I was 2800 mmr and went down to 2k mmr and its devastating, now I raged a lot and I was being toxic quite a bit, now I realised it didn't help me, but it really feels like even my teammates are against me and I feel weak solo and I'm playing a solo game and its difficult to win. For example I've been spamming support heroes as pos5 and people cry for wards but they never take advantage of them, the wards are just like there... I get really little enjoyment out of dota2 nowadays because of things like this, to be honest I just want to increase my MMR because it feels good. I have a lot of games and I played a lot of heroes, I know what each hero does and what to expect from them, I know what heroes do during the game and when they get strong but it feels like I'm playing a static game. Enemy gets meepo mid->wins lane -> jungles -> destroys the game at 20mins and since my team does not know how to counter this hero we just lose. Same with anti mage, same with alch etc. It feels like there is a route in pubs and just by looking at the draft i know what will happen and its really boring because I feel like i have no power.
Anyway I would just like to have some tips to increase my mmr, what am I doing wrong and what to do.
Easiest way to gain MMR is to play and win mid lane. Or be good at carry role or dominate on pos3.
Adam Flores
getting pubstomped by a smurf and put back 500 rating in one day is gonna happen, that's just elo hell best way to climb to 4k so you can practice the role you want to play is just to pick the strongest pub winrate hero during the patch (assuming it only has a handful of abilities) tryharding it and buying items that have on-use abilities (blink nullifier bloodthorn TA) regardless of elo hell the mentality of your teammates are going to feel the same, that's just how competetive salty online games are
Grayson Williams
quit the fucking game unironically. I have almost 4k hours into this shitshow and I'll tell you right fucking now: if you went from 2.8k down to just over 2k, you do NOT have the dedication to get past 3k or even up to 4k. You are going to be stuck in the trench forever.
So when I tell you to quit the game believe me when I tell you I'm not being mean. I'm telling you this because this game is fucking trash. It sticks you in a gameplay loop where you either win and queue again, or you lose and waste upwards of an hour of your day. You're already blaming your team when you're picking support. If you want to get out of 2k, you have to play the leader and get your team to do the things they need to do so you can win the game before your teammates fucking lose it for you. You aren't doing that. Stop fucking playing if you value your time. There is no enjoyment in this game, at all. It's a gameplay loop designed to extract as much dopamine as possible for as long as possible. That way you might think you are getting good at said hero, so you buy some cosmetics, or maybe an arcana. Then you realize that you fucking suck as that hero, because you start losing games, so you sell everything on the market. Who benefits from this? Valve, that's who, and you're left feeling like shit.
STOP FUCKING PLAYING. I finally got out of this shit. You need to get out as well, before you end up like me. I probably spent hundreds of dollars on the battle pass, all for shitty particle effects and dopamine rushes. I waste thousands of real life hours on this game. I played it so much my girlfriend in highschool fucking broke up with me over it, and I kept playing.
Just quit, before it's too late. This is not a joke. You need to leave and never look back. Uninstall it from your steam library and forget it even exists. Play something fun. Dota 2 is NOT FUN. Dota 2 is a chore, and it will make you sweat blood. It will make you break your electronics, relationships, and wallet.
Nolan Cox
>For example I've been spamming support heroes as pos5 and people cry for wards but they never take advantage of them
A few tips: >ALWAYS play mid/carry and assume the role of the leader, don't ever play support below 5k because they can't influence games at low MMR >MUTE everyone both in and out of your team as soon as you are able to >Play pubstompers i.e. heroes that retards can't dealt with (e.g. bloodseeker, meepo), or heroes that requires group effort to kill (e.g. medusa, bristleback) >DO NOT play heroes that requires good positioning (e.g. sniper/SF) unless you know you can absolutely rekt people, your garbage team will never back you up
alternatively follow what said and quit the game now
Jose Harris
from someone who climbed 2k mmr in 4-5 months of playing, focus on your core fundamentals first. Last hitting, what you should be doing as a 4/5(kills, if you need aggression, warding for map control) or farming and pushing the map. The thing that boosted me from 2.8k to 3.5k was fundamentals, and after that it was gamesense and starting to understand the basics of "What to do".
The biggest noob trap is focusing on kills for the sake of kills, you focus on kills/harrassment for the sake of making your own game good and taking objectives. Hunting down the enemy carry is generally a wasted effort and it's better to just pressure them and take over their side of the map so they can't farm.
The thing that helped me hit 4.2k was that combined with thinking "What objective should I take", being roshan or towers. Push your team to take objectives you think you can safely take, being roshan or a t1 top or something like that.
Jeremiah Bell
Unironically this Dota 2 is a trash game and i regret 4k hours i've spent on it
Brandon James
>There is no enjoyment in this game >designed to extract as much dopamine as possible for as long as possible huh Also not everybody is an autist like you and people experience things differently.
Jonathan Jones
>people cry for wards but they never take advantage of them, the wards are just like there
"DUDE WTF NO WARDS" is just an excuse, the truth is 99% of these low MMR shitters doesn't look at their minimaps so even if you ward the entire map they won't fucking know someone is missing until they are dead.
I have had countless duo-queue games where my friend and me are absolutely killing it in our lane (usually suicide) and we still lost because our own team overfed some other carries.
Take the game by the reins and play big dick carry, mute everyone and just solo farm, but always look at the minimap for gank opportunities/free farm lanes.
Nathan Nguyen
Don't play mid unless you are actually good. Don't play carry unless you can actual last hit. You won't have any impact if you can't outlane the other mid, or outfarm the enemy carry.
Instead, play offlane underlord or something. Use your Q to farm waves safely and stay alive as long as possible. Build aura and tank. Build mek. Tell your team to push with you. Literally rant at them to push. Keep telling them you can take fight, take tower, whatever. After you take a fight your absolutely garbage low mmr teammates will go off to farm, thinking "okay we got space and an advantage, now I can get X item and make a difference in my team and get those sick mlg kills and wombo combo megas" fuck that. Tell them to push. Keep pushing with your damage aura. Keep winning fights with mek/pipe/crimson. Keep pushing. If things get hot, use your ultimate and escape to a different lane. Keep pressuring. Buy smoke. Gank. Organize pushes. Keep pressuring them. Take the ancient as soon as possible THIS IS IMPORTANT DON'T TAKE FUCKING RAX WHEN YOU CAN END THE GAME RETARDS and win the fucking game.
I strongly urge you to quit this shitshow though. Get out while you can.
Joshua Reed
Take a break from dota and do anything else instead, then play 10 or so games and think to yourself, how many games did you enjoyed? Is it two or three or so? You just wasted 10 hours to get maybe a hour of enjoyment out of the game It's not healthy and it's not rewarding at all
Hudson Brown
>"WOW I WON A GAME, BETTER QUEUE AGAIN" >loss >loss >loss, get mad at team >loss, get mad and flame >"man this sucks, I should quit. Guess I'll queue for one more though" >win >"WOW I WON A GAME, BETTER QUEUE AGAIN" dopamine farm gameplay loop that convinces you that you are having fun, when in reality you are actually putting yourself through torture equivalent to walking over 10 feet of broken glass for a single donut.
Liam Scott
>How to win games in Dota2? pray that your teammates are better than your enemies
Julian Price
Have you ever lost 6 games in a row and thought "man, I guess you can't win 'em all! Haha at least I had fun playing though!"
Nathan Flores
I don't get how people seriously play these games and take the ranks seriously when certain roles barely have an effect. Its always support too. OP just learn a FPS,RTS or fighter and enjoy proper competitive games. Don't let your fruits of improvement rot in a basket with 4 other retards.
Leo Gonzalez
Quit the fucking game. Save yourself now.
Jayden Fisher
that's because winning means you violently raped subhumans, losing generally means that you were dogshit
also if you cant win it's your fault, you are the only constant. 9 randoms in a match means it's on you to be good. You might have gamethrowers or shitters steal your role in 20% or 30% of your games if we're pushing bad behaviour score due to being an autistic retarded chimpanzee but the rest of your games are completley winnable if you're good.
Just look at any pro players smurf sitting at a 60-70+% winrate, boosters, etc. They got gud instead of crying that they lost. People like chi long qua playing support in 2-3k matches transition into cores because they can capitalize on the enemy team being bad and they can farm them for kills even as a support and carry the game.
Logan Watson
game died with 7.00 unironically now its no better than Hots or LoL, in fact LoL is more fun nowadays. This game is just another shit hero brawler where u have to rely on 4 random people to win.
Samuel Johnson
I also hate to be "that guy" but League of Legends is a better alternative to a nu-dota right now Fuck 7.00
Leo Young
>when certain roles barely have an effect. Its always support too.
Good supports are integral to the team at high MMR because a team bitch is needed and money need to be funneled to the carry, while supplying the team with good early game spells, pulling etc.
They are garbage at low MMR because they can't scale damage for shit and damage/stuns is all you need to win games in trench tier games.
Brandon Cooper
game died after 6.84
Angel Walker
this entire post, if you are actually good at the game you can pull yourself out of the trench easily, streamers smurfing and boosters are living example of this being a reality.
Justin Morris
>stun but supports like lion has stun and dmg with ult?
Thomas Sanchez
You arent getting out of that mmr hell just give up. If you really want to just play normal matches. The quality of your games will most likely be better in normal too
Cameron Sanders
Why do you suggest league? I could never get into it solely because the restricted champ pool
Dylan Cooper
because its more fun than 7.xx nu dota?
Colton Miller
i only play LoL these days, Dota became such a chore and everyone is tryhard as fuck even in casual matches. LoL no matter how shit it gets the match takes like ~20min and not a hour.
Jack Hughes
>finger >reliable damage
everyone and their mother has BKB and magic resis+ items after mid game, the only reliable thing in low MMR games are right click damage and most intelligence heroes scales like shit on that front.
Chase Reyes
Current meta? Its a gamble.
It primarily comes down to who has the better carry due to how much free gold there is in the game right now, the best thing you can do is farm the enemy jungle somehow to deny them gold.
Also stop playing support to be 'support' like league of legends support, there is no early game in DOTA 2 right now, or at least, the early game is over in less then 5 minutes and your average game is going to last 5-6x longer then that, don't play a support simply to support, play a character who can teamfight, that is significantly more important in the teamfight based meta we are in right now.
Xavier Clark
watch purge videos to start, then once you've watched all of his tutorial videos and all of his "Purge casts a Pub" videos start watching replays of your own matches and identify mistakes you made and places you could've done better. you dont just magically get better at dota by playing it more. I know people who started off at 3800 MMR after their first 10 matches vs people who have 4k hours in Dota 2, 4k hours in Dota 1 and are below 2k MMR. MMR in Dota 2 is calculated off of how you played, not necessarily whether you won or lost.
end of the day, MMR is gunna put you with people your own skill level so you can either go >full autism McMin-Max and not have fun because you're trying to gain internet numbers on some leaderboard or >just fucking play and enjoy the game
plus you're never really gunna get anywhere unless you have a static team with bros. playing with random BRs, filipinos and russians in pubs is just goin to hurt your MMR in the long run.
>support below 5k because they can't influence games at low MMR lol someone's never played Jakiro/Lich/W.Wyvern or other Supports at low MMR I see. They're basically carries at low MMR because of how fucking strong they are. Seriously you can cast Jakiro's alt and watch low MMR retards stand in it wondering why they're taking 250dmg/tick.
Dunno dude. You can climb with any role. It's about abusing the most broken shit at the time. Pudge was broken in laning phase when he had 30% slow at level 1 for instance. Now people have to actually land hooks and make good plays. Now you look at Skywrath and how his spell amp is literally improving not only the base damage but the int amp on his bolts and you just look and see how he shits out damage. People literally dominate games by spamming bolts and suiciding to towers because it gives you full mana and hp and only winds up giving like 20 gold to each hero on the enemy team. You had offlaners abusing pull throughs on the safelane bypassing the t2 to just force a huge creep wave up. That got fixed. Safelane supports used to be able to deny 100% of lane EXP if they just kept pulling and denying creeps. The game is balanced around having a team to play with. You can have a huge impact from any of the roles. But in ranked? It's all about abusing cheesy shit. It's upto OP to identify these things. Usually through watching successful players climb. And trying to apply ideas to their own gameplay. Going mid doesn't guarantee a win. The only thing it guarantees is that you'll get into brawling matches with gypsies every second game who will literally run down mid and feed 232 times if you don't let them play their braindead tinker.
Matthew Scott
>5k mmr player starts smurf account >gets to 5k wow surprising
Jose Long
>Don't play carry unless you can actual last hit. this is probably the best thing a newbie can learn. play vs Ultra bots and get good at out-hitting them. They last hit at about 4k MMR. Practice this on a variety of heroes. Some heroes have slow attack animations, some fast, some have nice base damage, some have shit for damage.
You should be hitting at least 40 or 50 last hits by the 8-9min mark. If you're a support you should be trying to get as many denies as you can.
you'd be surprised how much you can win and carry low level games by just playing a tanky Bristleback and facing your back towards the enemy. low level 3rd world mouth breathers will gladly wail on you not realizing that they're going to kill themselves before they make a dent in your HP. same with invisible heroes sub 3k MMR. No-one ever buys dust or sentry wards. opens up opportunities for fun shit like buying a Radiance on Riki and just standing near people.
pinoys are bar none THE WORST players in the world, call russians "white niggers" all you want but at least some of them possess human-level intelligence, pinoys are fucking monkeys and should be fucking gassed.
Lich is all I played for support at 3.9k before the 7.0 changes, if you play solo games where your carry can't CS/enemy carry get fed there's literally nothing a slow-moving support can do in late game.
You can't influence the game if your team is filled with shitters who doesn't know how to initiate, push or fucking look at their minimaps, your ulti falls off since everyone has BKB.
I carry myself out of 3k with CK because he just kills everything with armlet/manta, I tried the support road and I am never going back.
Angel Hill
Item timing is so important. It's why you generally put the more important of the two supports on 'position 4' and the 5 sacrifices temporarily until the 4 gets his core item and can ease off and help with supporting some more. Last hitting consistently in a vacuum is good practise. If you can't even manage that well you're sure as shit not going to do well on a lane against pressure.
Adrian Barnes
>ESL playing and raging in DotA 2 like clockwork
William Sanders
>playing with random BRs, filipinos and russians in pubs is just goin to hurt your MMR in the long run. I mean I guess unranked MMR has an effect to a degree but this game and its community are literally obsessed with solo MMR. It's a team game that convinces you to play solo. I wish valve would fix this shit. Cause if they think they're solving toxicity by forcing people to play with volatile strangers instead of team mates they can rely upon they're fucking delusional. I have played this game since 2012 and the toxicity problem has never been worse. Everytime I reinstall the players get more selfish, more arrogant, more ignorant, more aggressive. I'd like to play EUW with some actual europeans again. Bongs can be fucking fags but at least they speak english.
Colton Nguyen
Don't try to climb forcefully, as you will get knocked down where you belong eventually. Instead focus on improving your game and getting a better understanding of what is happening and why.
It's a team game and you will not be able to win alone after a certain point. Try to understand how to play as a team and how to leverage the most out of different situations (good and the bad). Sometimes the games are unwinnable because of things out of your control, but use these as learning experiences and try not to get tilted from them. If you play your role well and can work in a team environment, you will climb and improve your game massively.
Remember to mute people if they have a negative influence on your game. Don't be a passive aggressive turbopussy though and only do this as a last resort. Also use the fucking microphone and communicate with the other players. Pedro might do something useful in the game if you ask him nicely.
>Pick offlane >Enemy team trilanes you and literally blocks you from standing anywhere near the creep wave >Immediately makes gank attempts if you dare leave lane >Enemy mid comes to fuck you in the ass for some reason as soon as they hit 6 in a 4v1 >No one tps on the dive
>Pick Mid >No vision, forced to buy my own ward, immediately dewarded because they had vision around the entire midlane >Get camped by a roamer >Try to make any plays >Immediately 3 TPs to come rape me >Somehow the other two lanes manage to shit the bed and lose despite being under no pressure >Get reported and banned from matchmaking
>Pick Carry >Get some useless shit 'lane support' like bounty hunter or pudge and they just hide in tree line sapping half your EXP for 10 minutes while you recieve constant pressure from two ranged heroes. >Wow why do you not have items
>Pick Roamer >Other support also picks a roamer >We now have no lane support >Lanes crumble
>Pick Support >Watch as my Juggernaut, Tinker, Nature's Prophet, Enchantress comp somehow manages to have zero towers taken in 33 minutes
This game is a one way trip to insanity and you don't ever truely recover from it. It breaks something inside of you when you've played it enough. You're enlightened as to how fucking stupid some people can be and it doesn't even make you angry anymore. It's hard to explain. It's like some form of disdain but you lack the energy to show emotion anymore.
Evan Martinez
Yeah dude, the world is out to get you. Better get that schizophrenia checked out before queuing up for the next ranked game.
Brayden Johnson
killing iron talon is the best decision they have made in years, all LC junglers should be beheaded
Adrian Davis
Levi Moore
I quit at 1.5k hours. And this is also my impression. I would find myself wondering why I was playing this toxic piece of shit game, it was fun at times but most people will notice mood changes and it will just make you feel shitty 80% of the time. Switch to something where people don't try as hard and have fun
Jackson Campbell
>For example I've been spamming support heroes as pos5 and people cry for wards but they never take advantage of them, the wards are just like there With how low your MMR is you should both stop stressing over your MMR, and absolutely no matter what do not be just a ward bitch. Pick heroes that can have a big impact on the game with little to no help from your teammates. That can still be a support hero if you want, but you need something that can turn the tide of a fight or constantly pick off opponents without completely relying on everyone else.