Stop being obsessed over anime girls

Stop being obsessed over anime girls.

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She's actually disgusting.

I love Reisen!

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>westaboo games

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Stop being obsessed over what other likes

>not putting Kassandra in the wonder woman amazon armor

for shame

Whats wrong with her skin? Disgusting

>Whats wrong with her skin?
You tell us why you think that

No and you cant force me

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she's dirty, also totally unrealistic. she should be a man

I'll dress you up like one instead.

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>also totally unrealistic
Dude, you fight the minotaur in that game.

>Pick Alexios
>realized the canon choice is Kassandra halfway through the main story

Imagine lusting over loli pedophile stuff when you have this infront of you, so many incels here

That's irrelevant, honestly.
It's just half the fun of the game is dressing up Kassandra in slutty/warrior clothes.

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not really though

This, but unironically.

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Who's that dude in the armor?

But you do, it's one of the endgame bosses along with 3 other mythological creatures.

Hell, your canonical father is a 150 year old Pytagoras.

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>ywn be /ss/'d by kass

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I forgot about all the gay "ones who come before shit" in AC. Man they really fucked up the potential of this series straight from the get go.

>It's just half the fun of the game is dressing up Kassandra in slutty/warrior clothes.
I think its getting way too apparent that I pick female characters for this in most rpgs, maybe I should just own it

Actual AC fans have complained about the game precisely because of how batshit insane it is.
From the combat that it's now pretty much God of War to all the retarded fights against minotaurs, cyclops and all that.
And also the fact that you are not an Assassin and there's not even stuff like a hidden blade or a proper asssassin outfit.
Honestly, the only thing close to AC it has is that you fight the not-illuminati.

Remember kids

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It was actually pretty interesting in AC Origins because you had to go to the middle of fucking nowhere in some desert to find a vault on your own to get some actual lore about them, the main game barely mentions them, and there were some implications like that you were in an animus relieving modern day relieving the past and other stuff.
Then Odyssey came in, made by a different team and it went full retard.

Everything is an "RPG" now. The homogenization of AAA games into a single, amorphous meta-genre of non-game.

We're fucked.

AC already had RPG tones since AC2, and honestly, AC Origins handled it fine, they just had to balance the levels so that an enemy wouldn't one hit you if he was 3 levels above you.
It's Odyssey the one that made retarded choices like making it hard to stealth kill anything but low rank enemies, or making the bows pretty much useless because they only take like 1/10th of the bar.
In Origins you just had to level up the hidden blade and it would kill anyone in one hit, and the bows were always a one hit kill if you could get a headshot unless the enemy was over leveled.

A lot of people complained about it, and the next AC is made by those who made Origins, so lets see.

Odyssey was made by those who made Syndicate, so I knew they would fuck it up somewhere.

We have all the blacks and browns that lower the general IQ a whole fucking lot. They are a homogeneous country, that's like cheating.

I'm not into men.

She looks like she has been dipped in a deep frier. Look at her legs.

This guy is right. I can barely find an AAA game by the main western developers that doesn't have shitty light RPG mechanics

Fuck off. Your game is garbage.

>Climbing tallest mountain in Origins gets you a nice meditation spot and an "Ibrahim" easter egg
>Climbing tallest mountain in Odyssey gets you a piece of lootbox currency

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imagine the handjobs....

I'm not gay

I only play jap games

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T. Mutt

go fuck yourself nigger

what other things are worth being obsessed over
at least with anime girls I don't have to remember how backstabbing real women are

>For 7 points of IQ you get mass depression and suicide
Both of these countries has problems

imagine being a Ubicuck and having the gall to tell people what to do. Holy shit, just fucking imagine.

higher IQ means you will realize how bad the world is.

Japan has a lower suicide rate than the US

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Stop being ugly

its this shit real?


>retarded american can't even look up the statistics

Yeah, there's actually a ton of dick jokes in the game for some reason.
She even says stuff if you hang from the dick of statues.

Kass is cute even if her game was boring.
Anime is still superior.

I unironically consider this character to be way more attractive than anything any Jap company has put out since Ada in RE6. But I'm still not going to play her crappy game and even if I did I'd play as the guy.

Only good post in this thread.

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You're a faggot then

if i had a gf i wouldnt have too.

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>Stop being obsessed over girls

That was a fun side-mission desu.

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And thats a good thing. Fuck assassins / templar bullshit, fuck Desmond Miles, fuck the Animus, fuck Abspergo, fuck instakill wristblades and fuck edgy white hoods. It's better just as an ARPG in a historic setting

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i lost most of my interest in this when they nerfed headshots into the fucking ground

It looks simply comical without the context.

coffee and a Reisen guy, i'm starting to think you're not American.

Did they dumb down the climbing even more? No need to look for cracks or whatever to use as ledges, you can just spiderman your way through walls?

Oh, there's context? For a second there I thought Jap """"""humour"""""" had somehow made it's way into a western game.

It's an end of the latest Quest Chain update where everything you do Goes wrong and a false Eagle Bearer (who has a chicken) has been impersonating you set up this town to be attacked by pirates

All in all a pretty funny few quests from it.

Then they better produce next Prince of Persia

What if it's an Open World Action RPG with a boat modelled on the Harryhausen Sinbad movies?

Nope, I'm from Europe!

i havent played it, but i think that only applies to buildings and not stone and mountains.

Nope, it's climb everywhere minus the tops of wood forts that have pointy ends.

Considering the amount of stuff and size of the areas, it's a godsend. Oh and fall damage becomes null and void what with you becoming a demi-god.

Does your family know about Reisen? Are they worried?

>tried beating the Nemean Lion on Nightmare about 30 times
>still can't do it

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Nope, I keep my feelings for her in waifu threads!

I fucked the old lady and her husband paid me for it.
This game is alright.

Thats not true. Per100k people japan is 18.4 US is just under 10.

This. Just look at Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

Use poison arrows and weapons so you don't die in 2 hits, it's almost mandatory for nightmare difficulty.

You know who called it first 10 year ago? Bioware. That's what all that "Call of Duty's audience" shit was about. They basically said every game is becoming a light RPG so in the future they are probably going to have "Call of Duty's audience" People misconstrued the comment to mean Bioware was going to change their games in an attempt to attract the audience of Call of Duty when what they were actually saying was Call of Duty was already changing their games to be like Bioware's and so Bioware doesn't have to do a damn thing.

Gay detected

>alcibiades is turned into a huge faggot

is this the worst character assassination in the history of assassins creed?

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no. laura craft used to be the poster girl for gamers and now she's a man-hating feminist.

A dozen of IQ points determine if your country is part of the third or the first world.

So furry girls are still okay?

Stop playing garbage games only because they are heavily marketed

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>a coward backstabber that changes his ideals when its advantageous for him
seems about right.

>anime girls
I go out have a walk and can spot tons of girls fucking 100 times hotter than any of the so called girls from recent games, western and eastern included, those japs really dropped the ball with resident evil and dmc.


Which outfit/combo is this?

Capcom is extremely western and mocapping is shit anyway

Reminder that a girl drew this

How does that make you feel?

Sure buddy

>a girl
next thing you will say is that shadman was born female but got butchered by "THEY"

Where's all the SFM with Kass bros

>Ubisoft data shows that 2/3rds of all players ended up choosing the non-canon male character over the canon female

why do gamers hate women

no, only furfags in Yea Forums think that are okay.

Apparently everyone is too busy making their billionth SFM involving DOA, Overwatch and Witcher 3 characters to make even just one with a severely underappreciated character.

I swear, if I had any talent I'd start a patreon for this shit and exclusively do characters no one ever does but deserve it.

Head and chestpiece from Spartan renegade set, hands and footwear from Nemean lion set, and waist from Shark armor set.
They are all those outfits that you need to buy from the store, but if you are on PC you can get them with cheat engine.

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Off yourself.

You should stop wearing a braid, bro.

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Or ponytail or whatever you call it. Makes you look like a barbarian girl.

No complete editions, no buy. I see through their eternal season pass bullshit. They know that if there's no GOTY edition, they can keep people buying the Season Passes ad infinitum. They're not getting me.

>generic ubishit open world skinner box complete with XP for everything you do to get the dopamine flowing in your dumb monkey brain

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