Vidya tattoos?
Yes if they are well made and not visible?
Vidya tattoos?
yes if done well. pic is not done well, too heavy handed.
looks like a fucking pokemon
I've always wanted to get this as a Tattoo.
I hate tattoos in general. Videogame tattoos are even worse, extreme cringe.
The dog tags really sell this.
what game is this from
Why ruin your beautiful skin with tattoos, let alone pop culture tats?
I've never seen a tattoo and said "wow that's great."
Team Fortress 2.
>his metal tested
That's embarrassing
Its from Half-life 3. don't listen to that other faggot
it'll always look like garbage
Yes if they are well made and not visible
Pic unrelated. I don't understand why someone would want to always have a fucking vidya reference on his arm
Degenerate and Cringe.
Imagine having to explain that shit all the time, fuck off cunt.
Only retards and copes get tats.
They should just replace them with text saying,
Fucking sick.
I half agree with this. For the Yakuza tattoos were symbolic of their rank and a the method of getting them was a test of how well they could handle pain. Other cultures have their own reasoning behind tattoos and what they represented. But to the rest of you go ahead and get that Pickle Rick tattoo I'm sure Reddit will love it.
You're the reason why I continue to make tattoo threads on Yea Forums and a few other boards, its the only bait that hasn't failed me in 10 years.
>I'm n-not mad y-you are!
Tattoo turds btfo
>seething lvl: stutter-text
Are you actually retarded, or merely pretending to be?
N-no regrets!
You are an ugly ass motherfucker and no amount of tattoos will change that
Vidya tattoos are cringe
Vidya characters with tattoos are patrician
this would be okay. it's subtle.
Fuck me.
Hell yeah man. I can't play fable unless my character is walking around with an unrecognizable blob of ink covering all of his skin.
You sound like a Gigantic loser.
Based and redpilled
You're goddamn right
>tattoo makes the hero look like he's walking around in piss stained trousers
gr8 tat m8 i r8 8/8
Imagine being this man
Fuck off tripfag.
>Uploading images from your mobilr IP range had been blocked
I have sephiroth's wing on my chest with no other context. Nobody knows it's a vidya tattoo unless I tell them, which is how all vidya tattoos should be. Subtle.
I think your vision is getting worse user, you might need glasses
Sekiro great carp
>Posting images of women without their consent is a felony if the image includes a face or other identifiable mark. (I.e: tattoos)
Enjoy prison, FBI reported.
I thought it smelled a bit fishy
Take a good look at this picture, then the one of the (modded) tattoo. It doesn't just mod in a tattoo it mods in piss stains.
Moar right now
I still think your vision is fuzzy
fuk u
It's fable, not black and white.
Being obsessively mad about what other people do to their bodies is a coping mechanism over the own insecurity to do anything to yourself.
This is not to say there aren't garbage tattoos like OP's or the namefag's.
Like how the sword bends upwards.
I agree but i also just straight up don't like colored tattoos
How do they have no financial management skill when good tattoos are often in the 100-200 price range? That implies that they have to save cash.
I myself wouldn't get a tattoo since I see no appeal in it, but letting yourself get so triggered over it is really dumb, you should grow up a bit.
This is from Final Fantasy XIV and means Dragon Warrior (Dragoon class for you pleb EOP).
pic related