The essential boomercore LP'er
>Comfy videos
>Loves daganronpa waifus
>40 year old wizard
The essential boomercore LP'er
>Comfy videos
>Loves daganronpa waifus
>40 year old wizard
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Tim had an hard life
I wanna rescue tim from his torment
When will NicoB be on TRG or Colliseum?
Tim is like a time capsule of when let's plays were first starting out. His style has barely changed at all since then, it's max comfy.
He has 139 LPs so far but lately he keeps starting games and not finishing them. What happened?
>just a video of him showing groceries.
>still comfy
Dude has literally the ideal personality for making content and his life is awful
Does he like Danganronpa?
That seems so far from his usual interests
what's his current youtube channel? his last video on that account was 8 years ago
He likes Ace Attorney a lot now and it's similar enough to that
Tim is the fucking homie. I used to enjoy watching his videos of him walking around his town while he narrated his life. Anyone know why he apparently had a bad life?
Two Best Friends Play was awesome before they broke up.
It went to fucking shit after matt got married and let his wife in on the channel
what's so bad about his life? first time hearing about this guy.
that a Christine in the background?
I used to watch these guys when I was ten, but now that I'm legally an adult, ISHYGDDT.
Pretty sure he admitted it during one of the panels
From what I remember, I think it's because he's an ugly perma-virgin and his sister seemingly swindled him out of a lot of money.
That's a shame.
Won't hold it against someone like him though.
Persona 4 Endurance Run is the only one that matters
>Struggles to lose weight
>Wasted investment on his sister's pet projects
>Family members dying
>Loved Lucahjin but she chose to marry ProtonJon, his friend
>People walk up to him at conventions and tell him "i used to watch your videos"
>Is a wizard
This guy has strong willpower, I would've ended it.
Lmao I thought th same thing
Still rocking the green shirt
people like him, he has good charisma and he has friends. Sure he's missing out on love and he's not that well off but compared to other people he's got things to be envious about.
At least he has Chuggaa, who probably helps him out a lot.
Blue's death really took a toll on him
Boomers don't like any LPers
Wow, Caprisun ACTUALLY ages better than zoomer chugga fuck.
TRG Colosseum was top comfy:
Is chuggaa OUR guy
I love Tim but the toilet humor got a little old
My favorite thing Tim says has always been the furnace willy wonka quote with him just laughing insanely.
Adri truly is a real-life anime waifu.
If that was actually Chris you wouldn't be asking. The guy stands out like a sore thumb in every photo or video he's in.
Emile embodies chadtism
>Has asian waifu
>Nice house
>Good friends
Chadtism is powerful
Post yfw
>platonically described as a friend with me
>The whiny canadian with no style or grace gets a wife
>Somehow Tim doesnt
That pikmin playthrough Jon did was not good
I haven't watched any of their shit in years but it still upsets Lucah is marrying Jon and not Tim. I'm surprised that didn't kill TRG.
Bros before hoes.
The only possible way TRG could end is if its between Chuggaa and Jon. I dont think Tim is that spiteful to end anything over money/love.
Who was in the wrong here?
And even then Chuggaa is so damn nice to have a grudge against someone.
Only reason I'd see them ever stopping would be growing old or someone moving even further away.
Its only natural that she has to show him how to creampie
He didnt even know what a queef was