Got back into PC gaming

Got back into PC gaming

What're the best shooters out right now with lively playerbases?

Don't really like Overwatch, TF2 is now a shitshow, CSGO is nice but I already have it and I'm not very good.

Call of Duty isn't MW anymore so I doubt I'll get that. Titanfall 2 was dead when I had PS4...

The fuck is left? That's recent so I can turn up the pretty grafix?

The Divison 2? Destiny 2? The Division might be what I get. Thoughts, Yea Forums?

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Rainbow 6 siege
It's all around better on PC

Hope you enjoy de_dust2 on loop because the stupid fucking community is braindead. Gone are the days of custom maps and instead mouth breathers play dust on repeat only

What game does it play like?

No servers with decent rotations?

Avoid CS. The community is terrible as fuck now, riddled with third worlders playing the same map over and over and over. There are mountains of other FPS options out there better than this shit

Siege is what I would recommend, although it’s not perfect by any long shot. It has its own, very unique feel for a FPS game with its breakable walls and floors - basically the most played game mode in it is very much like Bomb in CS, but:
>the maps are larger and more complex, multiple sites that defenders pick one to defend
>everyone picks an operator for every round, which grants you an unique gadget like explosive traps attached to door frame, riot shields, heartbeat scanners etc.
>attackers and defenders have different operators
>defenders start the round 45 secs before attackers spawn to reinforce and trap shit, need to stay inside
>meanwhile attackers use small drones to recon
>then the attackers spawn outside the objective building

The good parts? The destructible environment and operator variety allows for some clever plays and keeps the game fair yet unpredictable. The bad parts? The tech behind the game sucks, frankly, and it’s buggy as fuck at times. Also, Ubi is terrible at balancing and there have been times when some operators are horridly OP. Overall it’s my favorite FPS in a long time, but again, not perfect.

Siege and CSGO are pretty much the only relevant ones.

Natural Selection 2

What a shame.

Sounds good. Thanks for the rec.

lmao thats still around?

I believe titanfall 2 had a recent revival.

Not OP, I feel like I'll constantly get shit on by the community on Siege cause I'd be new at the game and make obvious mistakes while learning but it doesn't matter cause "hurting muh k/d noob hey everybody let's vote kick this guy booo! - You Have Been Banned From This Server For Life."

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What have they changed (or butchered, rather) from Q3A to make this?

I remember quake live introduced auto bhop, and this one has classes or some shit

siege and csgo are the best picks, modern warfare 2 and black ops are also well populated and cheap.

This is why I didn't buy it. It's even worse on PS4

Insurgency and Day of Infamy
sandstorm is shite

There are a shitload ton of shooters.
If you liked CoD MW, then you might like PUBG because it has the same grenade spam bullshit.

It's not really a shooter like the ones you mentioned, but I've been really enjoying Warframe lately.

you mean quake live, right?

Even less people play that.

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Is Insurgency a standalone game developed from that Mod years ago?

I liked everything about MW except the grenade spam and tubing shite

Space ninja gaem is pretty cool but I don't have to pay for it so it's a non issue

Confirmed for hasn't actually played it. dust2 is in its own pool in casual, and in competitive you can untick whatever maps you want. You never have to play dust2.

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Even in Valve servers, that isn't the case anymore.

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If you like semi-realistic games, Rising Storm 2 is pretty cool, it’s like Red Orchestra in Vietnam. If you’re not familiar with the formula, just think of more realistic Battlefield with less focus on vehicles, more realistic damage models, less handholding and assisting features. Personally, I think that it strikes a good balance between actual sim stuff that is impossible to play with randoms and the more casual shooters, being realistic enough to make it feel exciting yet still being focused enough that you don’t need Squad or ARMA levels of coordination.

The playerbase isn’t huge, but there are always a couple of full servers to choose from, with a small-ish yet dedicated fanbase. That’s more than enough for me.

I can vouch for these. DoI bots in PVE mode are cheating fags though.

>Is Insurgency a standalone game developed from that Mod years ago?

Titanfall 2 and Apex are good. Titanfall 2 still has a mostly reasonable player base as long as you're not playing at weird hours.

You should get Titanfall 2, It has an unique and fun movement/gunplay.
It has a loyal playerbase on PC that needs players that you can help by joining ir.

Playerbase would be better off of it weren't an origin store exclusive.

Mordhau is pretty active if you count melee games. Destiny 2 pvp is mechanically ok but bungie are a smol indie dev who can't afford servers so I definitely wouldn't recommend buying it for PvP. There's also rainbow six siege, it seems to be alive but I've never played it so no idea if it's good. There's also battle royales I guess.

Titanfall 2 is very good too and apparently alive in NA/EU but I had massive queue times trying to play it in Australia.

Warframe, tf2 and Splatoon 2 are great.

As someone who played for 5 years - no. Let it fucking die.

Based and quackpilled.

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Post Scriptum

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Unironically battlefield 5 has been alright, just don’t get it full price. Usually on sale between $20 and $10

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Espace From Tarkov

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i wish rising storm 2 was more like squad

Hunt: Showdown and Titanfall 2

Paladins nigga

Titanfall 2 kinda came back to life because of Apex Legends. You should try both on PC.

battlefield 4, R6S and titanfall 2

>Battlefield without helicopters
Worst decision ever. 1 sucked and I admittedly haven't played 5, but it looks to be more of 1 plus all the added, unnecessary controversy.

they recently added a "newcomers" playlist that you cant enter if you're over like level 30
so you can safely start there
also k/d for casual playlists isn't displayed publicly so you can mess around there safely

Rainbow dix siege is an awful game. Don't listen to that faggot

siege is a great game, dont listen to this fag

Battlefield 4. Don't bother with the newer ones, they're shit

Does Post Scriptum even have active servers? On Squad I only play on Bloodbound, but I got bored with PS very fast

it does

It plays like CoD but with a few destructive walls. It's fun for a while, just gets boring really fast.
There no good multiplayer shooters right now, your best bet are solo ones.


CoD WW2?

siege fucking sucks its awful

Buy rainbow six siege

Modern Siege is trash. All the bullshit operators butchered the game.

Play Halo Custom Edition until MCC comes to Steam


Better to remove attack helicopters than try and balance them. Siege of Shanghai for example would have been better if it had transport helis instead.

don't listen to this retard, you can choose what maps you want to queue. If you choose dust2 and then complain that you get it then look in the fucking mirror

You should try Escape from Tarkov if you like shooters more on the realistic side. Its really great

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go away nikita.

recently reinstalled planetside 2. if you consider picking it up, dont fall for these traps:
>pick your battles
>>if you find yourself stuck in a spawn room with 30 other dudes, find another battle
>your starting gear is fine
>death is common
player numbers are around 1k peak per server, average between 300-600, so its somewhat lively

I'd go for R6:Siege
It's got problems but it's a pretty refreshing take on CS with the operator/gadget variety and destructible levels.

The community is as bad as GO now really. The newcomer playlist helps but the reality is befriending people who play well and don't act like third worlders is the way to go

Don’t need any other PC shooter but this one.

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Don't listen to this retard

>beautiful visually
>fan service is nice
>Hulshult's music isn't generic death metal
>familiar Quake gameplay

>netcode is awful for 2 years
>unoptimized AF. can eat 85% of 16GB RAM
>jack shit for content
>sub-1000 player count
>as a result, bad matchmaking
>no anti-cheat that anyone is aware of
>shitter-friendly champs like Nyx, Sorlag, and Anarki
>content comes out at a snail's pace

Don't even bother. I'd say wait for the Halo MCC on Steam

I recently gave Overwatch another try and am digging it. Didn't play for years

Give TF2 another chance.
The only problem I haven't been able to look past is source hitreg.

Play Total Mayhem mode

Rising Storm 2, Insurgency or Squad

I play the random hero mode all the time. What's mayhem?


This, user. If you want a good experience with TF2 today, look for a few vanilla / semi-vanilla community servers to play. Otherwise, choose casual if you're willing to stomach all the problems for it's benefits
If you enjoy first person shooter games, don't play overwatch. It's about pressing h and clicking the correct hero icon, not gameplay

It's free so why not give it a try at least?

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Planetside 2. Battlefield's size/scope pales in comparison. Kill 5 guys just to have 50 more following them. Its more authentic to the chaos of war than any realistic/competitive shooter.

>he plays casual

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he said custom maps you underage faggot.

Battlefield 3*

>Choosing to play dust 2 in custom game
>cry about it

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Thanks for all the help.
Alsoyou can take your Halo and shove it right back in your collective anuses. Why the fuck would I play that

literally none, I'm sorry, I wish CoD4 was still alive, but rn all currently active mp FPS are dogshit

Arma 3, Quake Champions, Red Orchestra 2, Squad

Iw4x for Modern Warfare 2
Halo: Online
Ironsight (cod-like)

>Iw4x for Modern Warfare 2
is it still active? Last I played a few months ago half the servers were total aids, like fake player # and horrible mods, are there any vanilla servers?

>I wish CoD4 was still alive

>Halo MCC

many are fake player numbers, and aids promod with 1000 modifications servers, granted, theres still some decent vanilla hardcore or regular vanilla servers without 1000 aids binds that inject shit into my autoexec

Just wait for master chief collection to hit pc

Wasdmitch shits out iw4x videos on YouTube every day and they get upwards of 300k views so I imagine so. Haven't logged on in a while though. Last time I was on there were custom maps everywhere, stopped playing when those servers disappeared. Also if Mw4 gets revealed people will probably be playing Mw2 while they wait

What is the best CoD MW? first second or third? Only played cod4.

Quake Live

Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Quake Live/3

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3 is dogshit, 2 is awesome, cod4 (mw1) is best

Still leagues more active than other COD games on PC, though. Even Black Ops 4 is dying.

Damn nigga you hate fun or something?

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>Playing shooters ever
Kill yourself brah LMFAO!

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t. ninetntard

Division 1 is fun and atmospheric as hell but the shooting is floaty rpg stuff which may or may not be a deal breaker

Rainbow Six Siege is the game to get into right now. Overwatch has a big player base, but they are all miserable.

Rainbow Six Siege has been stable at around 90-100K concurrent. It is kind of like if Counter-Strike has a sequel. Similar gameplay to counter-strike, but a huge focus on tactics and gathering information on where players are using cameras. As people said it isn't perfect, but it stands out as a shooter really worth giving a try.

If you just want to crank up the graphics and enjoy something, Doom is a great single player game.

For looter shooters, Division 2 seems to be the standout. Anthem cratered on launch and Destiny 2 is playable, but lacking. Division 2 is alive and has the most to it.

t. meme

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BLOPS 4 is thrash i wish i never bought it. Even for those 30€.
Bought WW2 instead and it is way better.

if u have mates, try rust

how is Tarkov with camping/borderline griefing? because every game ive played like this (DayZ, Nether, etc) is just assholes camping in cheap locations and killing passers-by
(grief multiplied by loss of acquired equipment)

Siege is for casuals who want SFX effects, RNG kills and no skill. Le special classes, bells and whistles galore.
CS is for mechanical players that get their rocks off from killing the other guy fair and square. People who want to outsmart or outaim their opponents

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>all the fun mods like firearms and natural selection and all the othersall died
>only boring CS is still alive
PC gaming is a curse

>ET bro
Based and redpilled i still play it daily on a server with a big community

you can blame the rise of twitch esports/MMR culture for that


Fuck off fucking casual. Moving the crosshair to the enemy faster than he does is fucking perfection

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Division is dead user, ubisoft fucked it not even memeing. They don't even have a general on /vg/ anymore.

is mp still full of hackers? that made me quit that game

It’s not a shooter but Mordhau

You mean gungame/gunrace? It's available as ever.

get gud

Division gets will bore you to death after 12 hours

2x health, ults charge fast, abilities cooldown fast. It makes it very frantic but you get a lot of crybabies who complain about toxicity when it's by nature a toxic mode (lots of solo ult bullying). OW director hates it, so it's hardly in rotation. If it's not up, someone usually has a variation of it going in the custom game browser.

People tend to be asshats and occasionally hold nasty angles, but when you die you generally won't run into them for a while because there are multiple instances for each map, unlike one big server for the entire world

are you braindead? do you know what a custom map is?

Its true you fucking zoomer

this, that game looks awesome, my poor ass is waiting for a sale though

Tarkov, Siege, Apex.


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Cod ww2

I have met less than 10 obvious hackers in 50 hrs playtime.

You can tell the people who don't like Siege are bootyblasted shitters that couldn't learn the maps.

learning the maps and esoteric metagame horseshit like which walls to reinforce/punch peekholes in is literally the games entire skillcurve
the game is basically not even a shooter, its a fucking tactical cooperative basebuilding sim, 90% of encounters are determined by factors out of the players control, or factors that are determined before the players even meet like ping differential, gun fire rate, op movespeed, etc

its a really cool concept with absolutely dogshit execution

this is the only game I've been playing in 7 months

>What're the best shooters out right now with lively playerbases?
Nothing really. Shooters have been shit for the past 10 years. It's funny, one of the 3 genres that is actually good on PC is at its very worst and you picked the worst time to hop back on the band wagon.

If you had a brain, you'd get a PS2, Xbox, Saturn, Wii, back up load like crazy and enjoy your time.

I played siege a bunch a few seasons ago. then I missed two and it felt like I had never played the game before. maybe I'm dumb but there is just so much you have to deal with in Siege, and if you falter for a bit then the game dumps even more operators and maps on you. its a shame though because its super fun.

if you cared about big brain tactical shooters you would be playing enemy territory, red orchestra, or insurgency. cs is just dumbed down hldm.

those are all garbage hit scan point & click games what the fuck.

Just play TF2. No matter what Valve pulls, they'll never fuck up the core gameplay, which is the best there is.

>enemy territory
Casual garbage
> red orchestra
Casual garbage with longer ranges. Any retard can rake up 100+ kills with good MG positioning, especially in pavols house.
Casual garbage. Easier mechanics than CS

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yeah because on the range that CS is played bullet drop would make any sense

the absolute state of the modern fps player. i bet you're one of the people who celebrated valve excluding the riot shield from future games because you never understood how to counter actual tactical gameplay.

see that's where I disagree, no matter what it almost always comes down to some sort of shootout

yeah it demands your attention, but it's not too hard to get caught back up. The only real big changes are defense can steal drones and has a shield now, offense has a blowtorch guy that can make small holes in stuff.

it would make combat a lot more interesting, but that's the opposite of what you'd want with all those shitty point & clickers.

>it would make combat a lot more interesting
cs maps are tiny and even the ak is completely inaccurate across a small hallway. bullet drop would only work on something like the battle royale meme map.

>completely inaccurate across a small hallway
learn to double tap retard

It's not perfect, but it's the best right now.
It's like CS in a sense that there are no respawns, if you died in a round that's it, you can only give info, but with "heroes" and special abilities/unique weapons.
Siege is fun because of the destruction element, walls, floors, ceilings and hatches can be opened, creating new lines of sight/entries. Entry barrier is pretty high though, there's a lot to learn in the game.

Day of Defeat is still GOAT

Battlefield 1942
the single best shooter to have ever existed

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based cooller

>Entry barrier is pretty high though, there's a lot to learn in the game.
This. If you haven't completed single player training, other players will know and tell you to beat it first before you play online.

I play cs go but it's hardly pure skill mate
even with the patern there is a lot of timing involved and cheater are rampant

>people unironically recommending siege

>people unironically recommending CSGO

also lmao

It's a good game.