post kino moments in vidya
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Pick none, and eat shit fag
The final boss was pretty killer, is dead. David saves the game from devolving into a complete mess, by all rights.
AC fans are the most basic bitch faggots on the planet.
dont give a fuck what you think about spec ops, this shit was K I N O.
AC2 was godlike and then they started milking the franchise yearly
>le ac is le bad lelele look at my parroted opinion isn't it so unique XD
die lol
>my Prince of Persia continuation that removes the immediate time element, most combos, most platforming challenges, enemy variety and all semblance of level design in favour of a flat open world with underwhelming missions is considered to by enthusiasts to be fucking boring at best and atrociously exploitative at worst
>verbal diarrhea
Nice post. Go ride cock fag.
lmao mad
"For a brick, he flew pretty good!"
Every person on earth has taken a shit more memorable than any moment in AC.
>changing the genre in the finale
MGS4 was kino
Too bad they had the retarded choice of selling the ending (and many chapters before that) as a DLC.
Previous gen Capcom was really fucking stupid.
"I used to work here."
Im starting to understand why people just play bloodborne over and over again
Well, I was really a slave.
>post kino moments in vidya
you first
how brave
calling other peoples opinions shit while being too much of a coward to post his own
I unironically think this is one of the best fight scenes in anything ever.
Yume Nikki has like 50 kino moments, but I pick this one.
B a s e d
the music really set the mood for how dreadful that scene was
Super Mario 64's ending video
Ah shit, now I'm just thinking about this game.
wtf why is no one posting kino moments?
this is pure kino area and quest.
this here.
this is the real kino boss fight.
I don't get it...the town is making him stupid?