This is my first Nintendo console as I never had enough money in my childhood. Say something nice about it

This is my first Nintendo console as I never had enough money in my childhood. Say something nice about it.

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Poorfag here who never had consoles as a kid, I hope you have a lot of fun with it, and don't get discouraged for all the people who will say, port machine, pc master race, etc. I am close to get a job (I hope) and maybe I will do a similar thread in the future, pwn some dudebros in smash for me.


Holy shit that's an ugly interior of a car. Also are you sure that your switch has driving license?

One thing nice to say is that you can easily sell it to somebody when you run out of games to play in a week

It's a pretty good console but it needs more big titles.

>that floor mat
Looks like the same thing that sits in front of my cats shitbox

>driving a manual car

You're alright user

Imagine caring about the opinions of NEETs on a basket weaving forum. Hope you get your job user. Playing on a machine you have bought is a different experience

>sitting on wrong seat

your car looks pretty clean except for the shit on the seat and that cupholder
take a few minutes to clean

>smash bros instead of botw

I appreciate your comment, I bought my last PC and truly enjoyed to use it. Buying your own shit with hard earned money is truly gratifying

Im not a hardcore gamer user. I play 2-3 hours max in a day. I wont run out of games I guess. Im preparing for an exam that has 0.2 percent cutoff. I cant afford to play a lot of video games. Just at the end of the day i like to relax in my bed

>dont have a lot of money
>buy brand new latest console

niggers ps3s, wii us, and 360s are way fuckin cheaper and all the games are cheap af
Last gen is my current gen, faggots.
Its cheaper

I have a PC user... I dont see the point of getting a xbox 360 or PS3

>he doesn't know

dude u sound ridiculous.

It's a portable console that also plugs into your TV when you get home.
When it's reached the end of its lifespan, homebrew is going to be fantastic on it.

I bought a used PS vita and got addicted to handhelds. In some cases they are better than my PC. Its just too comfy to pass on

Yeah, handheld and PC is the best combo desu
PC for quality, handheld for comfy

>toyota prius hybrid
like a clockwork

>the virgin hybrid basedcar
>the tesla chad s1000

I thought you would have strapped it into a baby seat but I guess you needed it for yourself

That is your first Nintendo console as you never had enough money in your childhood.


I thought everyone had at least one Nintendo console in their lives before Switch. I had NES and GBA SP. I usually emulate Nintendo games but I plan on buying a Switch

real human beings

why are you sitting on the wrong side?

You can get all 10 Mega Man games right now for less than $20. That's pretty neat.


Where is Xenoblade?

Good pick. There are some great titles on there, 2018 and 2019 has been a bit slow for the Switch compared to the first year, but there are a lot of promising games on the horizon for the Switch and of course you have the chance to play classics like Katamari Damacy since it was remastered on Switch as well. I think by the end of 2019 or at least in 2020 Switch will easily have been the best console this generations in terms of exclusive games, and I say that a snoyfag.
Have a lot of fun user.

hope you enjoy yourself user. theres a decent amount of good games on the thing, and the portability is really nice. when i got horribly ill it was really nice to be able to just lay in bed and play through dragon quest builders/odyssey.

Also fuck consolewars

Hopefully it helps you deal with whatever childhood trauma you have. Get well soon!

You're gonna have fun with it

Sold mine. I was just like you but at the end of the day it became a dust collector

same for me, I love the switch
breath of the wild is about the most fun I've had playing games this decade
get splatoon 2 also

Happy for you. What other games are you planning to pick up?

Has pleased me thus far

Botw is shit


I hope you enjoy it user, BoTW was pretty fun and I really enjoyed XBC2/XBC2: Torna, I'd recommend all 3.

buy a little mac amiibo so you can hotglue it

Its neat that nintendo gives out dev tools more easily than other consoles

It's a fucking paper weight compared to the gamecube or even the wii

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You can play Katana Zero on it.

you are

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who are you quoting?

PC + Switch master race. Enjoy OP.

Pick up these games

>Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Super Mario Odyssey

Consider picking up these games

>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
>Super Mario Party
>Dark Souls Remastered(souls on the go is great)
>Splatoon 2

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Second favourite nintendo console after gamecube so far. Might actually eclipse it in time.

Try DKC Tropical Freeze.

PC and Switch is a solid combination, good game combination too, hope you have fun.
user, same. I was stuck in hospital for a bit and the Switch was a great distraction when I was feeling better enough to be bored but still stuck to IVs and shit.