upon being an abrasive dick for literally no reason? Because nearly every single time you capital "G" Gamers complain about this it's always because your only outlet in life is on the internet where you can project and get mad with the blessing of half anonymity.
>Decleopers: Don't be a dick
more like
>you then
>you now
Nah I got spared from the wave of gay ass reactionarism and general nihilism the rest of this site wholly embraced
>developers: dont play our game
>gamers: ok
>developers: wtf why is no one playing our game???
most people are "toxic"
most people behave like dicks
that's just what people are like
if you start banning these people then soon you wont have anyone left to play your game
You must really hate life if you can't find value in everything: good and bad. Good and bad is a false dichotomy, by the way.
Read Nietzsche. Understand the idea of eternal recurrence. Go beyond good and evil.
Ok bud. You're right online gaming is dead
I remember, just no longer amused by them
Keep taking good care of the cat. Mine is 18 and is still in reasonably good health. Still plays every day.
>look up how old cats can get
>38 year old cat?
>an unusual diet of, among other things, turkey bacon and eggs, asparagus, broccoli, and coffee with heavy cream
so you're a shit-eating clown.
good to know
Longcat was already ancient when I started using this site 11 years ago. I'm pretty sure that cat... is long gone.
My first pet was a border collie named Jessie.
She used to "herd" me and my brother when we were little kids away from things that she thought were too dangerous.
I loved that dog, she died of old age when I was a young teen.