More like Al Dead, amirite bruddas?
More like Al Dead, amirite bruddas?
> marrying your dead brother's gf
Based or cringe?
Literally alt-right extremist
not bad
ya know i never realized that he just did it like that
>sees The Al Bhed getting blown the fuck up
>looks the last one straight in the eyes and tell her it's like a fireworks festival
Fucking Raimi man.
Wakka, why is your job listed as "grand wizard" when you don't cast any spells?
No use letting her go to waste.
Normally cringe but knocking up Lulu is pretty based.
Fucking Kek
A good Albhed is a dead Albhed Ya!
Who has the bigger dick, Wakka or Chappu?
I will never understand how comes people give Tidus an ungodly amount of shit when this fucking nigger is in the game. I wish I could punch his fucking face through the TV.
but Wakka is awesome
Tidus is just a boring protag
Amen brudda
t. sand-blasted grease monkey
Wakka looks and sounds retarded but he's pretty chill, Tidus is just aggressively obnoxious.
Also Wakka is an absolute beast of a fighter.
you sound like a little bitch ass punk who is jealous that Wakka is a mega-chad sports star with a sexy ass wife
>one advocates the removal of filthy grease monkeys
>the other looks like meg ryan with down syndrome
Golly, why would someone like the former over the latter?
t. Al-Bhed sympathiser
>Sorry Wakka, I'll have to take the title as the most based character in Spira
>Don't think of it like bombs destroying your base, think of it like happy fireworks... ya?
jesus christ wakka
Don’t you have some machina to fiddle with, toilet eyes?
auron is the fucking best
Are you going to cry, kid?
>tfw you grew up
>tfw you aren't a blizball
why even
What the fuck was Jecht's problem?
he was your typical alcoholic boomer dad who has no idea how to bond with his son despite loving him deeply
>Yf, fryd'c fnuhk? Tuh'd oui fyhd y beala uv drec cfaad raydrah bicco? Ouin aoac tuh'd mea, E ghuf oui fyhd du vaam ouin pek rynt lulg cmetehk eh yht uid uv so dekrd meddma bicco. Famm fryd yna oui fyedehk vun? Jeumyda sa mega oui'na ypuid du jeumyda dra daylrehkc!
he really is, although Tidus is pretty based as well, the difference is Auron starts based while Tidus is pretty cringe but gradually becomes based
His son was a retard.
Also toxic masculinity
E's ypuid du binevo ouin ranadel fusp po cahtehk so lnayso cbened uv oajuh tenaldmo tufh ouin vymmubeyh dipac oui kutmacc fruna
I read that doujin
I literally just made that up though?
this is why al bh*d genocide is necessary
Funny, cause there's also a doujin with the exact same premise where Maester Kinoc 'purifies' Rikku and makes her believe in Yevon
I'm gonna need source on that then buddy, since I'm a wizard apparently
Reminder that the Al Bhed were right all along.
>Tu ed! Cruud ouin rud vilgehk lisseac eh so disso!
Rana fa ku, desa du kad bnakhyhd!
>Aqlammahd, suna raydrahc vun dra fyn. Yht dra pnaatehk
Why Welsh occupied this thread
Is Wakka still salty for taking the Ronso dick all those years?
I've seen the pictures online.
Excellent post
Huputo damm res
E... drec lyhhud pa, E ryja paah tavaydat po y kenm?
Is red and blue the Spira version of the purple and green dose?
FFX is a fascinating game because of how people either love it or hate it.
>Aw, don't be sad user, you got something out of it
He ruined Lulu
Gotta breed more beautiful pure Spiran babies to fight back against da growin' Al Bhed infestation, ya? Even if it means cuckin' ya brudda from beyond the grave
Yeah because "black and blue" only described Lulu's vag after Kimahri was done with her.
Wakka is a dickhead but he's easily the hottest guy in the game
I Wonda whose behind dis post bruhdda?
Yeah ritual seppuku, pray Yevon forgives my sins
Myhha, pod la birum um picyz efiheki.
E fyhd du pnaat dras huh-cdub ihdem E tea uv tarotnydeuh
Spiran fusah yna ymm vyedrmacc pedlrac fru yka mega semg, Al Bhed kenmc ghuf dra esbundyhla uv dnytedeuhym vysemo jymiac yht cdyo payidevim yht dekrd vun talytac. Dyga dra cfenm bemm, user
More like Al Bred
>cfenm bemm
So cetac ryja paah Cahd du dra Vynbmyha
Huf E ys lusbammat du seclakahyda.
if the primary threat to life in Spira was a giant whale monster, why did coastal cities like Besaid, Killika, and Luca exist in the first place? Wouldn't humanity try to live in-land to avoid Sin?
>Dyga dra cfenm bemm
holy fucking KEK
was is al bhed erp so fucking hot
fuck sake, spat my coffee onto my screen haha toilet eyes
Because Tidus is demonstrably more idiotic somehow. I fucking hate X cast. Even Auron is incredible only because of the failure of the English voicework accidentally giving him enormous depth.
When I was a kid I thought Al Bhed was Russian.
Frana fuimt oui pnaat ran - yccruma, cdusylr un bicco?
Based as fuck
Yous a gay nigga
Can we talk about the story of ff10 a sec? How did Titus get to the future? It's been a while and I remember the aether fire fly things for spirits. Was he called by sin? How was his dad in the future then?
Sin can transcend time and space.
>Even Auron is incredible only because of the failure of the English voicework accidentally giving him enormous depth.
What do you mean?
but sin flies, why would that matter?
>I fucking hate X cast.
But in X everyone is great except maybe for Tidus himself looking kinda silly, but even he has great character development.
Jecht's Zanarkand was attacked by sin. It carried him to the future. Once he became Sin, he had to think of a way to beat himself. He used the Fayth to summon up a conjuration of Zanarkand in the past as well as Tidus. then attacked Zanarkand so that he could have Auron guide Tidus through his Journey. Auron knew everything of course as him and jecht were number one niggas which is why he sent Auron to Zanarkand as well
Fuck the Al bhed ya?
Especially Rikku
That Chad fucked best girl.
>toilet eyes
People used to do this all the time.
How the fuck did he do it bros?
Justify it.
he's like 6'5
>sexy ass wife
Lulu is a hotwife who takes thick Al Bhed cock every night while Wakka watches
It used to be a legal requirement once upon a time, to marry your dead brothers widow if you're a bachalor.
Can you honestly say, looking at how fucking hot Lulu is, that you wouldn't do the same given the chance?
imagine the stank of her dreads by the end of the game
I don't think future played a part of it? Wasn't it just the dream zanarkand at the start of the game was WAAAAAY out there, but in the same plane as Spira? That's why Baaj temple and shit is there.
>projecting your lame cuck fetish onto a video game
>tfw choose option 3
>tfw cucked
>amirite bruddas?
close. it's All Dead
I still think she would be better of and fit with based Auron.
Either way it's the future to Tidus because that Zanarkand didn't truly exist. It's semantic at that point.
Alright, that's kind of how I was thinking of it but couldn't figure out how Jecht managed the whole time thing to walk with Yuna's father(?)
I figured with the whole fayth bugs thing at the end Titus was essentially summoned to help end that.
"Alright Auron, only my son can stop me but you gotta make him not be such a pussy."
Yeah I can imagine they all smell pretty rough after a day of adventuring, but I like to think that every time you rest at an inn or basically anywhere civilized or near water that it just goes without saying that they bathe. Not that I wouldn't immediately devour Lulu's sweaty boobs or Rikku's ass. Fuck Yuna though.
auron is the party's surrogate dad and also a corpse, it'd be weird
Dra Al Bhed femm ryja draen najahka!
He has an unsent ghost cock though, so no pureblood Spirian kids
>that pat on the chest Auron gave Kimahri for fulfilling his wishes
fucking based character desu
So just out of curiosity, coming from someone who's never actually beaten FFX, is it possible to see what the Al Bhed are actually saying from the start of the game? I know that as you play you kinda unlock words and shit, but for the most part you miss tons of dialogue.
Why there wasn,t even a water eon?. Leviathan will have come pretty handy to fight Shin
It's the hair, man. Nothing turns the ladies on like a tall red pompadour
you can transfer the al bhed vocabulary from one save to another iirc
Collect all the primers, than start a New Game+ will all your shit still intact
Lulu was going the way of single crazy cat lady so he's based for saving her
>didnt realise his friends were al bhed
Based and based pilled
Tbh, Lulu was like 22 in Final Fantasy X and 24 in Final Fantasy X-2. She wasn't even in her mid-twenties. It's just that she had a mature personality that she appeared to be older.
Of cource, I agree that leaving such a semen demon go to waste or praying on Spiran kids would be a huge pity.
I would have done the same, brother or not.
Is it illegal to gamble on Blitzball?