>sequel is worse than the original game
>sequelfags are super defensive about it
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Sequel is worse than the original game
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 3
Demon's Souls is a spiritual successor to King's Field so I'd go with that
Deus Ex Human Excrement
i don't actually think too many defend it, but prototype 2 comes to mind
>Getting this assblasted over a superior sequel
What a fag.
Those faggots took everything that made cod 4 good and ruined it.
>shotgun secondaries
>no Juggernaut
>instead of simple kill streaks they give everyone a billion broken kill streaks
>had to be smart about what class and perks you had but mw2 ruined it and gave everybody the most overpowered shit to use
Fuck you nigger MW2 was better in every conceivable way. If you don't like over the top god-like power fuck off to CSGO or some boring bullshit.
t. 32 year old boomer
Exactly as expected.
Any doom after ultimate doom
name one (1) thing dark souls 2 did better than 1 faggot
KH3 is ass.
I was going to say Monster Hunter world, but braindead retards would jump on me with their npc responses, so I'll say skyrim this time
Resident Evil 2
Pussy. And you just said it anyway.
Each Persona game is inferior to the previous one
And yes I mean from the beginning
Based Problem officer? face
Super monkeyball 2 level design SUCKS
>No Juggernaut
But this is a good thing.
I'll be honest, no one could possibly defend Red Faction 2
>inb4 people get upset
Ultimate Doom released after Doom 2.
That multiplayer though
like that other dude said the multiplayer was crazy good
Killing floor 2
I use to play bots.
Learn something new everyday
Max Payne 3.
>so much filler in disney worlds that sora literally had to ask for plot progression multiple times throughout the game
how can anyone defend this garbage?
doom 3 and nudoom
>People still defend Doom 3 to this day
God of War (2018)
It's just that people who played doom with a mouse and people who played doom without a mouse have very different notions of what doom should be. As someone who played doom without a mouse, doom 3 captures the slow and scary mood of mouseless doom 1-2 perfectly.
cringeworthy tastes.
wtf do you mean? I played doom1 and 2 when they released and everyone was playing with mouse + keyboard right from the start
doom 2 map design are objectively inferior
try doing doom then doom 2 and the second one is just less fun
even if doom 3 is decent it only becomes silly once you suggest that it outdoes the original
If doom 3 wasn't a doom game then it would've been an alright game
nah fucker, try doing all of doom 1 and then all of doom 2
I know which one holds up better until the end and it is largely thanks to much better enemy variety
>no Juggernaut
The only problem with this is that they didn't remove Stopping Power alongside it.
Based. Keep fighting the good fight
>everyone was playing with mouse + keyboard right from the start
Not really. Mouses were not widespread in 1993, a lot of people still used DOS and didn't have a mouse. Personally my first windows was 95 and only then I got a mouse.
Dark Souls 2
I don't understand how people can unironically defend it.
Trollface making a comeback bois
>Le Ebic Problem Officer Faic in 2019
I don't know what's going on, but it feels good
Mass Effect 2
I'll bite
>viable magic (due to casting speed not being tied to DEX like it is in DaS1)
>build variety
>stats being easily resettable
>fashion souls
>lifegems allowing exploration to be smoother due to player having a secondary source of healing that doesn't require to respawn all the enemies to replenish, and while at the same time not being as broken as humanities that gave you full health instantly for something easily farmable
>estus healing not being instantenous discourages players from healing right before being hit in order to survive attacks they'd have otherwise died from, thus encouraging the player to work on his timing and positioning in order to heal efficiently
>estus count being gradually increased from 2 as you progress through the game and explore, instead of having 10 from the get go and 20 being easily attainable right after if you know how to sprint past the catacombs
>enemy variety IF you're playing on SOTFS
>being able to complete your character build earlier on IF you're playing on SOTFS
>bigger amount of good areas IF you're playing with all DLC or on SOTFS
>bigger amount of good bosses IF you're playing with all DLC or on SOTFS
>characters having more personality despite them not going on their own travels like DaS1's (some of the characters having their own individual stories was a thing DaS1 did better, dont get me wrong, but outside of Solaire and Sieg most of their personalities were bland)
>story (not the lore) in general being more engaging due to player's actions having more influence on the main plot (speaking to Nashandra, speaking to the King, going to the past and etc.) where in DaS1 the most influence you have is by speaking to the titty girl and then the final choice
fyi vanilla DaS2 < DaS1, but I do think SOTFS improves on most of the gameplay flaws, and thus I ended up having a better time
also FUCK the 2000 char limit
nah doom 1 is just better
Prince of persia
I wish Dark Souls 3 got SOTFS treatment, it is clearly an unfinished game too and it feels
Vinny on giant bomb has been so butt hurt
>we will never get to see DaS3's base game get the same amount of love as they gave to Gael
why even live
>You are long eough on the Internet to see trollface get a comeback
to be fair, Dark Souls 2 is a total downgrade from Dark Souls 1.
Dark Souls 3, while better than 2, is not better than 1.
OP here. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. Get your foul fucking mug off my goddamn thread you vile looking fucking sack of shit. Neck yourself immediately.
>start argument
>surprised when person partakes in argument
what is this called when you take an older meme, and combine it with a newer meme. irony? anyways it's fucking gay, one or the other you fat ugly bitch.
>Hotline Miami 2
JuST HOld dOwN SHifT
the level design was a trainwreck, but at least we got that sweet sweet level editor
Jesus, what an ugly fucker.
Where do you think we are?
I thought you meant Doom 2016 since you wrote with all caps.
Chrono Cross
The new HITMAN 2 that came out last November. Everyone hails it as the best of the series because of its gameplay and how it includes the previous game for free if you owned it beforehand, but I personally hate it because I'm autistic about the game ruining the longtime lore of the series by introducing a ton of shitty retcons and a especially forced plot twist, both the retcons and the twist were first introduced in a super shitty tie in comic from 2017 that no one read.
Now this shitty comic is part of the canon and the Hitman series is forever ruined, all because the developers wanted to subvert expectations. It's like the Last Jedi of the Hitman franchise.
I would totally be on board for a divisive American History X2
no lmao it's a fine game but c'mon
Rage 2, Metro Exodus. The original games were 7/10 shooters with good gameplay, but the sequels of both games fucked up trying to make a shitty story the main focus and downgrading the original gameplay. Guns and movement feels like shit in Exodus, in Rage 2 they completely fucked the driving somehow.
Both DMC2 and DMC4
Personally I didn't like Dark Souls 3 because the difficulty curve felt really fucked up. Dark Souls generally had a somewhat steep but smooth difficulty curve. DaS3 had a really fucking erratic curve that gave me the impression that rather than trying make a genuinely good game they just wanted to capitalize off the "haha Dark Souls is hard!" meme. The first real level after the tutorial is probably one of the best examples. Early on they throw a couple of those knight assholes at you that are a pain in the fucking ass to deal with but when you get to the boss of the area he's a fucking joke in comparison. After the tough bridge gauntlet before the fog door I half expected a really difficult fight, but nah, it was easier than the fucking tutorial boss. That's not how difficulty curves are supposed to work.
I know they'd be considered more of spin offs but Final Doom. Between Plutonia, Evilution, and Icarus, I really get the impression that TNT has no fucking clue how to implement hitscan enemies. Then again in retrospect looking at Daedelus and Eternal Doom they just kind of sucked at mapping in general
To be fair you have brain dmg