4a.m thread


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Is Act 3 going to happen? Ever?

just checked. its not 4

Just finished jacking off to hentai. I'm going to bed, goodnight all

reporting in. need a new game. Just beat sekiro. Hollow Knight is too frustrating to hold my interest.

>5:30 am

Yea Forums has changed

Make it 6:30 here.

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it's 3:30am
t. west coastfag

>living on the cuckcoast instead of BEAST coast

delete urself

It's not even 3:30 on the west coast, it's 2:30

Make it 11:34 here

>girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me
>have nothing because I threw out all of my kitchenware and furniture before moving in with her
>28 years old and move back into parents home until I get my shit together
The only TV in the house is in the living room and they're always watching something. I've gotten so desperate for games that I've started playing my Vita again.

You’re a grown man who was relying on his gf. Now your parents.

Working at a warehouse I used to manage and hopefully about to start at Petco as a dog trainer. Life is good just not lavish.

Currently trying to beat DMC 5 on DMD and playing through Digimon World & Ape Escape on a PS1.

Come on man.

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Korea time in 15 mins. My favourite time of the week.

uni is going nowhere
I think I should just quit and become a tradesman

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Do it. Don't be like me, getting that degree doesn't make everything else work out. I know I want to do a trade now, but don't have the money or time to go back to school.

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Drop out as soon as possible and get into a trade or military now

Stuck at work, god a nasty headache, behind with some bills, stupid rain keeping me in bad mood, haven't played any vidya in a week

Got a date with an older chick tomorrow and its literally the only thing keeping me sane

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the wagenormiecuck is strong in this one

Oh it's 14:00 already?

Today I had a good day. The first genuinely good one in a while where my cocktail of brain problems didn't bother me. Nothing super extravagant happened, but my best bro got new speakers for his computer for free and we played lots of Vindictus. No panic attacks, no sensory overload, no fatigue spells, no nagging voice in my head telling me everyone I care about secretly hates me or will be violently and painfully taken from me.

Things will get better, bros. Hang in there, and hang on to the memories of better days. They'll help you through the harder times.

Been working 6 days a week for 10 weeks now, haven't played much Vidya only increasing my backlog. Today was my one day off and I slept in, woke up, drank until I passed out, and now I'm awake and feel like shit.

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Getting over a shitty fever while I check out some games on my CFW PS3. Just finished Sly 2 for the first time and it was rad.

acquiring regis in pearl so I can soft reset shiny regigigas
it's 6am and I have a date tonight. maybe I should sleep. do I shower now or later...... hmmmm