Draw a girl

>draw a girl
>say it's a boy

Attached: 56014.jpg (225x350, 43K)

>Draw George Clooney over and over again
>Say it's a variety of characters of different ages, races and genders

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I remained convinced Marluxia was a woman for the majority of my first playthrough on the gba. I think I came to the realization reading it online.

I also thought Riku was a girl when I saw him in the CG opening of KH1 until I heard him speak.

Look at that fucking nose and tell me again.

Marluxia looks 100% like a pretty boy, he's unfuckable.

I'm straight, but I'd fuck Astolfo, Poison and that pink new girl from Catherine though.

He doesn't look anything like a girl.

That Cloon Ley is pretty impressive.

ff9 immediately comes to mind. i legit thought kuja was a girl and that was a thong he was wearing when i played it the first couple times i played it when i was young.

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>he's unfuckable

he's unfuckable... according to my straight male cock

i'm only into girls and traps

>has a masculine body
>has a masculine face
>idiots think he looks like a girl somehow

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>draw a boy
>call it a girl
At least 3 fixed this

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Marluxia was literally unironically designed to be a woman and later edited slightly to be a man since they didn't want all of the most antagonistic characters to be female.

>draw a boy
>call it a girl
Now I will buy your game.

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Babbys first trap

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I don't know why they don't make the slightly-effeminate rival characters into actual women more often. Harpuia specifically is pretty egregious, and female-Riku would be better than almost all existing female KH characters.

Attached: Harpuia.png (1094x1396, 736K)

God, Zero has the crispiest character design in the Mega Man franchise and I can't even put my finger on how or why.

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It's a fit guy with long pink hair. You're gay if you think that looks anything like a girl.

>Post opinion
>Say it's a fact

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he's best boy tho

>fucking Iron Fist at the front
Not that i am complaining but normalfags don't know who he is.

Because no one takes female rivals seriously.

no one takes girly rivals seriously either

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