What do you think of my cute little boy... Please be kind

What do you think of my cute little boy... Please be kind...

Attached: pichupix.png (324x404, 3K)

Attached: j.png (465x668, 809K)

i don't like this image...

nice drawing

Attached: 9843789234.jpg (398x500, 12K)

I'm gonna fuck him

thank u...

i can't draw things well but at least i can make them cute...

Attached: emi.png (491x491, 5K)

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pikachu luchadore (female)

Fuck rats and rat players

Attached: 1515875098453.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

you will never get better through asspats, through strife will you truly succeed. remember this

i don't know what this means, please stop being edgy

oh! i don't play pichu... I play Jigglypuff and Ness

Attached: pika.png (265x289, 5K)

I hope he grows strong

I'm sure he will

Attached: pichu.png (300x424, 7K)

influence lost

Attached: kreia.jpg (223x226, 6K)

very cute drawings where may i see more

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he or she is quite a cute bab very good job OP

idk if youd wanna see more rly

and i don't make em very often..

ig mb you could add me on discord or something

and i'll post more as i reply to this thread ig

Attached: pikagb.png (272x272, 2K)

Best pokemon

i like jigglypuff more, but Pichu is top 5

Attached: lilpika.png (212x198, 1K)

i wanna see more
especially of other cute pokemon like marill or cleffa

im afraid i really dont have many.. mostly pikachu desu

i have a swirlix if you wanna see that, but it's hand drawn instead, and i suck

Attached: dumbpika.png (191x180, 6K)

Quit talking like a fag
Go back to twitter or tumblr and spam your dumb mspaint scribbles there

Attached: 1554350734201.jpg (401x361, 37K)

yes swirlix is very cute i just wanna see more cute dumb scribbles pls anything !!

sorry, i've recently picked up a habit of using a ton of ellipses

i'll talk how i want tho, this is the internet, and Yea Forums of all things, silly.

at least one person seems to be enjoying them here, so that's good enough for me!

idk why the hell this is a jpeg, sorry everyone

Attached: gbpichu.jpg (152x176, 5K)

Swirlix here!

(or peropaffu) my handwriting SUCKS esp in japanese

Attached: swirlix.png (434x310, 130K)

youre actually 14 arent you

i'm actually 20

talking like this online is just a habit, i obviously don't talk like a retard irl

Attached: bubblegum.png (400x436, 143K)

I'm going to rape you to death in front of your family.

>talking like this online is just a habit, i obviously don't talk like a retard irl

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I think the place i uploaded these to before converted them to jpeg which is very disheartening

Attached: FATPIKA.jpg (664x400, 10K)

cute boy
u should post ur twitter or insta so i can follow u

OP is a gigantic attention seeking tranny, abandon this fucking thread, bros

would you feel the same if I told you I was a tranny? hahahah

Attached: amy.jpg (268x455, 30K)

he fucking CALLED IT lmfao

Attached: ladybird.png (269x256, 74K)

Fucking good call.

Attached: 1466748407222.gif (287x206, 1.06M)

yes, ur art is very cute

stop bumping this underage tranny

ngl it was fucking hilarious

add me on discord if u want ig, daisy#5448

i'm 20 reeeeee

Attached: lab.png (204x189, 41K)

begone 12 year old tranny.

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i just LOOK 12 baka

Attached: wi2.png (207x384, 51K)

Fuck off and comit sudoku you retarded 12 year old tranny
Your art is shit
A 10 year old with downs could do better
Your life is shit
Fuck off

you must be a 10 year old with downs to bump this

my art is shit, yeah, that's the point...

it's cute and endearing and charming

stay mad

Attached: wi.png (208x415, 57K)

It looks like literal vomit
fuck off retarded underaged antention whoring tranny fag
Neck urself

you're a funny dude

Why tf is it only the pixel art ones that are fucking jpeg

Attached: pep.jpg (212x260, 7K)

is this the thread where we post our unfinished art?

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this is all finished user, i just can't draw!

you can post your stuff too if you want, but beware of the tranny!

Attached: plankton.png (185x211, 2K)

this is cool post more

You'll improve as long as you keep trying. I can only draw spooky shit which I never properly finish.

Attached: 9c7a2aaff4.jpg (3000x2000, 1.38M)

nah i gave up on improving when i was like 14, i feel it's better to accept that i can't draw than get myself upset about it 2bh

Attached: marcy.png (400x452, 125K)

Fuck off trannny

how can anyone get mad about trannies being snowflakes when you guys can't stfu about how much you hate them


getting to the bottom of the barrel now, this is like 3 years old haha

Attached: pepper.png (372x579, 311K)

There's a definite charm and nuance to simplicity. As long as you're making what you feel you aught to, you're good.

Attached: 4134afa705.jpg (3000x2000, 1.23M)


i'm good at something else, so i'm ok with it

this one is 4.5 years old, wew

Attached: mable on a table.png (573x568, 855K)

about the same age as that one, tentacle hands bc who has time to draw hands

Attached: tentaclehand.png (476x597, 627K)

If you challenged me to try and draw something like that - or anything specific, I'd fuck it up completely. Kinda trance out when I draw and just produce something without a goal in mind because I find it to be a relaxing activity.

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that poor greninja!

doodling is the way to go

Attached: badpika.png (400x161, 88K)

Attached: 3in1.png (1190x460, 523K)

>OP was 6 years old when I discovered Yea Forums
I hate young people

Good morning OP cute boy

he hopes u have a good day

Attached: pw.png (241x427, 181K)

I really fucking hate bubbline and Muto.

I like the mode feely episodes of AT like Jake the Brick and Hall of Egress, but fuck Bubbline and fuck Muto

i actually really like bubbline, user, i'm sorry

I didn't like Season 6, but everything before and after that was great imo

Attached: good boy.png (1071x1377, 1.94M)

>i actually really like bubbline
then perish


Attached: Screenshot_20190517-105556.jpg (399x869, 144K)

>liking bubbline

I hate you for that, more than you could ever know

what can I say, I'm a tranny lesbo

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-105837.png (1080x1920, 560K)

Be a tranny lesbo with good taste, man
I’m black but I don’t watch Wild n Out because it’s shit

idk what that is, user

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-110636.jpg (1075x908, 376K)

Draw a Persona 5 character

Not played Persona 5 yet, started P3FES a few weeks ago and I'm 40h in. First Persona game I've played.

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-111030.jpg (460x989, 244K)

realĺllly fucking old

book has been damaged over the years haha

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-111959.png (1080x1920, 1.62M)

I am just wondering, why did you decide to share these here? You seem like a fairly young kid, you should really get off this website and try to make some friends or something.

Attached: 65750822_p6.png (700x922, 237K)

im 20....

running out of drawings so heres a photo of some fish chowder

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-112544.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

stop entertaining this retard, getting you to join its discord server is its endgame

i dont have a discord server

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-112831.png (1080x1920, 1.02M)

Are we posting doodles

Attached: 20190514_102624~2.jpg (2448x3264, 1.34M)

My bad.
Thanks for sharing your drawings.

Attached: 1554413538752.jpg (590x590, 64K)

np user, i didnt expect any replies desu
can u hold down the fort for me for a bit, i'm in the bath and i wanna finish up my wash

soup enclosed

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-113303.png (1920x1080, 2.34M)