Play RAGE 2

Play RAGE 2

Attached: ragey3.webm (860x600, 2.79M)

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I will when they fix nightmare difficulty so it stops reverting to easy all the time.

is this supposed to look fun or something
is there a reason for you to have booted up rage, started OBS, clicked record, saved, cropped the clip and converted to webm to tell anons to play ugly pink kotaku game?
convince me you aren't a shill

no fps shooter is worth 60 dollars anymore

>not having shadowplay on all the time

Attached: ragey4.webm (860x600, 2.93M)

What the fuck is OBS. I used fraps you noob.

>dude jumping on the spot and changing weapons for no reason lmao

imagine playing fps games past middle school

>it’s another “first game was serious, sequel is wacky zaney lolrandumb” episode
Pass, have a (you)

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i'd rather play doom, both functionally the same but also superior, if i wanted trippy gay shit i'd play far cry blood dragon

First game wasn't serious, it was just bland.

>changing weapons for no reason
the good part about these games is you can switch between all the weapons you have whenever you want
but sure you can stick to one weapon all the time like in muh military cover shootan too if you want

I've been playing the game and these webms don't do the combat justice at all. You aren't even using any of the special abilites or interesting weapons. Honestly the gun combat in the game is fantastic it's just a shame everything else ranges from mediocre to bad.

Is this true? I'm playing on hard but I feel like I'm on easy

gravity gun and shotgun are the best weapons tho

Attached: ragey5.webm (860x600, 1.6M)

Yes at least for nightmare, it shows that you are playing nightmare but reverted to easy the last time you quit the game.

I was starting to wonder why I was one shotting everything with the shotgun and never died to bullets.

Doom 4 is considerably more outdated than Rage 2 in gameplay aspect though. It lacks all movement and special abilities.

>unironically wanting to feel powerless and having to shoot 5 shotgun shells into a single enemy

>Wanting to one shoot ever bandit you find.

Whoah, fighting brainless opponents with almost no AI in some fallout/mad max settings. The rush of dopamine is drowning my thoughts. wooow.

Why is the market for AAA still alive with all the shit they're vomiting on the consumers?

visual barf

>Get it on Green Man Gaming because it was 20% off
>Realize it uses the Bethesda Launcher
>Figure that since I had Quake Champions it would be fine since you need the launcher to start that game on Steam too
>I need to download the game and launch it exclusively from the Bethesda Launcher
>No refunds after the code is redeemed
Oh my god I just made the biggest mistake of my life. If I had known I wasn't getting a steam copy I would have just paid full price to have it on steam instead. Now I'm stuck with another worthless launcher with icons to games I have no interest in just like how Blizzard forces its games on you. I might as well have bought the game through the epic store. I hate myself, I am so retarded. And I am so mad right now. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY DAMMIT NO AAAAAHHHHH This sucks bros. I almost just want to rebuy the game through steam because I hate all the other launchers. I'm so stupid

That looks like a neat gun. Too bad the enemies don't seem to put up any fight at all.

Since you would still need to go through the launcher, if you're just complaining because you can't launch through steam you could just do something about that

>you need the launcher to start that game on Steam too
Not for a long time. I've never had the Bethesda launcher installed and I played QC for a while.

>Another FPS where enemies just stand still waiting to get merced while they take potshots at you
Cool, maybe we'll get another Fear someday

the pandered to sjws once again and made all the woman super ugly and all covered up, while adding degenerate shit male characters who wear buttt plugs.
i will buy it used and deny them the money

That's because Doom 4 is gay and Rage 2 is gayer

There's only one faggot in this thread and it's you user.

This is especially hilarious since the first game had tons of fairly good girls.

So Avalanche can make good combat? How come it's always been so shit in the Just cause games?

The problem is it's not a Steam game so you don't get any of the benefits and extras that come with the game being native to steam. Like it doesn't have a pretty thumbnail when I use grid view for my library, no achievements (not that important I know), but also it won't have cloud saves so I can play on my laptop later, no quick link to the discussion threads, no UI backgrounds, I don't think it will even have time-tracking but I'm not sure about that. And since it's already on Bethesda's launcher, having steam also launch would just be a waste of performance, especially if I want to play on a laptop. I wish there was a bigger notification or even a warning on Green Man Gaming's site. I really don't want to use Bthesda's dated launcher.

Id are the ones responsible for shooting mechanics.

>bethesda shill thread

Some id employees worked with them on the combat system to make sure it felt like an id game

so the enemies all just stand still? what kind of garbage is this

Screw it, I'm not even gonna install or play it on Bethesda's launcher. I'll wait for a steam sale and buy it again. It flopped already so hopefully they'll drop it to 30 or 40 bucks so I won't feel so bad wasting money.

I can't understand why the fuck they've decided to pair up with Avalanche. Everything that is good in Rage 2 is made by id. Shooting is great, special abilities are fucking godly, you can combine all of that to wreck the shit of entire hordes at once, overdrive is probably the closest thing to devil trigger i've seen in fps games, there's some really good levels too. But driving is fucking garbage. All cars are unresponsive pieces of shit with broken physics. None of them are satisfying to use. Open world is shit, only the green postapocalypse and desert regions have solid aesthetics and are interesting to explore.

They're your bucks, mate.

>Not having nvidia gayforce exerience fucking up the install every other update, breaking shadowplay, too since it's a part of it

I thought the retrowave/cyber punk aesthetics would suit but it absolutely doesn't


yeah it was like the one thing that people remember about rage 1 so the completely change from that art direction shows that it was clearly done for political reasons

great another ultra violent, lgbt-friendly and socially aware fps with oversized guns and 'difficulty adjustments', shitty music and brain-dead gameplay.

>playing on easy
whats the point?

Are you playing on easy? Why aren't all the enemies shooting at you and why do they keep missing when they dare to try to kill the guy murdering their friends?

works fine for me dunno did you pirate or something?

>game is a fast paced fps

fuck off weeb and play your safe space titties games.

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>recording your own shitty gameplay
That's gay as fuck famalam, but expected from a nvidiot.

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>buy it again
>so I won't feel so bad wasting money.
are you retarded?


>playing bethesda's meme "BROOOTAL GORE VIOLENS RIB'N'TEER" shit
>thinking weeb is an offense while on a futaba-inspired image board
>doesn't like tits
>shit-eating casual responsible for ruining this hobby
I unironically want you to die, by your own hand no less. Please, 41-percent yourself.

You will die if you stand out in the open on the harder difficulties. You die pretty quick and can get one shot from some things. Of course these retards are gonna post their epic kills on easy because they couldnt pull them any other way

Your webm makes it look like a less exciting and enjoyable Bulletstorm, and Bulletstorm wasn't even that good to begin with.

Name 5 examples of this that aren't Saints Row
bet you can't

the only one dilating here is you

The shooting and abilities are so good. But damn every time I think about traversing that open world I feel nausea. Why couldn't Avalanche make cars good in this game? Thinking of it they made only one game with good driving Mad Max.

driving sucks dick but you can use Icarus.

sure, but it feels terrible and sounds annoying
btw sound design is real good. it's been a while since I heard good bang in FPS

aaand I got baited... nice job user. But lay off that shit, people see it often enough to think everyone in this place is really retarded.

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Honestly if you think a shooter with Id-Software shooting mechanics is casual you should leave this place

I see the same problems with Rage 1's combat apply to the second. Namely, all these weapons and ammo types contribute nothing to tactical approaches or strategy, they're just different ways of instantly killing most enemies, most of which were just pissant punching bags even without the one-shots.

you sound like you didn't play it yet, go play it first instead of watching youtube

You're not tricking me again after I already got burned preordering Rage 1, and Brink before that.

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There is nothing wrong with either ultra violence or anime and I agree that Rage 2 looks like shit, have a nice day

pirate it then, just stop talking about things you didn't try

The game has fun gunplay and combat, but it would've been received better if it was semi linear rather than full open world. And also if they didn't add that blue hair soi latte drinking dyke on the cover.

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Rage 1 was good though.

That's some funny ass shit nigga.
go away zoomie shame this does not work in Rage 2.

>that last guy shooting at nothing

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Only if someone makes a reshade preset that remove some of this awful purple

ill buy it when it costs 10€

woah, I didn't know quake 3 bugs worked in rage
it's still a mediocre game though.

>muh boomer tricks
fuck off, rage is trash

You can strafe jump in some fucking Call of Duty games, its mere existence does not demonstrate overall quality. Rage's major problems were this and bad level design, not movement mechanics.

Holy fuck this. A lot of old fps games did that and it pissed me off to no end. Now that shitty glitch is back to haunt me.

watch dogs

I've tried.
Got bored after an hour and uninstalled.

that's how it works when you upgrade a few projects, AI gets confused when you sprint to fast or when you dodge dash, ah there is also super sprint
with projects for it AI doesn't adapt for a shot or two

I don't even know if this is bait or is this the average poster now
>quake 3 bug
>boomer tricks

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>if you put in these console commands the game suddenly starts aping a better game!
what is your point

pretty sure quake 3 super strafing was a bug, but it got popular and nobody fixed movement system

only in the first two games and AW and those are the best CoD's.

If you haven't gone far into the game, you should really get this. A lot of people overlooked this.
It's a downloadable save that unlocks the deluxe edition for you i.e. you get more stuff.

this game, and all games like it, are shit.

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>quake 3 super strafing was a bug
>strafing was only a thing in quake 3
if this is a bait that's a good one.

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I know about it only through Jedi Outcast dueling multiplayer, I know it was a thing for all q3 engine games, that's all

why is it so boring
I played like 4 hours mainly doing side stuff but I don't feel like playing the game ever again now

There's at least 2 factions of super-armoured enemies that hold like 3-4 shotgun shots to the face but have a hard time against fire, gravitation or energy based weapons.

magic of avalanche open world design, sad thing they didn't improve at all since JC2

>massive open world
>fill it full of boring locations
>depth of a kiddie pool

Make the game into a hub-based semi-open world with less locations but better design of those locations and the game is essentially fixed.

also it being post apoc doesn't help, I would take same game but with functioning, living world setting, so tired of dumpster settings where everything is broken

I don't know how people can play without weapon sway. It just looks like you're floating around with a static camera.

it should've been linear. Making it open world just shows how boring driving and the side quest are. And considering it's main selling point is the gun combat, the last thing you'd want is making the players bored. Games that are heavily combat based just don't work with open world.
It's like taking doom 2016, a game where movement and shooting are its main strengths, and adding a huge empty map, forcing you to drive for minutes to the gunfight locations. Just doesn't work.
pretty much this

Just got done playing a little bit, it feels like lazily made poorly designed game. Every enemy NPC has the exact same face, I honestly can't tell the difference between the females and males besides they wear bras but I guess that might be intended since the game clearly panders to cultural marxism. And the physics are entirely inconsistent I took out a bandit den or whatever and it had some half-assed attempt at designing a bar and only one type of bottle would break all other bottles, cans, ect. Were immutable.

Everything this game is trying to do other games have done better, every AAA game is just getting worse and worse. I thought metro exodus was mediocre and bad in certain regards but it blows this game out of the water.

god that looks so slow and boring. The fact whoever playing that needed to slow time or whatever just to do what they did is laughable. Talk about no skill required lol

This is basically the same game Mad Max was, except FPS and some more shootan.

slow-mo is automatic when you do a stealth kill

Like any other FPS since Fear?

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moving in mad max world felt good though, here it feels like a chore

Couple other notes, pretty much every friendly combatant in the opening sequence is female except one expendable chump incel who gets his head bitten off so you can get his master chief suit, and NPCs have head tracking until you interact with them and their head locks in position while they talk to you, just funny how lazy this game is.

nah you're a cringey faggot, please commit suicide

so it's a crutch you can't turn off? The game flow already looks slow enough, why make it slower?

It was filled with lots of side shit though, just like RAGE, and it was equally boring to do. Hell, I consider myself the type of guy that does all the side shit the game has to offer but I just couldn't bring myself to it in case of Mad Max. It was a good game, just too much side stuff to do and it wasn't varied enough.

>a couple extra clicks to play new game
is this what autism looks like?

>play TRASH 2

I'm not a low iq cuck.

>I'm not a low iq cuck.
And yet here you are

I already dropped it.
It was because of the driving and open world being ugly and boring. Nothing interesting./spoiler]

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