She and chie pushed me in a river. I'll never forgive them.
Fuck those cunts.
She and chie pushed me in a river. I'll never forgive them
She needs to be raped
Yukiko is beautiful
go to hell Chie
go to hell Yukiko
Kanji and Bro club
hell yeah dude
If you even remotely love the Persona series, please report or sage any post that is praising or remotely running rampant with the mindset that P3 is a good game. P3 fags on this board as of lately have been trying to incite wars with the P5 fandom and are throwing around malicious attacks. A notorious shitposter named Ryan is active as we speak from /pg/ to put down P5 and Makoto. Don't let them oppress us. Don't let them take this away from us. P5 is one of the more heartfelt Persona titles we've had in a long time. Don't let Hashino's final Persona title get bashed like this. I need your support, P4 fans.
Raped not killed
>what is samerecarm
I started Persona 3 today after beating Persona 5. I have no idea what's going on or why anyone is doing anything, how did people handle something this confusing back in the day?
Persona 3 is a bad game. Honestly, just ignore it,
And you people wonder why we kink shame you
Says the tripcode namefag
Where do you think you are right now, faggot?
But I have a friend who swears its the greatest. I have to play it!
Not that user but you are the big normalcuck
I agree 100% with you OP. I genuinely disliked most the characters in Persona 4.
was i wrong?
Because you are the big gay
Basic bitch
Yukiko is the best.
i like it
>the girl I had a crush on pushed me into a freezing river, where I swam in teacher barf
The fuck kind of wish-fulfillment game is this? It's just like fucking ninth grade!