2000... I am forgotten

2000... I am forgotten.

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I will always remember Freya.
Sir Fratley on the other hand

I love Helga

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Nothing left to fear L'Cie
Cradled in eternity
Shore of s--oops, wrong game

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I never forgot her. I picked up sculpting so I can hammer that ass in vr eventually.

More like
>Disc 2... I am forgotten

>He picks rat face over Betrix
10000 deaths is not enough for you.

Amarant is worthless and his story is dumb. Why was he even there?

Pretty much. Don't forget how the party forces her to forgive Beatrix's genocide because fuck you, that's why.

>when you take part in the genocide of a city but join the good guys so it's ok

The flaming f

Are you implying I could forget best girl? Come on, user.

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I hate that I don't hate you.
Not even a little bit.
Not even at all.

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I forgot her during the game. I couldn't even work out wtf these things were.

>so irrelevant he got a completely different, unrelated name in every localization
The same reason why we got Necron or why characters in IX keep teleporting all over the world when the story demands it. The writers are hacks.

>picking a literal war criminal
Ok american

9s story was just a recycling of 7 and 8 with a fairy tale setting.

They're rats

yeah i know but they look like kangaroos or lizards

>picking worst girl

no they don't retard

yes they do retard.

amarant sticks out because he's the only cynical realistic character in a party lineup full of do gooder cardboard cutouts. his story is mundane and insignificant because it's grounded in reality. he doesnt exist to dump exposition on player, he exists because that's his character. real people you meat irl arent "fleshed out" or have "intriguing backstories". amarant feels like a real person dumped in fantasy setting. I find him interesting because of that.

I cant believe you guys fell for the "6 million (((burmecians)))" meme. They obviously false flagged the attack to get PityBux from the different kingdoms

Her fucking story arc was done there was not even purpose for her to be in the party after that.

they're rats
they're the rats
they prey at night they stalk at night
they're the rats


He's the result of trying to have an edgy, "cool" character like Vincent but without the motivation. Vincent at least had legitimate beef with Shinra and a reason to tag along, Amarant is just some guy who thinks he's Zidane's rival or some shit like that but is barely ever acknowledged by anyone around him.
I love FFIX but it does have a problem with characters losing their relevance as the story goes on. Quina, Freya, Amarant, Eiko, and most of the NPCs just sort of become irrelevant after their big story moment is done. I always liked that they had the thing that let's you see what other characters are doing during quiet moments but it feels more like they are just reminding you they exist rather than having them actually participate in the story.

Is best girl in that shitty dissidia phone game yet? Like globally?

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The game really felt like it needed a little more time in development. Like you literally never even see puck or fratley just hanging out in the planet at all. They just disappear.

I think the issue is that unlike FF6, where everyone has a stake in saving the world, FF9 quickly becomes Zidane's story near the end as Garnet's arc comes to a close, The game is a bit of a mess but you can tell the main reason is it was a rushed out game. FF8 came out only a year before it. FFX had a bit more time in comparison. But in that game you can tell Squarenix really scaled back the openness of that game to focus on getting the main story arc done.
I still think its a great RPG though. Just unfortunate it came out at the end of the PS1's lifespan.

Fucking underage cunts

There are plenty of not so important ff party members, but Freya's sticks out because it's weirdly hyper-tragic. Like they needed the genocide thing to establish the plot, but also the amnesia thing to establish her own backstory. But then they stop giving a shit about either and instead go out of their way to humanize all three characters who slaughter the rat people while just leaving said rat people completely in the cold.

Why do people get so pissy and defensive when others criticize their favorite games?



Because you people have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Care to elaborate?

I imagine that was mostly due to FFX being in development at the same time. They were released almost exactly a year apart, and I imagine after a point Square would have been more interested in getting all hands on deck for their new killer app than putting any more polish on a game that, frankly, to me always felt like it was sent out to die. You can feel a very real drop in, if not quality, then budget sometime around the middle of the second disk where things start getting rushed compared to how meticulously well crafted the game was until that point.
Still, even with weak side characters I still like them more than most of the cast of 7 and 8, and I think FF9's main quartet of Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, and Vivi is one of the best RPG parties in any JRPG.

But the pest control in FFIX actually happened.

Motherfuckers are just jelly. Rats needed to be put down.

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This is why it always bugged me that 7, 8, and 9 never got physical releases. Handheld or whatever. 1-6, tactics, x, and xii always got little extra dungeons and content. Usually with extra story. Even the ds version of chrono trigger had a really fun and interesting post game area.

Always felt 8 and 9 really could have used something like that.

*physical rereleases.

Fuck off Kuja, we are having a discussion here

absolute shit tier waifu tbqh

What an uncouth imbecile

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>2000 was 20 years ago

That would be cool, though given the slapdash manner the PS1 games were put together it doesn't surprise me that they've never gotten updated versions beyond HD resolutions. It wouldn't surprise me if Square-Enix came out tomorrow and said that they'd literally lost everything from the making of those games. The art for the backgrounds, the original music recordings, the original code, etc. Japanese companies used to always play super loose with that stuff no matter how successful the game was.

The reason we got Necron is because the scraped the idea of Hades as the final boss as they thought it was "too dark". So Necron was created.

>Fratley doesn’t remember her
>She fails to protect Cleyra
>Most of her race is gone
>She becomes mostly irrelevant after all of this

Being Freya is suffering

You forgot the worst one:
>Wears a sick red hat/red poncho combo
>Isn't a Red Mage
It's tough out here for a rat

also afaik blank was the first draft for main character and they just swapped him and zidane after they scrapped the hades thing. the reason he was all patched up was probably gonna be some kind of ship of theseus allusion or that's what I'm assuming.

What in the FUCK was Necron?

Wow fuck you.

Vivi should have been the protagonist with Steiner and Freya as the core support, Zidane and Garnet as the B-plot that ties S&F to Vivi in the first place, Eiko and Aramant as the glue holding the dynamics together, and Quina as the comic relief. Only a jackass pushes the typical characters over the more interesting ones.

They lost the background assets for IX and almost all of VIII. This is common knowledge.

Not really. She's a good frontliner, and absolutely necessary for low-level runs.

100% this, There's so much you could've done with the Vivi, Steiner, and Freya that while playing It I wished the conversed more. Some of my favorite emotional moments are between Freya and Vivi.

"What's a matter Freya, are you crying?" Is my favorite line in the game

Atmosphere was fantastic.
Most of the cast were pretty good.
Villain sucked.
Battles were poorly paced.
Character customization was threadbare beyond "hey it's a boss who confuses, equip confuseproof"

>they remake her
>she's now a human with animal ears

It would help all three to have more satisfying arcs while fleshing out characterization across the board. Zidane and Garnet are good for steering the narrative, but they don't have as much range and can't tackle the story's themes as well. The five of them should have created a strong, interconnected core of relationships that fleshed each other out and kept all five plot threads active through discs 2 and 3 instead of letting everyone who isn't Zidane, Garnet or Vivi fall by the wayside. Seeing Steiner grow more accepting of Zidane through more complex interpersonal relations, or seeing Freya act as the group's "big sister" while trying to swallow her own problems, or seeing Zidane' s head slowly emerge from his ass as he starts to notice his friends have problems would have made it perfect. It's the single biggest flaw of 9.

Necron is literally the God of Death, who resided within the Iifa Tree and processed the souls that passed through it. It was observing humanity when Kuja and Brahne went on their genocide spree and concluded that humanity's true wish was to annihilate itself and yearned for death, so it decided it would be all benevolent and deliver it to them. That's why it's so surprised when Zidane and co. put up such a fight, it wasn't expecting mortals to actually resist death and they make it change its conclusion. It's basically the same twist as Izanami in Persona 4.

>They remake the game
>They keep her the way she is
>They add model changes to reflect current equipment
>Rubber suit

I fucking hate this, thank you user

She was the first time a dragoon actually somewhat resembled a dragon pysically, and that's one of the things I really find cool about her design

Square would make Red13 a fuckboy if they could get away with it.

>resembles a dragon
>she's literally a giant rat in a feathered cap
Kain had more resemblance to a Dragon, at least his armor fit the theme. Plus a "Dragoon" has nothing to do with dragons, it's a real life term. They were mounted soldiers who would only use their horses to maneuver and dismounted in order to actually fight, unlike normal cavalry units.

Wasn't the original Japanese name for the class "dragon knight", and they just shortened it to "dragoon" in the English release because it fit the text box?

What the FUCK was Ozma

Yep. And Freya's long muzzle is meant to call to mind common depictions of dragons. It's why she has slit nostrils instead of a rat nose, and why she lacks whiskers.

>America is fairly fond of 9.
>Sakaguchi loves it.
>Hardcore fans adore it.
>Japan hates it.
>Square will never make anything like it again.
I hate you Japan.

I kinda wanna fuck ratface

No you don't. She was specifically designed to not be hot.

Considering where you fight it (The Eidolon Cave) I always assumed it was some kind of ancient, uncontrollable Eidolon like Leviathan or maybe one from another dimension.

>not designed to be hot
>is still hot anyway
This is the power Japanese character design

A necessary evil when the developers realized Kuja isn't enough of a villain to carry the story by himself when Brahne isn't in the picture anymore.

user, there's nothing got about a malnourished rat in a raincoat.

It bugs me because they actually use the name properly in the Drag-on Dragoon/Drakengard series, where it literally describes the ability of the player to get on and off their mount, and then don't even use the name in the West. Maybe Dragon Dragoon sounds too cutesy for what Drakengard is actually about.

Grinding out Dragon's Crest is much more rewarding than Thievery

That's why they introduced Garland and the Fiends though. The problem isn't that Necron is random, it's that he's supposed to be the climax of Garland's plan to destroy Gaia but it's not well foreshadowed that that is what he's doing. Add in Garland dying before that is revealed and Kuja continuing to butt in and it muddies the water too much concerning who the party should actually be worrying about.


Depressed women are attractive.

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you are never supposed to know about Necron he is the literal final boss behind the curtain.

I mean, it's meant to be a big reveal but they DO foreshadow it. The first time you go to the Iifa tree they remark about how weird it is and how it's making the mist etc. The plot is:
>Garland makes Zidane and Kuja
>They go to Gaia, kill lots of people
>The increased flow of Souls wakes up Necron
>Necron kills everyone
>Garland gets to claim the planet
But they focus so much on the "I made you!" twist with Garland that they don't make it clear what Necron is or why he's doing what he is. That's why everyone gets confused when he shows up.

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Haha, nice joke. Loser.

but you are not

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I'm so glad they made figures for Beatrix and Kuja too

I never noticed that Vivi has such a massive dick.

Why do you think Black Mages have such a short lifespan?

>Kuja is taller than everyone except Amarant

Well, he is wearing heels so that helps a little bit. I did always think it was weird that he was so much taller than Zidane, though I guess he wouldn't be very intimidating (or less intimidating than he already is) if he was short in addition to being so feminine.

ff9 was fucking lame, dropped that shit 5 hours in