What did you buy, bros?
Remember to ignore shitposters.

Attached: 1558043304571.jpg (750x516, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: tim3.jpg (494x384, 41K)

Tiananmen Square Massacre

>wasting money on chinese malware

I seriously hope you don't do this.

>not xinjang autonomous region

Are David Cage games really bad or is it just a meme?
I really wanna try Detroit.

Hi Tim.

>Remember to ignore shitposters.
so this entire thread?

They withdrew all my games and now i am facing up to 5 years in jail for "fraudulent transcations"

Attached: 1524090214020.jpg (263x192, 6K)

>valve shills on damage control
Guys it's ok, you lost. No need to be salty.

Attached: 1558045738205.jpg (1000x1665, 520K)


Attached: mustardrace.png (976x658, 272K)

I just bought 6 games and my fucking account got disabled

I didn't buy anything because all the games are shit.


>mega sale
>handful of games
>most of them are shit
Yeah, gl.

Epic cant even do sales right without fucking shit up how incompetent are these fuckers.

They're fancy visual novels with retarded plots and meme-worthy shit in between it all.

Nah it's not Tim, it's his fuckboy golyksoykin

any announcements on account security or are they still throwing money away on muh exclusives instead of fixing their fucking store. until security is fixed i'm not putting my cc info into their store.

Tempted to buy Trover at 17 bucks pre-order.
Game is probably 2 hours long but it seems alright

No need to buy when you can pirate.

When Steam has a sale it's impressive because they have over 30 thousand games to choose from.

Epic doesn't even have 30 games total

Attached: Sweeney.jpg (1186x784, 118K)

Everytime I'm reminded of Epic's store it's because they're doing something Valve did before. Storefront being the platform and third party exclusives? That shit is hilarious now that it's round two

Attached: 1554786018114.png (168x200, 9K)

>keep open mind and check the sale
>borderlands 3. pre-order
>john wick hex. pre-order
>heavy rain. pre-order
>satisfactory. early access
>afterparty. pre-order
>fortnite. free2play
>beyond two souls. pre-order
>detroit. pre-order.
>sinking city. pre-order
>control. pre-order
>phoenix point. pre-order
cool sale bro

They do, they just pulled most of them during the sale.

>buy too many games
>account gets blocked due to "fraudulent" behaviour

Attached: 1558074034342.png (629x396, 51K)

Apperently shits still fucked. Imagine having a store THIS shitty trying to match up with Steam. Fucking literally ANY other store is better.

Put a brand new game on cheap sale, people think it must be shit. Epic job Epic.

Attached: 1557650094140.gif (400x400, 1.89M)

Xi Jinping unwavering leader
Shinzo Abe imperial chihuahua of Trump stinky ass
We buy FortNite every day in Shenzhen manufacturing city

Attached: 220px-The_caretaker_an_empty_bliss_beyond_this_world.jpg (220x220, 10K)

Oh nice. Is this the sales general?


What you recommending bros?

Attached: 1415998053816.jpg (171x278, 15K)

>valve drones will never post the followup tweet

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-124630_Twitter.jpg (1080x881, 328K)

mad max is a ton of fun

what does this even mean?

Underrail, Blood Bowl, and Rain World.

That's because Steam has a shopping cart you tard.

metro exodus at 34.99 euros

They got me

>can only buy one (1) game at a time because why spend money on your own storefront
>they can only add a few games at a time per week, manually, because reasons
its just fucking sad when you think of what could have been if they has spent their money on services, security, customer incentives, new release discounts, etc. etc. instead of getting exclusive pilled. somebody needs to check their offices for a gas leak. its a shame we could have had another good store to get games from but oh well, its gfwl all over again.

>not getting it for free
That's a YIKES from me user.


Monthly reminder that there are no good warhammer games.


the fact it happened in the first place is retarded

Imagine watching a bad movie with QTEs


The fact it even happened after you shills kept saying a shopping cart doesnt matter is just the icing on the shit cake that is the epic store.

This is what happens when you have too much money. You don't even care about he basic shit and only think about big, flashy things.

is it just me or is the store front laggy/choppy as fuck to navigate through. And my PC is not a potato either. Have 32 gigs of ram, i7 and 1080ti

The fact is i only play game that i bought. Pirated games just stays on my desktop.

It still happened you fucking retarded chinese roach lmao

My epic game store launcher is bugged. When I try to buy something it just gets stuck in loading your order.

So those games are in the same vein as Telltale games or Life is Strange?

Yeah, but with "better" visuals and more memes.

why is xbox represented as a tumor on steam wojak?

whats the lore here?

I don't know how you think this helps in any way.

>moving goalposts
Cope. Valve drone, Cope.

can someone make an epic games store edit of this?

Attached: leapfoward.jpg (1412x814, 164K)

yep, just better graphics. have you never really seen press x to jason?

Pretty much every xbox exclusive is on PC as well

Xbox is cross-platform (also on PC) but Microsoft store is the weaker store compared to steam.

>tfw Epic could have just copied this partner.steamgames.com/ and they would have easily won
What went wrong?

>He doesnt have a comeback so he just says cope
Tell Sweeney to fix his fucking store Zhang.

>all those good games with good sales

wtf epicbros
I thought steam sales have been shit for a long time?

What's the point having a "mega sale" and meme it when you have barely any games? Origin has more fucking games, Uplay has more games......

Attached: ind-laughing-and-joking.jpg (370x526, 132K)

Attached: Roll+for+yoour+waifu+trigger+small+mentionlist+rollgamesrollbutton+large+5c5c5c_2bce0c_6097455.jpg (900x2025, 533K)

why have services or incentives when you can just say BUY HERE OR ELSE

A move of desperation.

Apparently he did it to piss off publishers by putting their shit on sale without telling them.

huh ? The Cpy version is buggy as fuck.

>buying singleplayer games
fucking retard.

literally 2 games were pulled user, fucking 2.

and even the few games you do have you can't even sort them by genre or any other way. you're only choice is to scroll their through their shitty tile interface store. and of course no forums to ask questions about a game.

the goalpost was always that this even happened, which has not moved an inch, you turdburger.

Epic rushed this sale out of nowhere so fast that publishers barely even fucking knew it was happening. That's why they pulled their games for the rest of the sale. Because Sweeney and his idiots think they know anything about running their store, all their comments they've ever said they wouldnt do they backtracked and implemented it rushed and lazy. They're idiots with too much money.

They definitely rushed it to coincide with their E3 conference and so that it doesn't overlap with steam's Summer Sale. Too bad for them steam still has sales every other week regardless.

based user elevating this shit thread, rollan

Attached: 1543144281898.jpg (500x631, 97K)

oxigen not inclueded
phoenix poitnt
and ALL ubisoft games(thats at least 3 more)

Ok? that's still fucking nothing, you said "most of them" were pulled.

It's fucking nothing m8

And? That followup tweet does not make the first tweet any less ridiculous because that shit does not happen on Steam in the first place.


Says the one actually moving the goalposts.

Seethe harder.

Ironically, the number of sale icons shown in that meme are exactly how many games they are selling.

what was the original goalpost?

Based schizo-kun.

Why are Pcbros so pissed that there is another store like Steam now?
Do you people mad when a new supermarket opens across the street from the supermarket you usually buy your junk food from?

Attached: 1528756287612.gif (260x269, 2.79M)

That's not what irony is, moron.

>Phoenix Point for 250 rubles (~$4)

Attached: Angry finn.png (342x461, 139K)

>a new supermarket opens across the street
Usually those have shopping carts included. :)

I'm black, don't be racist.


oh also
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2
give it some time to someone make a full list, no one wants to install that shit on their pc.

should just used a food analogy dude

You forgot vampire masquerade 2 which pulled out first in this whole mess after people used vpns to snag it at ridiculously fucking low prices and the publishers werent informed of the sale.

They are pretending to be having a major sale when they have only a handful of games.

That's a really, really REALLY ugly face.

More like I go grocery shopping, get a couple items but can't find something. A clerk tells me the chink store across the street bought up all the bananas so you have to go there. Fuck it I'll just steal some from a tree. Fuck you chink store.

>games not even out yet
Impressive, most impressive

Are you just a shill feigning ignorance every thread this happens? What do you get from acting retarded?

if i go to a supermarket looking for tomatoes only to find a sign that says "sorry a new store down street bought exclusive rights to sell tomatoes" you're damn right i'm gonna be mad. besides, even i walk into the new store i can only buy one tomato at a time.


I already know the answer.
Give me the forty thREEEEEEEEE

Finally some real content. Rolling.






Attached: alita.jpg (474x327, 17K)


Only pcbros pissed are steamdrones, i.e the consoleshitters of pc
The rest either deal with differing storefront platforms or pirate, as in generally pirate not just post images on Yea Forums because a game is not on their DRM of choice

Attached: 1530348691765.png (720x544, 546K)

rolly polly olly

My supermarket never has fresh mint. When I want fresh mint I have to go across the street to the Vietnamese or Taiwanese (no fucking clue) guy who always has fresh mint.
The horror of having to go to two stores is unimaginable. I can barely take it.

Attached: 1379506977331.gif (240x220, 1.87M)

Why doesn't Steam respond with a sale themselves?


>want to purchase five games on sale
>have to wait thirty minutes for customer support
>This is your comeback about how it's actually good
I hope they pay you well, Lee.


But they already have two sales going on right now.

Great sales too.

>he doesnt know

Why should they? Steam Summer Sale starts in over a month.

I was going to buy Oxygen Not Included but got distracted, and when I remembered it had been pulled.

So now I feel stupid for missing out.

Oh, I pirate, so I would not know.

There's two sales happening literally as we speak because steam almost always has a sale going at this point. Summer sale is also in a few weeks.

heavy rain was good

Attached: 1557311123194.gif (483x556, 3.77M)

let's get this on

>Still cant make a proper analogy that really reflects Epics practices.
Shoo shoo shill

>goto the sale to check it out
>nothing to buy
>do a 180 and fly away from the barren lands

Attached: fuck epig.jpg (454x438, 67K)

Goodbye gook :)
Free Tibet

Attached: 1551017616806.png (1024x429, 527K)

>epic going all out
>gaben be like, epic who?

>handful of games, many aren't even out yet

christ, even in propaganda posters they look the same

Basically, a richfag placed in charge of servicing, in the context of this example, the poor.

Wtf does the extra stuff before tibet even say? Or does it take 50 characters to represent that?

Based bugman subhuman

Attached: 1555642112010.jpg (800x480, 129K)

Steamfaggots are the consoleshitters of PC gaming

they dont know how to isntall mods without the workshop, they need guides for their games, use their moms cc to buy shitty cards to boost their uselss profile level, they need achievements etc...


>tfw valve will die in your lifetime

Attached: 1544442191435.jpg (640x633, 161K)

>subtle racism

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 50K)


Attached: STEAM sale.jpg (1149x1833, 561K)

>wow a new grocery store opened up! let's check it out!
>walk into store
>no aisles are marked, can't browse items by type
>no shopping cart because i can only buy one item at a time
>no guy behind the meat counter that can recommend me anything in a better way than other stores whose recommendation methods are pretty mediocre
>start to head for the exit
>get yelled at by employees asking why i dont shop there
really makes you think


Attached: steam warhammer sales.jpg (977x1929, 709K)

>You guys have too many convenient features, you should all have the absolute minimum barebones stores so Epic doesn't look like the worst.

Attached: tenor.gif (320x180, 971K)

Blatant lying nigger

Attached: 1552371550430.jpg (526x365, 58K)

Attached: STEAM SALES 2.jpg (1137x1809, 546K)

Attached: steam sales 3.png (1101x1765, 1.42M)

>What did you buy, bros?
Absolutely nothing.

Drones utterly destroyed by this post

Attached: steam sales 4.jpg (1065x1563, 480K)

why are you posting this. steamdb will tell you there's 4300 games on sale.

How the hell does this help your case smooth brain?
>Wow valve drones fail to mention that epic started to help him in UNDER A HALF HOUR
>it doesn't matter that the stupidest problems show up because we can resolve them in 30 MINUTES
Or we can all save 30 minutes of our lives by just not using a shitty launcher

Attached: Steam sales 5.jpg (1117x1741, 517K)

>mutant year denzero 25% already

or just have a bloody cart on your store in the first place.

Imagine being cucked this hard

>inb4 that's on the road map sweetie pie :)

Attached: STEAM sale 6.jpg (1065x1533, 479K)

Attached: steam sale 7.jpg (1089x1501, 469K)

Posting all those steams sales is cheating. Steam has had years to build up a massive catalog.

Just wait til Epic grows.

I'm not a fan of EGS like most others here but is Hades worth it? I just don't like the armor mechanic they have from the gameplay I have watched, seems to turn everything into an absolute kitefest.

Attached: steam sale 8.png (1093x1633, 1.21M)

Holy shit i was wondering about getting phoenix point what a bunch of retards. Epic store Never Again

worked on my machine.


Attached: steam sale 9.jpg (1081x1641, 496K)

Piratimg is the way

>Just wait til Epic grows.
its .... going to be a while.

Attached: 1550996905020.png (616x396, 42K)

Forgot the eye-catching picture

Attached: Maui Mallard.jpg (800x801, 151K)

Early Access.

Wait a year.

Attached: steam sale 10.png (1129x1665, 1.26M)

>absolute kitefest.
Supergiant games
in a nut shell

> What did you buy, bros?
Bought Metro Exodus.
Never cared about launchers.
Got 8 of them so far - MStore, Uplay, Steam, Origin, Bethesda Store, Battle.Net, GOG, EpicGameStore. Why do I need to care about another one?

>buying games

>2010 + 9
>unironically using epic store

>not still being bitter at steam since 2004, yet alone a vastly inferior malware drm like epic store

I hate you newfags so much.

>epic shills even steal the gaben meme
die tim fucking die

Why should they care? Epic already gave them their guarenteed money in case their game doesnt sell.

Your heatsink fan must be running at 150 AFPM

the fuck, this is on the pc? i played it on the super nintendo as a kid, it's great.

> Steam has had years to build up a massive catalog.
... of indie shit?
Sorry pal, I still remember Steam in 2012 without this garbage.

>please buy our games so we have actual numbers we can make public

Epic store adds at least 50 AFPM

Just pirate it and you dont have to run all that shit

I bought Dangerous Driving, Shakedown Hawaii, Subnautica below zero and Trover Saves the Universe.
Was a little tempted for Metro but I'll wait. I need to best the first two still.

Yes, it came out on PC as well back then, this is the same version.

Theirs like no good games.

>the absolute state

Attached: 1557154387477.png (396x385, 116K)

Mfw regular steam day has better discounts and deals without beeing something special
And also they dont lose publishers during the sale

Attached: 1553799184071.png (565x763, 443K)


>he has DRM running all the time
i cant handle this retardedness

ass fucks per minute

He probably doesn't realize just how bad that explanation sounds.

Detroit is worth the money, if you enjoy this kind of game, you will love it

t. paid full price day 1 for Detroit on PS4 and got the platinum trophy (multiple playthroughs required for this)

>shitty sale not even publishers were aware about
>games are being pulled off store and some are having their price increased
>accounts get disabled if you buy 5 games in a row because there's no shoppong cart yet
>chinkoid shills are making bootleg memes because they can't do shit the legit way
The absolute state of dog eaters.

>borderlands 3 super duper edition only 89€ now

it's so tempting bros

>meme-worthy shit
This alone is worth it though, it's like watching Tommy Wiseau's The Room, the shittiest bits are inadvertently the best

t. Randy

this shit will go on way better sale once on steam since they will sell like shit on epic

Perishable goods compared to digital non perishable goods is retarded on multiple levels

Imma find out

You sound like an idiot

hey hey hey, where are the video games?

When he said he would offer a better cut, I didn't understand he would end up cutting off games instead.

Attached: sweeney.jpg (795x422, 72K)


Attached: tierlist.png (712x1114, 830K)

The epic shills will keep making these posts, hijack their threads and post steam sale stuff instead.

Fuck these cunts.

guaranteed revenue ;)

Attached: 1553105907997.png (400x800, 141K)

> You sound like an idiot
You got them all too. Steam just silently launch games via these launchers.
So, why do I need to care where do I need to click "Launch" button - in Steam or in Uplay?

Heavy Rain is good, but some plot threads go nowhere and some parts are pretentious.

I'm honestly really grateful for Epic; with their timed exclusives, I've got a whole year to play through some of my backlog games until the new ones I want are released on Steam. That's where all of my games, achievements and friends are.

Attached: zooeye.gif (500x177, 473K)

Interactive movies can barely be called as games. In addition Cage's script always contains very childish moralfaggotry and instead of having subtle references about religions or politics, that shit is going to be smeared on your face. Detroit is visually dope though.

I just want to make deviant faggots fail

>tfw got banned for posting the china copypasta
the chinese won bros

Attached: 1547196889861.jpg (1024x429, 80K)

They all have small moments that work emotionally, but overall the narrative never delivers and obviously the gameplay doesn't give any satisfaction. The best you can hope for is to be mildly engaged.

What's up with the fucking jannies, they banned me the other day for calling a guy a nigger.


Fuck China
Fuck Tencent
Fuck Epic games

I will never buy anything from your fucking shitty store.

>epic store will delibiletarry delay a game cause its not on its platform

Attached: Ear Chopper.png (611x422, 421K)

Only heavy rain is good

Attached: funsized.jpg (688x800, 185K)

An accurate analogy would be that the supermarket was carrying mint, but then the asian guy paid the only mint supplier in your town to only sell to him, whenever you go to his store he forces you to buy each thing one at a time, and he sticks surveillance bug on you when you leave. And he's not just doing it to mint but to potato chips and frozen pizzas as well, and since he's creating a local monopoly on those he has no incentive to fix the shopping cart situation or stop spying for his Vietnamese/Taiwanese overlords.

since epic is losing money on every sale above 14$, shouldn't we be happy to buy as many games as we want and then uninstall that piece of shit?

is there any multiplayer game worth buying on epic?

the discount applies to preorders too.
check borderlands 3
they removed it when the sale begun.

Get the fuck out, give them nothing.

Attached: 1530987657809.webm (288x360, 672K)

>giving money to fucking randy the magician


but they are just losing stuff if i buy a game, i am not giving them anything.

Yes you are, they're making sure you can never remove the launcher because you own games on it. That's what they want.

Seethe harder

Attached: gaben.jpg (1920x1200, 350K)

can i launch games without epic client?

I'm just waiting for another company to release a online store and for it to be better than Epic store on day 1

Oh farming simulator 19 is on sale on steam, gonna get that.

lmao did you drones forget that steam had plenty of these problems as well years ago? and they weren't even as generous as epic was

The pre-orders are still on sale. What's your point?

awful, pretentious and dull 0/10

Wtf bros I just bought 5 games and my account has been blocked for fraudulent activity. wtf they basically just stole my fucking money

Dont forget that your favorite food producer made a new delicious doughnut and then sing deal about it being exclusive to that shit storefront only.

Or in case of new metro game or in rocket league: pulled already estabilished brands from other stores to sell it only there while repeatedly saying to customers
>fuck you, war of stores will be decided by publishers, not by customers.

Attached: reddit-fallout.jpg (635x1024, 87K)


>Waiter waiter there's a fly in my soup!
>Oh wow he took my soup away within 30 minutes! I rate 5 stars

It's 2019, I don't give a fuck.

>buying games

>like Steam
It's nowhere like steam. It's not even remotely close to a normal store, I mean how can they not implement a shopping cart, that's shit has been on online stores since the 90's.

nothing, the only things I'm interested in are preorders and god knows I am not that much of a retard to preorder shit
this sale really put into perspective how much of a small fish epic's store is, this "mega sale" is something that happens on a weekly basis on steam and GOG

Pretty sad "sale"

Attached: epic fail.jpg (500x421, 48K)

Holy fuck you have to be retarded i pirated it day1 and even pirating is safer than using some chink launcher
Also the game is garbage

Ebin shills can't meme

Nothing. I've never made an Epic account in the first place.

Tencent getting desperate

How much are they paying you to shill anyway?


bugmen strong as ever

Attached: buffed chinamen.png (500x578, 73K)

Bought World War Z and preordered John Wick and Phoenix Point, all for $60. Pretty based.

Because Epic is literally irrelevant

>everyone hates epic games
>shill makes a thread on Yea Forums
>can't even make his own meme
>pretends he isn't a shill

>Supergiant increase the price of Hades pre-sale
>Ubisoft take the visible store links down
Not illegal, just dickish
What a fucking mess of a "sale".

Attached: 1546348133497.png (381x566, 241K)

>''SALE thread''
>it's 99% shitposting

Attached: 1557473801322.jpg (1920x1280, 1.1M)

you're not my bro and i don't use the chinkstore

gibs me dat

Fitting for a shit sale.

>>Supergiant increase the price of Hades pre-sale
Even if that wasn't illegal that still seems like some smoothbrain decision making. Anyone not retarded would go big sale now, last chance before we jack the price to create a carrot and stick sale.

thank you winnie!
thank you cirno!

It depends. Cage is a good idea man, but his actual writing skills are horrible, so the story in these games tends to be stupid and full of plotholes. His games are basically interactive movies, as well, so they might not be your cup of tea.
In general, Detroit > Heavy Rain > Beyond. The first two are enjoyable, and can be pretty fun if you don't take them too seriously. Beyond is just shit, don't bother.

They literally only have a handful of games, it's a joke but epic shills keep making and bumping the thread.

it's a shitposting bait thread anyway
what do you want to discuss when EGS possess a whopping 20-ish games

And most of the games are preorder shit too.

Buying exclusive rights to sell something is not true competition and was always a genuine point PC gaming had over console.

What epic is doing is scummy and I don’t know why people feel the need to defend it.

Attached: C1FFEA58-CBA3-47BD-9AA1-851FCF9BBDBE.jpg (1156x1626, 496K)

Detroit was the only one I really liked, 2 souls and heavy rain are corny as fuck.

True, but these game are both new and rather good. Steam has shit ton of games on sale, but no one cares about most of them. Unless you are game collector, but we don't make fun out of retards here

It shouldn't even happen in the first place you moron


>but these game are both new and rather good

Which ones?
Hades and Metro Exodus maybe. Everything else is pre-order shit and mediocre.

good adaptation skills.

shit reason to adapt.



Mediocre is way better than most shit on steam sales tho

Epic is fucking curating their store.
They said they won't add trash.

Yet here we are more than half their games is mediocre trash. This store is literally rewarding mediocrity.

>the current post apoc sale on steam is better than the mega epic sale
fucking kek

Attached: 1506610444173.jpg (960x960, 57K)

They care enoug htaht they keep on revoking access to the games on the store.

Steep is free on uplay right now

That's cheating. With enough games, any sale is better than this one.

this guy gets it. I'm not even a steam fan, their customer service is bullshit.
but epics practices are just shitty, so fuck them I will never make a fucking epic account ever. those faggots will never get a cent out of me.
feels good man

Attached: 1325981567161.png (500x406, 401K)

why are console peasents THIS dumb

I wonder, do you also hate poe/warframe/leauge of legends/paradox/blizzard/ubisoft? Just in case you don't know they are also partially(or fully) owned by tencent so i hope you do. Yet somehow i can't think of a single person who said that they won't play wow classic because they refuse to support china, weird


>I wonder, do you also hate poe/warframe/leauge of legends/paradox/blizzard/ubisoft?

There wasn’t one, Chang isn’t good at English or bait.

yea you pretty much summed it up, those games/companies are trash.
out of all of those I probably only own a paradox game or two. Its pretty easy to avoid chinese faggotry if you don't play multiplayer games.
I never buy anything until it's been released a year, fuck new games, wait till all the bugs are fixed and the dlc is released then just buy the whole package on sale. good things come to those who wait.

Attached: 1338149854771.jpg (474x595, 30K)

Try EYE divine cybermancy
Its about as close as it gets

>Ubisoft misteriosuly blocked just before the sale
>VTM 2 removed from the sale
>Oxygen not included removed from the sale
>Hades price raised just before the sale

>>Supergiant increase the price of Hades pre-sale
actually raised during the sale which is even worse

Literally illegal in most countries even corporate held America

Oh man Heavy Rain out of all of them seem to be the one that I want to try even if its a bit old now.
I'm not somebody who likes those games but I do like a god novel and I did like the old point and click adventures like discworld and sam n max.

Blast from the past. Based gog.

>gets delayed because store feature updates and games being added are competing for manpower

the only game you listed that most of everyon here doesn't seems to hate is warframe, everything else is shit

Attached: 111.png (730x521, 92K)

what the fuck is even going on here, half the thread is shills vs drones while the other half is extreme shitposting
I hope this is just because epic is so garbage and this doesn't carry over to the steam seasonal sale threads

>Hey my bank deleted all my money wtf???
>Oh okay within 30 minutes they were able to fix the glitch
>Glad I have such a great bank. I’ll recommend them to everyone for their great customer service

Tiananmen Square Pants

I bought a game last night and went to play this morning and my account has been permanently terminated????

>I wonder, do you also hate poe/warframe/leauge of legends/paradox/blizzard/ubisoft
yes very much even


Tried my best user

Attached: Tim_China_Thinghy.png (1412x814, 1.39M)

10/10 user.

Nah don't worry. People who actually want to play games will be posting in those threads.


Attached: 1557419109146.gif (480x270, 1.88M)

Attached: 1555109800165.gif (287x320, 57K)

>mfw its weekend in bugland and shills are on fullforce today

Attached: 1506069015028.jpg (1280x720, 215K)

Heavy Rain is pretty entertaining, and some scenes might make you emotional, but as a whole, it's a game that's easy to make fun of. Certain parts of the story are laughably contrived, and the QTEs tend to become more and more ridiculoous as time goes by.
Still, 10$ isn't a bad proce for it, you probably won't regret buying it.

>implying Tim would waste even one second of his valuable time on this Chinese basket weaving forum

>implying they have weekends off

See you guys being mad in every thread about these games then

>implying I go in these thread to get mad
I'm here to laugh about this sale fail and shill doing damage control

They need to keep working, they have 996 culture over there.

>buys more than one game
>gets fucking locked out
Seriously how can anybody respect this trash to any extent?

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Rook same

literally shills
like people from epic since no one with a brain and without a paycheck can defend it

Yes... technically

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I'm glad it's a trainwreck.
More egg on the shills faces and it makes the store look even worse than it already is.

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The chinaman fear the cart

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Chinese Communist Party, thats why.

What other Top-10 country has a government that murders its citizens with impunity?
'People's' 'Republic' my ass.

>I'm here to laugh at shills
>But i'm also shilling for valve

What a genius, you join pirate everything group or you are a faggot. Does not really matter whose dick you suck



>>But i'm also shilling for valve
I am? I only said that I dislike all those platforms and laugh about this trainwreck but somehow I shill for valve.
what is wrong with you? Is laughing about the misfortune of these chinkniggers somehow steamdrone exclusive?
Get some help lad lmao.

Ebbin Gay Store
Epic Gulag System
Epic Gook Sell-out

Epic Fail

>I only said that I dislike all those platforms
No you did not. But anyway good advice, get some help mate

Guaranteed money =/= the money a dev/publisher expected
If epic had given then the BIG money, they would have bought the whole game or IP, not just the distribution rights.

Also, if the dev intend to make a sequel, or even continue in the business, they lose a lot of goodwill and future purchases for other games, which epic most likely wont cover, unless they keep buying the exclusivity rights forever

jesus christ what a fucking embarrassment of a first sale
how did they communicate all of this?

LMAO I can't handle all this damage control.
feel free to show me where I did that

that is me btw

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>how did they communicate all of this?
they didn't for some publishers/devs
so they had to either remove games entirely or change the base prices so the discount wasn't as much
this is all done manually by the way

lmfao this is top tier fucking edit

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Yes you are. by being against Epic you're for Steam.


this is some serious mental gymnastics
but if it gets his argument running

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Are you schizophrenic? You just admited that you never said what you claimed to. Honestly, take your pills

Bush didn't do 9/11.
It was either Israel, South Arabia or Rissia

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So many steam drones seething and coping right now. just kys cucks

is this shill rage? I was talking about those publishers the other user (most likely you) asked for.
yeah it wasnt asked for the stores exclusively but hating on ubisoft and blizzard includes those.
I like your damage control, since I can smell you SEETHING

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Bought the cage games and wwz. Maybe metro too and hades

I love steam but whatever. Valve does nothing nowadays

>go to new chinese market across the street, because they have exclusive food products
>buy more than 5 items at a time
>they call the cops on me

I can't wait to go buy some new Ubisoft games on epic during this sale

then you're a commie by association by your logic

Tell Tim to fix his shitty store, Chang.

>what did you buy from the five games on sale

>all done manually by the way
Well, with like 20 games on store, that isnt hard, but how do they even dream of becoming big if they dont even have a properly coded sale option in their storefront API

>Valve does nothing nowadays
>Valve literally has a sale going on right now for post apocalyptic games
>Valve does nothing

>>buy more than 5 items at a time
more like
>they have no shopping carts
>have to go to the cashier and buy one item at a time
>after the fifth item they decide i'm buying too much and throw me out of the store

I bought like six games and didn't get flagged, Pat's a retard

Selling someone else's games isn't doing something.

thank you very much i am very pleased with this you are a legend

>Asking for logic is damage control/shill rage/seething.

okay, have a nice day

At least Valve knows how to implement a shopping cart.

But this comment is literally saying epic is doing something by selling other people's games

this must be the lamest, most idiotic shill attempt we had here for a while
before you answer, its way sadder if you didn't actually got paid for this

>runnig off after he sees his argument crumbling
I thought I was a valve shill. I thought I was le ebil monopolist shill.
please tell me how, I need to know if I can get some money for that, don't run off lmao.

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Detroid is probably the least shitty
Personally I just like Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit for how off the fucking rails the story becomes.

>games literally pulled out of the store because publishers opted out of a sale
How does this fucking happen? Why can't they have a separate place for games on sale and games not on sale?

this is irony right?

you're right, at least epic did something
they took someone else's games and prevented them from releasing on steam for a year

actually, if they can't even implement sales properly how did they give out free games?

>Customers ruined Steam Sales
>Developers ruined Epic Sales

really makes you think

Because they're pre-orders. It doesn't matter what the price tag is if it's attached to nothing.

The free games were agreed upon with the devs/publishers. This shit here seems more like a quick shot from Epic after the steam summer sale date leaked. Besides free game is just one download, this one is multiple buys back2back which sets their fraud alarm off since nobody sane would do something like that.

also took me a while to understand - this basically puts the games at that price forever for a lot of people, even if they miss the sale they will check the price history and wait till it goes on sale for the same price. also makes the publishers look scummy if at a later date they decide to do a 20% off sale or something.

>Besides free game is just one download, this one is multiple buys back2back which sets their fraud alarm off since nobody sane would do something like that.
I'm not talking about that guy, that's a separate problem, I'm talking about the games being pulled instead of just being changed back to their normal price

it devalues your product
people will wait till it gets cheap again when it was cheap once
also a game that gets a 50+ percent cut only a few months after launch is directly connected to the quality

What argument? I just pointed out your lack of logic and you went mad, funny enough you claimed to not be mad before.

Inb4 i'm not mad, sure buddy sure

So git gud faggot? It's not out fault you suck balls.

>he comes back
I knew you couldn't run away kek
>he doesn't care about what he said initialy since he can't prove anything
>still semantics and namecalling
shill rage is funny

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>he actually buys from Epic Store
I thought this shit was a meme. How can anybody support such a lackluster and shabby sore like this?

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People with vac bans

>epic will make pc gaming great again
It's already great though, you're the fuckers screwing it up.

because it makes people here le mad

ahaha that's epic!

how the fuck do you even get a vac?

>Does the Epic Games store have mandatory sales?
>No. While we do plan to offer multi-game sales events, they are voluntary.

Seriously why does Epic make VaIvedrones seethe so much? They even need to make up lies and slanders to make Epic look bad.

I like how news articles are suddenly spinning that it's okay that this happened.

>Epic is just suffering growth pains
>Epic isn't Valve
>Epic is still just dipping their toes in the water
>Epic is still learning
Fucking lmao.
Paid shills all around.

is there a thing they said they haven't contraditcted

>They even need to make up lies and slanders to make Epic look bad.
no need to when their store is so shit

they can't even argue for shit and get salty
this is like christmas for bystanders

>Does the Epic Games store have mandatory sales?
That's such a bizarre question to include that it doesn't surprise me at all that it's a lie

I'm literally shaking because the mega sale was such a success

Epicucks are fucking SEETHING with rage, it's glorious.

There's still a month left drone.

Keep seething.

Thanks for the literal free games i pirate

I'll never buy epic and if it's not on steam then it's day one pirate

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Hey, why didn't the IP count go up after this was posted?

yes the sale was such a fucking punch into gabens face.
how will he recover?

But they are, for some reason everyone keeps saying that "there's so much wrong!" with epic store. Yet VaIveshills just makes up lies and shit for the store to spread on Reddit and other sites. And normalfags eat that shit up without questioning.

>He is still seething
Please tell me more

Funny part is valve is so fucking lazy that the steam news feed is flooded with epic shill stories because they let these "news" sites post any article there and don't check

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Because you are allowed to post more than once in a thread?

So you dropped your steamdrone argument cause you have nothing to show off and resort to namecalling? Not even trying anymore?
Fuck man shill rage is a hell of a drug.

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>tfw PCGamercucks are the only one not mentioning the shitshow that is happening at the sale

>buy several games on sale
>your account gets flagged for "suspicious activity"
>get blocked and lose all access to your games

They’re bribed by Epic. Won’t be surprised if Epic is going to buy them and have their own propaganda media

a lot of the editors are bought with epic money, the pcgamer ones are one of them

More faggot

I support companies that treat me well, Steam treats me well. Epic does not.

>he doesn't even try anymore
such is winning Yea Forums arguments

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They aren't directly bought, but Epic buys lots of ad-space and they know that will stop if they push negative stories about them. so it's the same thing.

>bribe devs for exclusive rights
>bribe game journos for positive coverage
Crazy thought: all that money going into those dirty campaigns could have been used to improve your shitty store.

> be yerro prastic shirr
> carr everybody erse shirrs
> this wirr work for sure
> crever strategy i convinced everyone

This great sale is not treating you well?

As expected of a drone.


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this is beyond pathetic

>buy game
>lose all games
Yeah, great sale.

theyre just bought and paid for to spin tales against valve and steam
a lot of the uk portals, pcgamesn too etc

Nothing, and I have no intentions of ever buying anything off the chinkstore, so get fucked chinkshill.
works better with an image I find, so lemme post---

and Epic
and Ubisoft
and Sony
and Microsoft
and the entire planet
just 11 more years to go!

You all realize Epic is doing this sale now so that come E3 they'll have padded out their sales numbers and will be able to brag about it on stage right

It's clear as day that they didn't have anything to show for aside from 250k from WWZ so they needed this to really stretch the statistics out.

why 11?

mr cool in the back looking like he's about to fuck your girl

>he is so fucking mad he is literaly watching this thread all the fucking time to reply as fast as possible

Your performance is outstanding, i wonder if you still claim that you are not mad

>the good old tactic of giving me simple (you) after the argument failed
classic since you won't run into another failed argument this way.
Do you want to go back to you inital statement?
I mean you tried to accuse me of something no?

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Epic lie anyway.

Getting an account flagged for buying too many games, and then losing all your games without refund? I'd say that's not nice treatment.

they don't give a fuck based gaben

einnf2眼亜30@@o0-52***54 in 11 years, the 4=+-3идeп535vvכחכומ predicted it a while back

>edits the Gaben pic to look like that cuck at epic
As expected, chinks know nothing but to copy and imitate because they can’t create shit

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Yes, please

So you want me to smugpost you since you lost your argument?

Question to the Epic shills: how do you fight the urge to kill yourselves?

>no pic
Why is this vavle shill pc so anyoning? I clearly pressed it kek

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ok here we go ragie

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gaben goes into shit tier alongside sweeney though

dumb ESL shill

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Fucking epic shills i swear to god

I knew you would latch onto it
I mean you can't argue for shit

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David Cage is a hamfisted hack but his games still end up being entertaining in a "so bad it's good" way

So now I'm an epic shill
but that other shill called ma a valve shill
now I'm confused
my shizo pills are not working today kek

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You can watch it all on youtube for the same experience.

It is the best example of how a unnecessary twist can make something worse.

They get huge rewards by working from home which lets them not die on the way to work form hazards such as holes opening up in the pavement or stairwells collapsing.

>i was just pretending to be retarded

Please, more funny reddit memes. You're not only mad, you're a clear normie. Nice bonus

nah ragie, it was a genuine mistake because I tipped fast.


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>I was just retarding to be pretended

Imagine buying groceries one at a time and then getting thrown out halfway through.

>the david cage games have pricing indicating they're releasing sometime soon
>journey STILL doesn't have a price and it was the FIRST ANNOUNCED EXCLUSIVE
hurry the fuck up and release it so I can buy it on Steam later

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that Epic was competing with 2006 Steam and not 2019 Steam

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it's the worst part of these bugs "see Remember fatman meme now with with dear leader tim sweeney"

This has been debunked repeatedly.

Death end Re;quest Deluxe Edition with the free DLC, quest pack, and Ripuka.

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I know, you don't have to tell me brother

GOD all this mega sale success is making my blood steam

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looks like a fucking nep clone, which I expect at this point

For a second there I thought Epic had weeb games. Truly a deplorable store, steam is. At least Epic doesn't accept the shitty japanese.

Brag about 40k sales more, chinsect.

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since when does valve hire chinese people?
I have to talk to gaben about this
or maybe follow the shitposts to the funny argument of the epic shill that he ha d to drop

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That's not from it at all.

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It’s his best, but would’ve been perfect if the game focused just on Connor.

heartly kek

what? I wasn't referring to your garbage image if that was your thought

Detroit has an interesting concept, that said being more of a movie than a game I watched the whole thing in YouTube

>epic shills can't reach my 400 IQ carlos jokes
I would stop replying after this burn too

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I like falseflagging as extreme retardation epic shills

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
Fuck China and FUCK Tencent/Xi

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mods ban you for this now what a joke

I do too.

Yes, i love epic game store

fuck off Tim

That's the point

because it is spam at this point
not that I defend insects or mods


it has always just been spam if you could actually read chinese

>an actual chinkoid

No they didn't and no you're not.

go away MDR

Tencent are the jews of chinese video gaming industry
t. chink

Neither does getting timely customer support. Also I don't like EGS, so don't pull this shit with me.

holy fookin shit is this bastard ugly.



Oh I bet the folks at valve laughed their ass off. Before going back to doing absolutely nothing.

>implying they're not just jerking off to VR porn 24/7

ooOOOOh, I'm so mad and angry!!! Please do NOT buy more games off Epic, or I will get ANGRIER!!

>Seeing my crops being used to BTFO retards

Oh, I thought this was the Steam sale thread.
My bad.

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>G-g-guys don't leave me alone Steam plz. The chinese are tricking you! Gabe is the good guy!

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>blocks your account because you bought more than one game
nothing personel... heh....


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>edited Gabe
they can't even make their own macros
fucking embarrassing

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Epic has World War Z. What does Steam have? Games about dating dads.

I think we see who the winner is here.


How do you explain this away?

Attached: Capture.png (570x465, 45K)

>transforming other memes to fit the thread is bad and nobody on Yea Forums does it
newfag detected

Attached: epicfagsales2.png (584x1019, 442K)

Fucking KEK

wait why are there niggers in it?

I just pirate everything now sales are for chumps.

Ah yes, you see, I have won this roulette for the fact that my waifu is not on that list, and therefore none of your inferior plebs can roll her, so that means she will only ever be fine

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she is not even best Guppie

Attached: 1546990284145.png (604x217, 166K)

>thread about EGS sale
>99% of the posts are valve drones literally SEETHING
This looks fun.
I might actually start falseflagging as an Epicdrone.

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Steam has a shopping cart but no customer service team.
Epic has a customer service team but no shopping cart.

I don't think either of these semen-slurping DRM platforms are for me.

worked for fortnite vs pubg

I bought nothing because I play free to play.

Attached: 68069924_p0.png (923x554, 508K)

Foolish Mako poster!
The only Guppie who even comes close to Yukari's greatness is Erwin!
All Guppies are pretty good and we can all agree that we're all better than Erikafags

Attached: 1546491312888.jpg (1600x900, 165K)

No regional prices no buy. Simple as that.

There are regional prices, actually.

she is not THAT bad

Attached: __itsumi_erika_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_himeoka_yuki__f073707d086ca088e841f1408cfb530f.png (800x1131, 679K)

Not in my region

Imagine having a waifu who's only defining trait is being an autistic loser

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any one have the deleted randy tweet about the sale?

Forgot to add that even if they do, they don't have any of the payment methods that I use for Steam anyway.

>my waifu
and Mako ist best guppie

Attached: __reizei_mako_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_bbb_friskuser__4e1fc626e6c4f847281f3b44937e7712.jpg (606x1130, 374K)

>What other Top-10 country has a government that murders its citizens with impunity?
The USA, only it's not it's own citizens. I'd much rather help the Chinese people and their government than the blood thirsty american people and their war machine desu

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fucking saved