I'm playing MTG Arena without spending any real money but the only deck I've managed to built just by grinding is Izzet Drakes. Any other good budget decks out there?
I'm playing MTG Arena without spending any real money but the only deck I've managed to built just by grinding is Izzet...
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Idk about the War of the Spark meta, but mono red agro is insanely cheap to put together IRL.
When they gonna release some form of arena modern?
all you have to do is make the other cards from the non-standard sets free and continue to charge for current standard sets.
That, or let people pay a sub for sets.
The boros starter deck that comes with heroic reinforcements is a decent deck that can be supplemented with better cards to make it a good deck. The goal is to just vomit creatures on board, aggro the enemy down and then deliver the finishing blow with heroic reinforcements.
No joke the u/g mermaid deck you get at the start is wildly better than the rest and better than most self made decks if you don't know what you're doing. Add in a couple frilled mystics and either vivien Reid or the new one whose name I forget and it's a solid deck for tiny investment.
Personally I've been loving Bant turbo Vannifar with Kiora and Oketra. Spark doubling Shalai against mono red feels amazing and watching their puny unga brains try to compute how you did that in one turn and shut down their entire win con is incredible.
Izzet Drakes can be branched out into Phoenix, guttersnipe/spells, and ral combo, all with the came core pieces and lands.
Alternatively, mono-white aggro is effective and relies on no dual lands, and can be branched out into splashing blue or turned into selesnya tokens.
yes standart+ and we will get amonketh and kaldesh back and they keep working to add older sets up until the point you can call standart+ just modern
Izzet has a lot of variations.
I love playing wizard prowess with the Arcanist, Burning Prophet and Adeliz.
But you can also play a Phoenix build, which is pretty fun, and once you have the phoenixes, you can go mono-red spells with Guttersnipes, Electrostatic Fields and Steam Kins, looting and spamming spells for 20+ damage a turn.
You can also try building Ral or Storm decks and even go Temur or Jeskai.
Just get the duals.
how do I make Orzov work, bros?
Not that it's likely to be included, but they actually programmed SOI and EMN before the beta for internal testing too, so the only thing holding back those sets would be balance concerns.
>balance concerns
>while modern literally exists
Monu-U tempo was pretty good and only needs like two or three rares. Unfortunately, Blast Zone shits on it in the new standard.
You add blue and play either esper midrange or control. Both Teferi's are oppressively strong, and even Narset can be insane in the right matchup.
I suppose you could angle for a WB aggro deck, but i don't know if it would be as good as either white combined with any other color.
They already are going to be forced to ban a handful of Kaladesh staples if they want a healthy format, SOI/EMN would just exacerbate things.
But Esper with Teferi is the current cheese deck, isn't it?
Just convert the izzet drakes into izzet phoenix. Almost the same thing but just better
Esper midrange is just a valuetown deck featuring the teferi twins. Having a good midrange deck is important for any healthy meta, its just a bit much because little brother teferi hurts control opponents so drastically.
>/tg/ and Yea Forums make fun of HS for years for being RNG shitfest
>it is
>praise MTG for being the thinking man's card game
>1/3 of games decided on the spot by mana screw/flood, 1/3 of games decided by matchup, 1/3 of games decided by the draw order
Not unexpected, but disappointing regardless.
Don't play Bo1. Magic is meant to be a game with sideboarding, and Bo3 mitigates mana issues in well constructed decks. Variance will hit occasionally, but if its 1/3, you need to work on deck construction. It should be closer to 5% of games at most. Games, not matches.
Play Go Fish instead.
Broke: Complaining about RNG
Woke: Purposely adding RNG to your playstyle because in the end of the day as long as you have a 51% win rate you will make it to legend
monoU tempo/control is the best budget deck and is tier 1
Card games will always be predominantly based on RNG.
Every card games fanbase wants to be elitist and pretend there's is "the MOST skill based" but at the end of the day it's like being the best athlete at the special olympics.
imagine going to a poker tournament and complaining about luck
Mono blue is bad against the field right now.
ive played only few hours but ive found my niche. its blue n white control deck
Literally stop playing Bo1. There, your welcome
Mono anything is a good start since you dont need 8+ rare wildcards just for the land base. Mono red is tier 2 and crushes faggot nexus decks. Mono white isnt far behind with weenies, and green stompy works with a few tweaks to the starter. The reality of a F2P model is that you need to pool your resources in 1 deck if you care enough to climb ladder.
real question tho, who up for some games
I play and like MTG, but I more or less agree. Losing before the game even starts because you get a hand full of lands then a hand with no lands after a mulligan is such a fucking shit 'mechanic'. There is no excuse for it in this day and age and the only defense for it I keep hearing is "that's how it's always been". I can't play any competitive modes because when this happens in a match I paid to enter it ruins my day, and along with land flood it happens way too often in mtga.
They are trying out some changes though, maybe it will get better.
>playing bo3
>where nexus is still legal
Not him but I can't stand playing a 2nd tier 1 deck that wastes your time for 30 min because it has 1 wincon in a 60 card deck
I just want to play Bedlam and Thing in the Ice.
And only facing Grixis/Esper Control ?
No thanks, I'll stick to my BO1 unranked playing Abzan and Mardu shitbrews.
I bet Niv-Mizzet is the dragon that From Software used as inspiration for Seath.
I play orzhov aristocrats with a 65% winrate from gold 4 to plat 3. It's sort if expensive since there are several rares, not even counting lands. It's still a very fun deck and it can be evolved into mardu if you like it.
Ill look into that avenue
go sorin and loads of afterlife shit with cruel celebrant and priest of forgotten gods
then if they wipe your board you leech them for 8 and get a load of 1/1s afterwards
wide aggro with protection from boardwipes is so nice
>every deck i try to make gets shit on by the premade merfolk/vampire decks
nexus is weak as FUCK
it has no answer to little teferi or any planeswalker
loses to any aggro deck and midrange deck
it only eaks out wins on jank and control, both being slow decks
any tips for new starters? do i just save money for draft or just buy decks outright to get going and try to compete in rank?
i meant packs for 1k gold not decks.
>still no old school on arena
ugh, don't encourage more of this.
If you solely want to play constructed, then cracking packs is better because you get more wildcards which are really all that matters. If you have even a little interest in drafting then spend your gold on BO1 drafts to get gems for BO3 drafts, it's much better value and you can go infinite with practice.
As a newcomer you'll most likely get shat on draft. Buy packs for wildcards and get the cheapest (in more ways than one) deck. Usually mono red. Then you get easier wins with that one to get another.
I've been playing a Azorius superfriends list with the Teferi twins and every time i run into a esper control deck i get free wins if i have a teferi on turn three, shits pretty fun.
tfw no old school
Fuck planeswalkers and fuck wraths for not affecting them.
Mono red is boring as fuck to play though.
any advice for drafting then? I haven't done it yet.
Study the entire set you're about to draft.
Know which cards of the set are good and which to avoid.
Have a deep understanding of the game to know how to deckbuild with the cards you get.
I guess that's it.
Draft is good because you can go infinite and it's an ok value even if you lose early on. But the value is on random cards (from the packs you open), however as a complete newbie it's best to focus on making 1 decent deck to start of, and getting 100's of random cards might not help you at all. Buying seperate packs gives you Wildcards, both in the packs themselves and through a counter. It may not be as effective card-count wise but a single wildcard is 20x more valuable than a random card of the same rarity because you actually get what you need instead of 20 shit rares/mythics of colors/types of deck you couldn't care less about.
All of that being said, if you just want to have fun then draft anyway.
Aristocrats, midrange, or knights are all good options for Orzhov.
Wizards aggro has pretty much no rares, and is a very fun deck. Its also izzet
Dont be afraid to use guildgates in your decks if you dont have enough rares to craft shocklands/checklands
>any tips for new starters?
don’t play arena, even mtgo is better for playing magic.
it is but its the quintessential nigger deck next to murlocks.
Just build mono red and burn em
i dunno digital version but white/black winnie was the best budget deck while I was playing on the table
Honestly this just makes me want to play red now
i basically haven't played MTG since the year ~2005/2006 or so and cards like these make it seem like all older cards would be totally irrelevant now outside of a few exceptions
>1/3 of games decided on the spot by mana screw/flood, 1/3 of games decided by matchup
>Solves these two or draw order/coin-flip.
Just do DRAFTS bruh. Traditional drafts if you got good.
Here are some budget decks
>not playing mono white
enjoy getting crushed
joking aside, what are the themes/strengths/weaknesses of all the magic colors? can i read about them somewhere?
>what are the themes/strengths/weaknesses
White: buffs and heals
Red: unga bunga direct damage
Black: Sacrificing your dudes and bringing them back
Green: Big guys 4U
Blue: No fun allowed
>mtga doesn't even have brawl which wotc tried to push
Kaya. Just Kaya...
I went from playing the basic mono blue deck to my own blue/white control deck to red
Theres something so satisfying about chucking lava axes at people. I like this style of spell focused burst, rather than minion aggro
Pretty much this dude. I'm a poorfag that gets around and i've managed atleast a few decent winrate decks.
Wizard tribal with pump spells, draw spells and Arcanist/Adeliz/burning prophet is fun as fuck jank.
Rakdos aggro is fun. Dreadhorde Butcher has silly value. I wish cry of the carnarium didn't exile because it hoses the deck and guarantees that Celebrant decks will always be shit. I love my Mardu aristocrats. It's just a shame they had to print such a gay cheap early game board wipe at the same time.
Is tri color dinosaurs viable? Feels like by the time I get big meaty boys on the field I've already lost.
Smoothbrain here, can anyone explain what the terms for decks are? I only know Control.
>you go first
>opponent ropes
>you use a color the opponent doesn't like (anything that isn't their deck's color)
>opponent ropes
>you put down creature while all their lands are tapped
>stalls for 3 minutes while flashing the card and his deck every few seconds
>doesn't have anything to deal with it
>have 9 untapped land
>cast card that costs 3
>opponent stalls for a million years
>finally casts their counter
>cast your counter for 3
>stalls for a billion trillion years
>casts their counter and flashes it a bunch
>cast your other counter while their lands are all tapped out
>they rope
>wipe mershitter board
>they rope
>use 1 healing card against red deck
>they rope
>exile their planeswalker
>they rope
You can tell they're mostly shitskins too. Fuck this game.
Aggro lots of creatures attacking a lot. Burn lots of direct damage spells going to the face. Midrange efficient creatures
youre a cuck and the new expansion sucks dick, play dominos or get the fuck out cuck
>also hates nigger merfolk decks
This is someone who understands me on a deep, spiritual layer
New expansion is ok for limited, better than the other recent ravnica formats. But it definitely fucked standard
White: Has answers for anything, efficient creature-wise, but has no card draw
Blue: Great at card advantage, evasive creatures, but are reactive instead of proactive
Black: Powerful spells and creatures, efficient answers, but their effects often have drawbacks, can't deal with Artifacts
Red: Fast and aggressive, efficient spells, but has low card advantage, can't deal with Enchantments
Green: Powerful creatures, can generate both mana and card advantage, but creatures lack evasion, can't deal with Creatures without using other Creatures
That's the basic gist of it.
>but are reactive instead of proactive
throw some healer hawks, ajani's pridemates, gideon's company, gideon blackblade, and several instant speed ambush cards and healing sources (the creatures that heal or let you draw cards are good additions along with that artifact that lers you pay 2 to draw cards when you gain life) and squeeze in like 4-6 exile cards like conclave tribunal ect.
the general meta will ruin your day but you will have some seriously fun matches in between getting control spammed and discard spammed to death.
Just grabbed a playset of this card since they are dirt cheap at my LGS and decided to make a Dimir Surveil deck with Disinformation campaign and pic related on Arena. I have no idea if its gonna wor.
Probably not great, standard right now is all about resolving planeswalkers, something disinformation campaign isn’t good at answering. There is a current build of UB control that is reasonably powerful, I would look at that and try to model the deck around it
Aside from huge developmental mistakes like Legacy Merfolks, it is. Even the most aggressive Blue decks like Standard's Mono-Blue Tempo can't do much if you manage to get "under" its barrage of threats and counters.
Irredeamable garbage. Doom Whisperer is the only big boy worth running for that deck.
Literally the only place I managed to make Hightower work (read: not be awful) is actually Golgari. Hightower is its own engine, you don't need discard to make it work, what you need is to ramp and get him out fast enough so it actually does something.
White goes wide and has lifegain, makes lots of little dudes and can’t remove cards efficiently although it can remove almost anything.
Blue draws cards, can answer any card before it comes into the battlefield but can’t answer them effectively after, specializes in evasive tricky creatures.
Red specializes in rushdown, has very efficient removal and creatures but struggles with the long game and can’t answer enchantments or very large creatures.
Black has disruptive discard and powerful kill spells, trades life and creatures for other resources and recurs creatures from the graveyard, but can’t answer artifacts or enchantments.
Green has very powerful creatures and the ability to play cards that reach those creatures sooner, can answer artifacts and enchantments very well but struggles to kill creatures.