Lobotomy Corporation

Doing my first playthrough and finally managed to beat Binah with only 4 deaths. Decided to try my hand at days 46-50. This dude shows up on 46, I know who he is. Do I attempt it or just ignore him and try to make it to the end?

Attached: PlagueDoctorCloseUp.png (304x272, 121K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based Binah

Attached: Lobotomeme.png (1826x1068, 834K)

Why's red riding hood so fucking helpful for an edgy monster hellbent on murder

She is an edgy protagonist out for blood

what do people mean by cheeseing

You can kill Gebura by just hiding one dude in the bunker and waiting for her to die from escaping Abnormalities, then resetting to memory repository. That's cheesing.

You forgot to mention the fact that just about everyone else will likely died

Spoiler question here, got something I dont understand
So every sephirah is a box, right?Does that mean you are essentially doing the claptrap DLC figts when supressing them, or do they magically get humanoid bodies or something.Must have missed that part but thinking a red box running around with godly weapons around the facility sound dumb

Just rebuy armors

From my understanding they're all boxes. They look humanoid because of the cognition filter that keeps the manager's sanity in check. You only see them as they are once you've overcome your past with them.

How the fuck are they that fucking resistant then and how the hell does gebura even carry those weapons with those wiggly stick arms

You people might as well just make a general at this point.

I need pictures, pictures of Binah!

Attached: 18c9c544e9c56c7aea79ca2ac8091ef0[1].jpg (785x1080, 94K)

>alright time to do my first noon ordeal
>I'm sure it will be tough but if all my well trained employees work together I'm sure they can d-
>Giant monolith falls on everyone, killing them instantly

You can see Gebura's broken shell in her department, seems like her combat form was stored in her box.

Attached: BinahSwimsuit2.jpg (1200x675, 255K)

Dont worry user,that's the most bullshit ordeal ever but also the easiest after encountering once
Now you know what to expect from that specific one and get free energy.

Pretty cute, but I like that she looks like a super villain not a pretty girl.

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For anyone that wants custom hair/faces etc. here's a pack I found


Holy shit the memory leaks are not a joke

post abnormalities nobody ever talks about

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He reminds me of Sculptor from Sekiro because of his breach form.

Dreaming current is sad

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Purely for the sake of conveniece, m8. There's another thread going on right now.

>borb can't kill my clerks if I kill them first
>using the borb's logic against him

Attached: 1507438448259.png (318x406, 294K)

>nothing can kill clerks if I execute all of them

Attached: MindBlown.gif (224x145, 2.81M)

OP here, I couldn't find it because the subject is some dumb shit that isn't searchable and I don't like spending 5 minutes looking through the catalog.

Combat form inside the box.

Drinking a hot one with my bro Chesed

Attached: chesedfull.png (559x611, 150K)

Attached: tendies.jpg (677x560, 58K)

>somebody keeps shipping these two abnormalities together
God damn it steam

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I see der Freischutz and Red a lot more

>Blue Star breaches
Oh no... not again!!

>unlock core supressions
>too much of a pussy to try one
Angela hold me

Amber midnight is super easy.

Upper layer suppressions are reasonably easy, lose once or twice, learn what the mechanic is, retry, win. Unless you have a really crappy setup and didn't train your employees properly.

You can just hire a bunch of low level units and have them send out without any equipment