
25 days until E3.
23 days until the first E3 show.

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I unironically excited as fuck for Halo Infinite and nothing else. The hype is killing me

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Curb your enthusiasm

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What is there even to be excited for this year? Feels like the most unhype E3 ever.

Yeah I know lol, but even if it's shit I'm still hyped as fuck. So thirsty for new Halo shit

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Kojima kino's.
Maybe the game will suck but kill me if he doesn't know to do trailers.

Imagine being excited for E3 after the last two disasters, but now with sony is gone, it will be even worse

>the last two disasters
Only Sony were disastrous in the last two E3s- And Bethesda.

>but now with sony is gone, it will be better than in many years
Fixed that for you.

can't wait for my favorite e-celebs to have a snarky stream on twitch

Any word on MCC PC news at E3?

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whose ready for the new Xboxes ? gonna be fucking kino. i bet when the PS5 gets revealed later this year they are going to fuck up so badly and everyone will hate them, Xbox wins.

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Snoy shitted up E3, im glad their gone its a console that only exists for fags,trannies,and niggers.the ps4 isnt worth 10 bucks imo.

>no Sony
>Bethesda said no TES or Starfield
>PC Show by Epic
Fuck that just leaves Microsoft, Nintendo, Square and Ubisoft to show something. And Ubisoft sure as hell won't have anything good. And Square is 90% likely just to be FFVII Remake and Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC.
And I don't own a Switch so all of the potential E3 enjoyment for me is riding solely on Microsoft.
I don't like this outlook.

No clue. Most probably gonna be launched at E3 to generate hype for Infinite - there was supposed to be a beta last month but nothing came to fruition

>And Ubisoft sure as hell won't have anything good
Beyond Good & Evil 2 looks interesting

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>Beyond Good & Evil 2 looks interesting
Always online multiplayer experience garbage.

This will be the first e3 I actually watch (although I did watch last years e3 direct)
I am kind of disappointed that epic is running the pc gaming show but apparently its shit anyway so it's not that bad.

will we get any information about Age of Empires 4

Yeah that's shit. Only interested in it because it looks like Star Citizen or No Mans Sky but with Ubishit's open world formula

>Sony out
>Epic and Netflix in

Is a new age of cringe kino finally coming?


Since DMCV released, there's no reason to wait for E3 anymore. I'd be happy if we got some surprise announcements but E3 isn't what it used to be. The only reason people might watch it is for the cringe, but all the funny ones dropped out so why bother.

Last 2 E3s were good we got to see some good games from all genres both AAA and AA. Last year was especially good we got to see games like Sekiro, KH3, Spyro, DOOM eternal, Smash bros ultimate etc but then Sony comes along with their shitty dykefest and ruins the whole show for everyone. Fuck Sony I'm glad they're fucking off from gaming and giving Microsoft all their games.

I am halfway through that dragon rider show Netflix made.
I hope that gets made into a vidya.

I'm not excited for anything this year. I would have liked to be excited for Link's Awakening's remake, just out of nostalgia, but I can't even have that any more because it looks like shit.

Ion Maiden looks decent at least.

Shovel Knight King Knight shadow drop.
New Bravely game.
New Splatoon expandion and or spin-off.
New Etrian Odyssey.
New Monolith Soft game.
The From Software game that was developed alongside Sekiro.

Astral Chain live gameplay at e3 yes or no?

Not attending. Official reason: No games.

>Official reason: No games.
Then why has MS bothered attending over the past 3 years?

I wanted WILD instead. I'm sad that its probably dead

They loan out their conference schedule to other companies for free promotion.

They understand E3 is a beloved fanfest for all types of games and the fans love watching the shows every year and seeing cool new 1st party and 3rd party games. Sony are completely detached from their fanbase. Not even EA are dumb enough to not have a conference. They're just doing theirs at a different location on June 7th and calling it "EA Play" instead if E3.

So they're just following what Nintendo do with their shitty "Directs"?

Nintendo still rents floor space at E3 so people can come and play those games. It's how we'll get gameplay footage of some of their upcoming 1st party and 3rd party games. EA is doing the same thing they're throwing a fanfest this June where fans and journo's can attend to play their upcoming games like that new Star Wars one. Sony aren't turning up in any form at all. No conference, no fanfest, nothing. They've been doing this for a while they skipped PSX 2018 as well. It seems Sony are doing to continue doing these 10 minute State of Play shitshows every couple of months from now on whilst completely abandoning fanfests.

>He user! someone gave me these all expense paid tickets to E3, Wanna go together?
Fuck no

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Nintendo never left E3. Nintendo still invests in huge floor spaces each E3, and they still show their pre-recorded conference life both at E3 and online. The one and only difference is that it is pre-recorded.

Fuck, Nintendo are more at E3 now than they used to be. They've increased their show floor investments and they have more events and over a longer period of time at E3 compared to before.

Everyone is announcing next gen. It’s gonna be fucking amazing.

This year must be the worst E3 in a long time, there's literally no games on the horizon that I'm even looking forward to.

Because that would be fucking cool [or at least not total shit] which is not E3's style

The E3 is looking amazing and really promising though.
Nintendo, Microsoft, and Square Enix are going all in. Marvelous, Konami, and Capcom have something to show too. SEGA will be there. And there are old and promising indie games that are likely to finally deliver.
Then there are the obligatory wild cards that no one saw coming.

Looks a lot better than the average E3.

>no Sony
Who cares

Nobody cares about Sony's absence lmao

Honestly Sony big let down to skip the biggest videogames event in the world. Last year cringed with ugly lesbian and fluteman, they should just show some games trailers so everybody can shitpost here, I don't what direction they are going.
>one of the bestselling console of all time
>sorry guys no E3, no games to show

Their current business plan is unironically to have fewer games.

>not squilliam
Is it even an e3 thread?

>And Square is 90% likely just to be FFVII Remake and Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC
Bravely and or the Octopath sequel (not the mobile game) is all but guaranteed to be there.