steam wins by doing absolutely nothing
Steam wins by doing absolutely nothing
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>Steam, being flawed in its own way, achieves relative victory over its competition merely due to them being more flawed
Aren't they making a Netflix for games? Will Steam go under?
>by doing absolutely nothing
That's literally why they're losing.
Find a more flawless store you epic cuck
No, Netflix for games is going to flop incredibly hard because even normies will find the input lag unplayable.
>cucks to SJWs by removing something just because it involves rape
>cucks to the (((games industry))) by removing 'review bombing'
>sells shit like 'visual novels' as if they are games
Imagine thinking Steam is perfect. Imagine thinking giving it criticism makes me a cuck to a Chinese market subversion operation.
They've done a lot
I only have this client for TF2. Once that game dies I don't care what happens to Steam or Valve.
You dodge the question
Your question is retarded and presumptive.
Your answer is just your retard opinion
there are many, many public trackers as well as private. using steam in 2019 for anything other than a seedbox is fucking retarded.
as the prophecies foretold
>ask me for my opinion
>accuse me of dodging the question even though you apparently think my opinion is retarded anway
Its my fault alright not noticing that you are a retard
I still don't understand all this hate for steam
i've literally never had issues with it and its pretty fucking accessible and useful in all sorts of ways. I guess the only remote issue i'd ever had is probably the market 7 day cooldown but that's to combat scamming and trade issues and I respect valve for protecting accounts this way.
Plus we get a forum for every single game on top of servers for most current multiplayer games. Item trading between games is also pretty unheard of compared to literally any other launcher. Profile, friends, and group system are all pretty nice as well. Sure valve hasn't really done anything in awhile games-wise aside the dumpster fire that was Artifact, but I've always loved Steam. Shit's just convenient and easy.
Its the price of success
steam is the best we got senpai
I got plenty of things to complain about steam, but they are all relatively minor shit like url bar not updating and including foreign games in my discovery queue despite having english only selected.
Steam succeeds by having a pretty good product and nothing really compares.
For me personally. I hate two things.
1) that it is a social media platform.
2) That Gabe can't be fucked to sort out the store.
What did Steam win?
Who lost?
What's happening?
Somebody please give me a rundown.
Imagine not having reviews on game pages.
oh wait. Imagine not having games.
It is largely a hate for fanboys, turned into a hate for the platform itself. Steam is okay. Nothing special, but not bad either.
Oh add
3) inconsistant as fuck rules that are just based on kneejerk reactions.
Success breeds jealosy
Epic tried to pick a fight but steam sempai doesnt give a fuck
Well lets see
>Its DRM
>It wanted to introduce a fee for mods aka paid mods
>The sales are bad since 2014 and sales from Amazon are regulary better
>The service aka Ticket system is bad as fuck and everytime i want something i need to wait way too long ( compared to Origins for example where i get an answer much quicker)
And all the things you list are so fucking useless. What benefit to i get out of trading cards? That i make 7 cents? Or the forums where the frequency is so low that i can literally go to fucking Reddit and get a much faster answer
Also funny that none of you ever mention the fact that i need to pay taxes for selling shit on a virtual market
Nothing is perfect, there always room for improvement. We move forward by chasing the perfection but will never reaching it.
epic store did a sale
>the fact you gave a shit at all about virtual market
Bf is back on the menu.
whats flawed about steam
also epic isnt just flawed, its missing like 90% of the features steam has
Which is why they are panicking by having valve marketers flood Yea Forums?
>Tripfag goes to reddit
Color me surprised. You should stay there.
>I still don't understand all this hate for steam
Nah epic shill are just being hate simply because you are fucking annoying
Well maybe some people doesn't want their game provider to do anything more than providing game
I don't want a fucking "new exeprience"
I don't want a "pick of the day"
I don't want a fucking computerized butler/reporter.teacher/friend pretending to know me
I don't want an "app" to manage my "twitch"
I just want a PROGRAM to regroup my games
I hate the 7 day cooldown so fucking much
Refund a game, seriously after refunding a game i could trade market without any cooldown i don't have any phone associated to my account.
Maybe the steam employee saw i am a good goy and took proactive measure.