Are you excited for this, Yea Forums?

Are you excited for this, Yea Forums?

Elektra and Ant-Man (and The Vision, though we already knew about him from a promo screenshot Ninty accidentally put up early) were basically revealed today via some t-shirts.

So the confirmed playable roster so far is
>Black Panther
>Black Widow
>Captain America
>Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
>Doctor Strange
>Drax the Destroyer
>Iron Fist
>Iron Man
>Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
>Rocket Raccoon w/ Groot
>Scarlet Witch
>Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
>Star Lord
>The Vision

Lockjaw and Luke Cage were initially reported to be playable, though Lockjaw is actually the NPC in charge of character switching and Luke Cage hasn't been seen or mentioned at all, so jury's out on whether he's in it or not. Ghost Rider will also likely be in since the Game Informer article last week mentioned "The Midnight Sons" team bonus.

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>Are you excited for this, Yea Forums?
No, because i can't play as ice man.
That was my favorite thing about this series.
Now how will i freeze fuckers?
What am i supposed to do, just punch shit?
That's boring.

Crystal can basically operate as Human Torch and Iceman rolled into one.

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Miles and Spider-Gwen are such gigantic wastes of space that it makes me a little angry when I think of all the hundreds of characters who could have been put into characters who could have been skins

No. Movie synergy, boring as fuck roster. Where's Moon Knight? Where's the F4? Where are the playable villains?



>staring everyone to ever headline a Marvel Movie
This is not nearly as disappointing as the cancellation of EMH.

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>Where are the playable villains?
Fuck playable villains. Only edgetards want to play as the badguys and for every baddie that's one less goody. X-men Legends 2 sucked for that. Can't play as Psylocke but make sure to add Toad. Because that's what sells games. Toad.

Honestly I don't think anything will ever break my heart as much as that did.

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As much as I want to be excited, this game exists solely as promotional material. There's just no way it'll live up to the first game.

Magneto ruled in MUA1, get fucked

I fucking hate how forced Captain Marvel is in everything.

Goddammit where are the fucking Fantastic 4, Silver Surfer and Quicksilver

I'm not, because UA2 sucked compared to UA1 and games in general have only gotten worse since then.

Doctor Doom was leaked in a screenshot.

Attached: doom.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Ah. Ah. Ah.
Really fucking funny.

I'm a little disappointed that I actually recognize everyone in this roster and I won't get to learn about anyone I don't already know

And they still watered her down with lockjaw too

where my nigga gambit @

Where the fuck are Cyclops and Beast

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Remember when Beast was likable and charming and quoted Shakespeare while offering advice and friendship. I do.

It's only going to get worse, Marvel fans.

If Venom is playable, so should Magneto

Venom has spent most of his publication history as an anti hero. Magneto is a mass murdering terrorist/racial supremacist.

One of the best parts of UA was having villains like Doom shit on their own plans and call his other a shitty Doombot or other such interactions

Give me Punisher

Beast's a faggot and traitor, leave him to die.

I wish the plot was something original and not this infinity stone shit

Remember when he and Wonder Man were mega bros

Bitch and moan about the MCU all you want, but thanks to its success we've gotten a fuckton of classic comics reprinted that otherwise wouldn't have.

Would trade Gwen for Superior Spiderman(Doc Ock) with the mechanical arms and more relying on gadgets combined with his own Spider moves.

You're right. This means ephemera that exists to profit off of it are good. Because it made Marvel money. Which if I understand you're point right means the last 2 MvC games didn't feel like ads disguised as cashins at all.

We also got a lot of shitty comics as the comic universe tries to bend over backwards to copy the movies. And they used to reprint those comics all the time anyways, so get fucked.

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How many Spiders are currently about officially?

Spiderman (Peter)
Spiderman (Miles)
Superior Spiderman (Otto)
Scarlet Spider (Revived Ben Riley)
Scarlet Spider (Kaine or is he dead again?)
Spiderman 2099

Something like that?

I'm so bothered by the pushing of this particular Captain Marvel. I totally get that they want a woman to have a central role but what was wrong with Ms. Marvel? She looked cooler and had an actual arc and problems. Or how about Storm/Skarlet Witch/Black Widow/etc? I just don't get it, the character's only success was her movie which had to piggyback hard on being "essential" for Endgame and coming out between it and Infinity War.

I mean there's several quntillions of spiders throughout the multiverse.

Scarlet Witch wasn't pushed as heavily as she probably otherwise would've because of the Fox lawsuit.

Mayday best girl spider

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>Nightcrawler over other more important X-men like Jean Grey or Cyclops
I mean. He's my favorite superhero so fuck yeah, but it does seem off.

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Point stands, pick any other woman and/or Carol's old iteration that was much more popular.

Nobody actually likes Jean Grey when she's alive.

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My main problem with the game is the art style. While it looks good, it's a shitload more simple and "clean" than the previous ones so it actually looks like a downgrade instead of an upgrade.

I mean they'd hardly have stopped the marketing push in the middle. Though I imagine they'd've taken three or so years to decide whether or not they succeeded in a Roman Reigns Job. Which I imagine they will claim... or is it deny?

these games were so bad

Is this an actual sequel? So why is Nick Fury black instead of white?

So why exactly is this game a Switch exclusive? Seems like the kinda game that would do really well on stronger hardware with a non-fucked online infrastructure.

Someone didn't grow up with comic books and siblings. My sister and I fuckin co-oped the shit out of the first two and the xmen games that came before it. They're almost designed to play with friends. I couldn't imagine going through them solo.

Because the switch won't be powerful enough to run the upcoming avengers game

>Am I excited for the next game in a series that stopped being good after the first Ultimate Alliance
>And the current developer has nothing to do with the series before this

Nintendo paid for its development.

Its a Bayonetta 2 kind of deal

i played UA1 with a friend. liking comics doesnt save that repetitive piece of shit.

>playable Nightcrawler and Antman

Now I have to but it.

Still holding up hope for Ghost Rider, but knowing fags here they will scream "movie/tv synergy reeee!"

no, looks like fucking shit

Ghost Rider was in agents of shield which is in the MCU so he could show up

Not Johnny Blaze, the beaner with the car.

I like actually like comics may be more to the detriment.

The tv shows aren't canon

I'm sorry autistic user, but agent's of shield is


I had a lot of fun with the first game, so I wish I was excited, but I just cannot care about capeshit anymore.

Johnny Blaze with a Robby Reyes alternate skin could be cool

Johnny Blaze has nothing to do with the MCU

Too many to count, mate.

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Post the one where motherfucking Leopardon shows up

Is Gwenpool actually good?

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In her solo, yes, if you like a certain style of absurdity.

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Probably going to get it because I’ve got fond memories of XL1-2 and MUA1. Still holding out on them actually putting in Cyclops, Ghost Rider, Punisher, F4, Blade and Moon Knight. Honestly F4 as a DLC pack would be acceptable but it’s fucked that they keep getting sidelined.

>play X-Men Legends 2 every so often just when I feel in the mood for a grindy game
>finally pick up Marvel Ultimate Alliance after like ten plus years of owning Legends 2
>it doesn't feel as good for some reason, maybe feels dumbed down
>put it down after two hours and haven't wanted to play it since
Am I missing out?

she fucks niggers like spidergwen

Not really. The games were good when they focused in on the X-Men and their villains.

Top kek
>our show is canon we mentioned Thanos!
>season 6 is a one year timeskip that wont mention the Snappening
Yeah sure man it is canon

I just need cyclops and moon knight. Also, I´d never ask for him under normal circunstances, but since we already have 3 spiderpeople, add miguel ohara already so we can make a full team with spidermen

No. Beyond a few tiny glimmers of quality here and there, Marvel Comics have been a complete joke since the mid-'90s. Even earlier if you want to be cynical. MCU synergy? That's nothing on complete hacks like Mark Millar, J Michael Straczynski and Joe Quesada being allowed to get a foothold in the industry. Fuck, they got so low at one point that they had Kevin Smith writing stories for them.

Still, not like DC were much better. Any company that employs Brian Azzarello has got fucking problems.

No Cyclops, no buy.

UA 1 is pretty good, at least I remember playing it a lot and really enjoying it. The same goes for x-men legends 1. For some reason, XML2 and UA2 didn´t have the same feel for me. Honestly I don´t know why I don´t like XML2, since it´s just a bigger and better game than the first one. Maybe I just don´t like the plot (not an apocalypse fan). Also, I miss marvel heroes

I skip any and all cutscenes so the plot is not what's losing me about UA. XML2 might have a horrible plot and I'd never know even though I've played it for 100+ hours

Cyclops was DLC in the first one so ...


Aw no gambit and no rogue?

Isn't he a hero these days?

>moon knight

What did they do to him?
Stopped reading comics a long time ago and dont watch the movies.
Guess if he gets in im just gonna skip story to keep the memory i stored alive

War Machine, Gambit, Winter Soldier

Like PS4 Spider-Man would run better in a PC, it’s would.

Elektra was the one character that I really wanted so this is the best news. Even better that they’re using her classic outfit rather than the Netflix costume, though that will probably be an alternate costume.

Nah nevermind he's still a villain

Seriously, does anyone cares about Moon Knight? I see why Marvel wants to put F4 on the fridge for a while.

This where is iceman

At first I thought this was going to be a timed exclusive for Switch and that Marvel was just testing the waters to release it on multiple plataforms later but then I discovered that it was being developed by Koei Tecmo and was entirely funded and published by Nintendo.

We live in weird times, but not that I mind since I have both PS4 and Switch.

>Storm has nice tits
>they even gave Elektra a nice ass
Based Koei. Now give me Agent Venom and Black Knight.

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I'm excited but I need some more obscure picks

He's out kissing boys because Jean Grey turned him gay.

Come to think of it, this version of Spider-Man is possibly the strongest Spider-Man.
>Has the powers of The Other stacked on top of his post-Queen mutation giving him Class 20 strength (much higher when going all out since regular Spidey has feats that are beyong Class 20)
>The Venom symbiote would double his baseline strength since it has grown stronger since they first time it and Peter has bonded
>The complete Other transformation is strong enough to impale Solus who has fought Captain Universe twice
>Since the Venom symbiote has grown stronger since its debut, Peter had access to a Hulk-like transformation whenever they have bonded. This monster form is strong enough to draw blood from Thor (Superior Venom) and punch Carnage Green Goblin through multiple buildings.
Just imagine how much of a monster Poison would be if he stacked the Other transformation with the Venom Symbiote's Hulk mode. Poison's the Madara Uchiha among Spider-Men.

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>no magneto
>no juggernaut
>no silver surfer
>no thing
>no adam warlock
>no moon knight
>no doom

It's fuckin' time.

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I want Robbie playable too and I hope The Black Order are unlockable.

Nah, Mags and Sabertooth were absurdly fun in the first game, as was Green Goblin in the second. I see your point, but at the same time the right villain picks can be really cool.

Nightcrawler is cool as fuck.

Either way Blaze was in AoS too.


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