Game falls apart in the second half

>game falls apart in the second half

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thats why dark souls 1 is the worst out of the trilogy. i dont give a fuck how good the first half is if second half makes me uninstall

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Every Yakuza plot

Bravely Default 1

Final Fantasy VI

>the last piece of the item integral to the plot is collected
>game only has story quests after that and the whole thing is wrapped up in less than an hour after that

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jesus christ this picture

>game is really fun and unique
>reach halfway point
>recycle literally everything but change dialogue and tweak boss fights
Man I still love the bravely games but c'mon


The second half of the game was shit but at least it made up for it with a fucking fantastic finale. Thankfully, there's none of that in BD2

>game suddenly abruptly stops after act 2
>act 3 wraps everything up neatly
>starting act 3 is completely RNG, to do the point where people believed act 2 was the end.

Dark Souls


I'm a little bit sore about the finale,
because halfway through the fight, AFTER the long meaningful cutscene, the boss uses an attack that pretty much wipes your whole party if you aren't ready for it. Naturally it killed me and I had to watch the climactic cutscene again and that killed some of the magic.

All games should have skippable cutscenes if you've seen them once already on any playthrough.
Hate it when I mess up and have to go through 5 minutes of bullshit over and over Agaon

pic related
They should've just stuck with the start of Disc 1 "You're a student of Hogwarts Mercenary School of Magic n Guns!" shit and spread it over a few discs.
Wouldve much preferred to do missions for a mercenary school, leveling up skills, having to make decisions in a skill tree and have to defeat some boss to save the world then graduating rather than
>ok do 1 mission on rails
>wew you graduated!
>kill the president
>school is in a civil war!
>school flies now lol
>btw go to space and fight some bitch frozen in carbonite
>ok you have a spaceship now, cool huh?
>ok go to some place, fight the sorceress then travel through time then kill her again

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I think I prefer it when if a game has a big climactic fight not to include things that make it easy to fuck up.
A good cinematic final boss needs to be able to be cleared on the first try if you're good enough, it shouldn't blindside you with difficult mechanics if it's ALSO trying to be big mood because restarting and waiting for the fight/cutscene to redo kills the tension. But there also can't be zero stakes because then it might as well be a cutscene.

I think bayonetta's final boss is a good example. It just keeps going and it's pretty challenging but nothing about it was bullshit and it kept the energy high throughout the entire thing.

Persona 5

Spore is the definition of this.

Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit in a nutshell.

I'm like 60 or 70 hours in and I can't play anymore. The game is legitimately too long.

I had to switch to easy mode and slog through it, it was too much.

>game turns great in the second half

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Really? I'm at the part where I have to leave Sylvando's gay friends with his dad and I'm bored out of my mind.

>That pic

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too true, every yakuza game Except 3 has a pretty strong early showing with its plot but then they fuck it up on the end parts.
Like 3's CIA twin brother that disappears after the game and is never referred to again, or Haruka in 5

Both Bravely games, man, first half is a good JRPG experience and second half is a lengthy nonsensical chore

I was playing with no difficulty modifiers but the combat only really clicked with me after the first credits when I was around 50 hours in and finally started unlocking more interesting skills, before that the only choices in combat were big aoe or heavy attack.

Why people say that Bravely is going to shit in the second half?
Its not even second half, at this point there is maybe 5h of gametime left
People overblow this problem seriously

It is a little overblown but it was still a little insulting for the meat of the game to be recycled content. The time shenanigans are when the game starts to get difficult and challenging, and when you've progressed your jobs enough to really start executing some good team combinations (unless you grind like a motherfucker) and I personally would have liked to see some fresher content.
Of course, I'm comparing it to final fantasy 5 which did that really well with the second world and then the third world giving you tons of side quests and new things to do with your powered up team.

The ending for part 2 isn't that abrupt, if anything the ending of 3 is. I had to look up just to be sure there weren't anymore story scenes, there's just a single one of "hi I'm back" and then absolutely nothing
Activating it isn't that bad with the save-reset rick, but it is bullshit that you have to do something like that in the first place.

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game of thrones the HBO show?