Why didn't you play her game?
Why didn't you play her game?
But I did, and I enjoyed it. Too bad the final boss is a pain instead of enjoyable.
What game
I played and like it
Its 7/10 game
I've actually been playing it together with a friend through the PS4's share play function. Very comfy experience.
Cheesing it in two turns is amazing though.
Id buy dlcs if its not that expensive
I did but I rage quit at the mission where you shoot the bombs out of the air.
Those two russian sluts literally dodge all my overwatch all my action shots and one shot all my snipers. while running past my tank my 4 vanguards and 2 scouts
I did and I had fun. Shame VC is probably dead forever now and the user that said they had a group re-translating VC3 has gone cold turkey.
Smoke bombs trivialize them, and just about every other enemy in the game too. I swear everyone forgets they exist even though they're broken as fuck.
That mission was ridiculous. My strategy pretty much became cycling through engineers to revive each other and the sniper on one of the ledges.
The safest option is pincer attacks. Bait them out with one character by making them turn towards him/her while having another character behind them, then use that character to shoot them in the back of the head, they can't dodge surprise attacks. Also I was easily able to kill one by using the tank before both could get close to the base camp.
I did, and did exactly the same thing as I did with VC1. Enjoy it very much until I got to an extremely frustating mission close to the end and went "fuck this".
>He doesn't know about the two turn cheese
Use your tank as cover and barriers to block the not-twins and control where they go.
>Put a smoke bomb on your base camp, they approach it regardless
>They can't shoot anyone because they can't see anything
>You can shoot them point blank and they won't be able to do anything because smokes also cancels an enemy's ability to counter
Smoke bombs practically make any unit you have inside invisible. They're so busted but people don't utilize them because they think no damage = bad.
Is the dlc worth getting?
I did and I regret it. It was fucking awful. The only good thing about it was Minerva's hate boner.
I have. I'm finishing the post-game.
Also, it's Kai's game.
>make 10/10 designs
>kill them off
Not him, but I did the normal ending the hard way, still got A-rank though.
I'm definitely cheesing the hard mode ending though.
I must say, at first I really didn't like them, because they're obvious fap-bait for retarded weebs.
But the changes they went through and the ultimate resolution of their storyline was very satisfying. Unlike Foreseti's. His character arc was a fucking mess.
She is the most likable character in whole VC series
>make 10/10 designs
>kill her
>still whore her out in every subsequent games
I wonder if they regretted killing her off.
She's likable but I think there were a couple more likeable characters in VC4 like Klaus.
this guys so cool
he deserve Valkyrian pussy
I wish this game was good
better than VC1-3 imo
story is shit but every VC game too
He should've been the main character.
Crymaria survives though.
They even gave him pretty much the same name as the MC but German-sounding (Claude Wallace / Klaus Walz), so it would've been very cool to play the story from his side.
that bitch is insane
She was just stressed out, but after a good dicking, she's not anymore.
Literally just needs to stay away from the combat.
Is she Darcsen?
Raita's art, basically. If literally anyone else did it, it would be more tolerable.
Much better than that trash sniper
darcsens have blue hair
actual anime monsters
they are both good girls
*nukes your country*
Raz's was a fucking great progression too. Still amazed they had the balls to do what they did there with him.
Just use the tank to block the passage, they'll just throw nades at it and eat interception fire all day.
thats why she needs a strong man with a strong cock to calm her down.
Unfortunately, no.
He went through the story raising ALL the deathflags possible.
Also, I really liked that scene with the switch when Minerva comes in.
why unfortunately? Darcsen are the bane of all gaians!
Needs Sonic the Hedgehog crossover DLC. Same with Megaten.
Raising them all so hard that he takes someone with him of your choice is awesome.
I want to nuke her cunny
The Darcsen race consistently produces the best girls in the series.
They all get unique voice lines during that mission too.
I sent that other Darcsen guy with him, seemed like he wanted to go out with his bro
There's literally only one good D*rcsen female in this series.
>best girls
>not the best girls
I did but I would prefer if they put the big titty monster as the main female character, the popular one, instead of these milquetoast female leads. Both secondary female characters where better than her.
>he doesn't know potatoes are fucking dead
He had 50 children with her.
At least.
Do valkyrias lay eggs?
Valkyrias have superior pussy/womb and easy to impregnate. Alicia was only touched once and she popped out a kid.
I expected shes a Valkyuria
because it wasn't cracked fast enough and by the time it was, I stopped caring.
>unlock 'Attack weak spot' order
But I did. It was very good.
The simple addition/subtraction math the game's damage formula uses makes shocktroopers' automatic weapons completely broken coupled with order stacking.
I'd fuck her, but I'd have to gag her because she's insufferably stupid.
I enjoyed a lot since I bought it when it's on sale.
maybe I felt different if I bought it full price
>she's insufferably stupid
Um, sweaty, she has a doctor's degree at 21. What have you achieved in your life by 21?
I'll tell you when I get there in a few weeks
But seriously who's idea was it to make her such a fucking valley girl. I have to wonder if she's as bad in the original Japanese script. Then again, this is the same script that seemed to think Kai's twist made any sense whatsoever with what we know about her as a person.
I was able to kill both of them using only minerva and raz
I did, it's a shame they went back to scouts being OP rather than keep them the way they were in 3 or have them try something new with the class.
Who did you send with Raz in the suicide mission? I sent his bro with 'im.
black lancer girl
I liked her looks and character but she's useless
I did and I bought all the dlc...
If you mean Zaiga, then yes. I found him annoying but I felt bad when he left behind his lighter or cigs. Paired up with Raz's item just made it worse. My 2nd choice would've been Godwin, Ryan or Keigel
the shocktropper merc guy. he was born for stuff like this.
>throws a hissyfit at Claude because a 9 year old kid doesn't wanna run into a burning building to try and save two people that are probably already dead
What the fuck is her problem?
I did. It was pretty fucking good. Worthy successor to to the first one. My only problem was it was easy as fuck.
If you use the longer range sniper rifle you can shoot them from the perches super easily.
the game could have used a hard mode or something since the final skarmish missions were pretty brutal.
The transgender fag
thats why you either attack from behind or inside a smoke screen.
I did.
you can have rally hit all Engines at the same time and destroy them if you buff her like crazy.
still did it the normal way and won on my first try.
I'll buy swimsuit and Selveria DLCs when it's on sale
> I sent his bro with 'im.
Who didn't?
It's already cracked.
Post your favorite squad members, any game:
from 4 if I had to pick:
Scout: Nico, Jester, Godwin, Minerva
Shocktrooper: ,Ferrier, Raz, Vancey
Lancer: Keigel
Engineer: Aulard
Grenadier: Jascha, Connor, Riley
I liked squad E in general however
I played through 95% of the game (on easy) and quit at the final level
think it's just not for me
I hope they hire someone who knows how to do a good story if they ever make VC5
>no Aoife
You fucked up.
Too expensive in my country. I'm aware VC1 was an old game when releaed on Steam, but VC4 being a whopping 210 bucks more expensive was just insane.
Bought it but didn’t install it. Is there enough waifu? I mean is it good?
It was on sale at HALF price multiple times since release.
>he hates Kai
Zaiga just felt right. It's what Zaiga would have wanted.
please tell me it didn't flop that hard
It flopped hecking hard, but the part that hurts me the most is that it flopped so hard we probably aren't getting another art book.
And all of these times I had to choose between going huntry or putting food on my table. People say gaming is a luxury, it's even more for me. In the last two years I have bought a whopping three games on Steam, DMC5, DMCHD, and Them's Fighitn' Herds
I'd follow her forever
It did, not even the Nintendo 'put it on Switch, it'll sell ganbusters' Switch could save it.
This guy know what's up.
I don't want a fucking crack, I want the game to not have Denuvo in the Steam store so that I can buy it for real.
Just mail some money to Sega bro.
Just buy it of PS4.
what happened to the vc3 retranslation group
I sent Nico. I made her a leader used her extensively to drag him into positions though the game and it just felt like she'd volunteer in an instant. Yes I am a terrible person and I felt bad about it.
No optional ending paths to marry and impregnate Minerva or Kai.
Tactical JRPG are worthless without strong waifu features. Having cute girls just isnt enough now.
>or Kai
Friends don't fuck friend's gf.
But I did and it was great. Riley is a bit boring, but Raz, Kai and Crymaria are top tier characters
The gameplay is fun, the battle at the empire capital was tremendous and challenging
Yeah, took me whopping two turns.
>No Gertrude.
>No Aoife.
You are a terrible person.
I want to sniff her pantyhose feet
VC3 is better.
I hope the series isn't kill tier because SEGA released it in the wrong time window and didn't understand the target demographics at all.
No, but she loves that grease cock.
anyone else save scum the hell out of the game because of the gay evasion stuff
I want to fuck Minerva's butthole and make her cry.
What a funny prank it would be to knock Minerva up with a child! What kind of reaction would you get?
Go away, Kai.
Isara was too good for this world.
Anal and maledom that shames bitchy girls are just my favorite things.
That's tautology.
Minerva best girl.
Absolutely based.
I Did, but i dunno the rest though...
Riley has some pretty overkill potentials, despite She's feeble being on her own.
Changes are final, sorry.
MC ain't Kurt.
That was stress. Retiring from combat and getting daily doses of chad cock will improve her life in every conceivable way.
I love how they both survive and can now start anew, specially Crymaria
Fuck Minerva
Marry Kai
Kill Riley
Too expensive and didn't look particularly interesting. The first game was overrated too.
Capturing the five command posts took you 2 turns?
>Outcries from VC3 Players
>Female MC is a shit, SHIT!
>Unable to have the option for 2 other female characters besides Riley.
You get what you got. Make due.
Should I go back and play the squad 7 dlc and one other that I got for free at some point?
She was the only good female character because she was the only one that wore tights.
Are Valkyria Chronicles 3 any good ? Nobody really talks about VC 2 and 3 and I want to know more about this Darcsen.
I can take absurd plot as long the gameplay is bearable
Any girls in the VC4 close to being as good as Alicia?
"The long Red-haired Juno"
Small maps that are cut into even smaller bits with loading screens between them, or that's what I remember from the 30 minutes I played both 2 and 3
The only trouble i had with this mission was getting all snipers on high ground and destroting all bombs on first turn.
Twins are a joke and they got btfo on 2nd turn
I sent Rita because god damn she's awful.
Why is every Engineer is a fucking uggo in VC4?
The only cool ones were Eileen and Aulard
Can potentially be done in one turn.
>Loading screens between them
Did you play on a microwave because my shitty old PSP switched between maps instantly
I played them 5 years ago so I probably remember it wrong but the maps were cut into small parts
I'll buy the game and the beach dlc as soon as sega removes denuvo.
For some reason, last time I tried the level, they didn't move away from their starting position since I didn't move the tank at all.
VC2 had a nice story setup. The country is at civil war over those who can't stand the de-facto leader of the country being a Darcsen, the true main villains were well executed. The problem is the game has some inconsistencies in the tone due to the anime high school setting and some of the VC1 cast not appearing in combat duty is WTF but respects their original VC1 endings so I suppose that's why they did it this way. It handwaves the explanation for why Welkin and the gang aren't killing people like the good old days. So story as I said had a nice setup with some missteps here and there. The real killer is the maps are smaller and there is TONS of grinding by the mid game. Not grinding weapons but actually to play new story missions, it has mobile gaming tier grinding loop before you can proceed onward. Many people drop the game here because of it. But I will say this, it was well balanced and you will get your shit done in if you try to replicate scout rushing. The tanks AP usage was nerfed so you had a reason to use the tanks.
VC3 was a good game in Japan, sold well in Japan, and had extra content created like a card game and new optional marriage ending with the redhead. VC4 didn't give us that sweet optional ending path to release us from blonde shit forced romanced hell to instead be with Minerva or Kai.
Riley-chan desu
Minerva isn't tsundere. She's just tsun.
Can she solo levels and bear a healthy family?
I can
squad 7 people are generally better than your regular guys and can't permadie
the other dlc wep is pretty bad
Then you're about to get waifu'd
Squad 7 DLC is fun enough, especially if you do it as soon as the game allow you. Edy's mission is just a generic skirmish mission that gives you a new character without much fanfare.
Is there ever a reason to use the Glory over the Cactus?
I sent the mohawk guy. He's a criminal and annoying.
Glory has slightly more AP than Hafen.
On Schwartzgard mission, you'll need it to bust some tanks around open square and...
if you position it right you can also setup killzone to discourage the AI to bomb rushing to your main camp.
Feels like the Cactus is much more appropriate for that mission. Ferrying lancers and capping bases is much more important than killing the tanks with an other tank. The tank in the east is easily killed by crashing the ark on it, bonus point for temporarily fucking up Chiara if you're lucky, while both in the west can be killed by spawning a lancer from the western base while the one in the south is lancer bait, but needs a lift from the APC.
she's bright, intelligent, and nice person
>He doesn't know.
>It's easy if you cheat!
Raita can't draw feet for shit, but those legs though.
At North of Schwartzgrad you'll be encountering enemy grenadiers that can 2-3 shot your APC and your troops inside gets KO.
I did that strat once and it wasn't worth the trouble.
Patrician's wisdom.
That's why you don't send the APC north. You should always do that one last, unless you get the tank reinforcement notification coming from there. The north-west point can easily be capped by the western team too.
Well yeah even with APC's paper armor.
One shot from lance or least 2-3 shocktroopers can fuck you APC to scrap.
Unless you get the -def debuff from Dan's retarded trait, troopers shouldn't be a problem.
Use the Blast Radius boost order (+the usual Penetrator), aim between the radiators, and you'll hit them evenly with every explosion, destroying all on the same turn, so the tank doesn't hide them.
Why is raita so disgusting
>But seriously who's idea was it to make her such a fucking valley girl.
She doesn't speak like gyaru in Japanese version.
She's elegant
>that knee armor
But why? Is this humor?
>That blushing on her body
>accidentally almost genocides millions because MUH SQUAD
Minerva was just an incompetent leader all around, butthurt that Claude was superior to her in every way. Her whole shtick with her hating him because he didn't come sooner was her basically admitting he could have saved her squad, while she couldn't.
blame Sega for the following
>nickle and diming DLC
>placing what was essentially a budget based tactical RPG that could have easily ran on previous gen consoles (want proof? it's on Switch) for SIXTY FUCKING DOLLARS
>virtually no marketing
>Collectors Edition was mediocre
>main girl wasn't the bitchy busty lieutenant or the ass sniper
>no romance options
>Claude was a fucking plank of wood boy scout
sucks since the supporting cast was great, the villains were great and the gameplay is the best in the series even if its' jsut a rehash of VC1 with new shit added instead of a followup to 3 but no one played 3 and not everyone liked 3's changes
>Risky Royal Cum
You can buy bottles of Risky's futanari semen?