Call me a faggot or whatever but i have a question that i hope someone actually responds to

call me a faggot or whatever but i have a question that i hope someone actually responds to

i have a problem with being perfect. if i wanna learn how to play chess, i cant just play it. i have to watch 100 hours of videos before i even start playing because i feel like i need to understand it before i play. ive tried learning (by watching on youtube): dota, league, hots, starcraft, csgo, and apex legends. ive never actually touched any of them

im not scared of letting my teammates down, im scared of not knowing what im doing and making mistakes. im overcome with anxiety of not knowing what im doing.

what is the best competitive game for me to get into that involves strategy but it would be fine for me to just jump headfirst into? its not that i care if my teammates call me a retarded faggot, and its not even like im worried to be that guy who goes to the hockey rink without ever playing hockey and saying "hey guys i wanna play".... im just scared of making mistakes.

hopefully this makes sense???? and hopefully someone answers with an honest question. ive been playing the mobile game Brawl Stars lately, and even though ive been having fun, its pretty annoying for a lot of reasons. i want a mouse and keyboard game to play with other people where i dont have to worry so much about the outcome. i know thats all on me but you know what i mean

thanks in advance

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go to advice for this

Nice blog, faggot

have sex


really? i havent posted here in forever so i figured this would be the best place to ask but i'll post this over there too

You've probably been told this before but you need to really stop and understand something: playing the games and making mistakes IS the best way to learn.

go there use this link here

have sex

You're asking for a competitive multiplayer game that wouldn't give you anxiety, but it's hard to suggest anything without knowing what wouldn't give you anxiety. You're essentially like me, the thought of making mistakes and not knowing what to do also scares me.

But I'm going to give it to you straight, the way to overcome it isn't some magic game that will not give you anxiety. The best advice I can give is to maybe play one that isn't quite as complex, but still demands something of you, and to slowly expose yourself to it more and more. Gradually increase your exposure overtime, don't overwhelm yourself. Just play maybe one hour the first day, two the second, maybe three the third.

Maybe play a game like Smash Bros, which matches you against other players of similar skill. You can even filter out the really advanced ones.

If you're afraid of getting chastised for screwing up, definitely avoid MOBAs and CSGO. On the other hand, chess players are usually happy to help out beginners and give zero fucks how bad you are since it's not a team-based game. In that regard, pure 1v1 competitive vidya is also worth checking out for you, since fighting games share a similar 'be nice to the new guy' sort of feel, though they're the opposite of something you can just jump into unless you pick a bigger game like SF or Tekken where there are people at your skill level. Although, Tekken is pretty hard to understand on a complex level, so I think Street Fighter V would be ideal for you. Give that a shot and see how it goes.

i actually bought smash on a stupid whim but havent played it yet. that might not be a bad idea.

this thread was stupid, i just feel helpless. my friend was making fun of me cuz he said we should play apex with a random but idk. like i said, im not worried about people making fun of me. i play rocket league a lot and can tolerate the toxicity. i just dont wanna feel like i have no clue whats going on. thanks for the actual response

yikes have sex

Yeah, you can play casual matches, make your own rooms, etc. You can essentially play at your skill level and gradually rise up as you get better. Yeah no problem, glad I could help.

You have to make mistakes to not make them again. Nobody can perfect their playstyle using strategy guides and videos and shit alone. You need to play the games to familiarize yourself with the mechanics and the feel of the game

I'm the exact same way and I have OCD. Grats.

Also, to add on to this, go to rooms and search or make your own if you want to filter out tourneyfags. Glorious smashers is for pros, veterans is a little higher than that if memory serves. Playground is just for messing around and not playing too seriously.

and a blogposter

same, have OCD as well. It's pretty common among those of us who suffer from it. A form of perfectionism comes with it.

thanks. idk why i never thought of this lmao since i own the game. is smash the best fighting game to get into? ive always wanted to get into them but im complete garbage. i like team-based games but im a golfer and swimmer in real life and like to "be on my own" competitively. pretty much the only fighting game ive played was one of the mortal kombats on genesis, a tekken game on ps1, and then as an adult i bought sf4 for the 3ds lmao and never touched it.

I understand the feeling. Have you tried doing something, fucking up and realising it's not so bad?

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im the op. is this ocd? i always thought i had ocd (not diagnosing myself just kinda thought i had it) cuz i constantly am never not twisting my hair. if one of my hands are idle then im twisting my hair. ive even buzzed my hair at points because i cant stop twisting. i dont really post online anywhere, and this is my first time on Yea Forums in years, so i feel weird for being honest. i was also JUST diagnosed with bipolar 2 disorder so there's that. thanks for answering guys. this thread was stupid but i just was so angry at myself for feeling this way that i wanted to yell into the void. i dont know whats wrong with me. like, idk why i cant just play something without knowing every single in and out about it. and i wanted a game thats competitive but is pretty chill at the same time.

Sounds like the thing you need to practice at is being comfortable with confrontation and fags getting mad at you. Lucky for you, video games are the perfect environment for this because they don't actually matter and anyone seething over you is guaranteed to be an incel dweeb who would never have the courage to bully you IRL and your knowledge of that will act as your armor.

I get more anxious playing single player games because I don;t have time to play through most of them more than once and I always obsessively research in preparation a "perfect" runthrough because I don't want t miss out on anything. Multiplayer games are ez mode for me because they reset to zero after every game is over and people whining about my alleged lack of skill can suck a cock.

I get anxiety but oddly enough not with DotA. Maybe because I used to play it back in the Warcraft 3 days were everyone was bad and people were still experimenting with strategy etc. The other month I decided to give dota2 a try. All my teammates shat on me for not following conventional builds or strategies. Instead of anxious it made me angry. Angry that what was once a fun and unique experience, is now some boring meta defined game were people bitch at you for not copying pros. I uninstalled it a few weeks later finally convinced the game I used to enjoy is dead. Oh well it's not like DotA was the best custom map anyway.
Thanks for reading my blog.

I think it is, mostly because you can pretty much perform whatever it is you want without having to dial in combos. It doesn't demand a whole lot of memorization to do your desired attacks, essentially freeing you up to explore different ways to approach your opponent. You don't have to overthink it.

Street Fighter in my opinion is the next best thing because a lot of the attacks demand something like quarter circle forward plus attack button to pull off stuff like hadouken. I certainly would not recommend you get into anything like Guilty Gear right off the bat.

Man if you bought SF4 you should really go back and play it. It's a damn good game.

im the op (do people usually say that to say who they are? i havent used this site in like 10 years. im not bragging i just yeah. idk).

im not scared of teammates raging at me. if i went 0/15 in a game of dota i wouldnt be anxious from teammates calling me a fag and telling me to kill myself. id be anxious because i didnt know why i went 0/15. people yelling at me or being toxic isnt my issue, its that im completely oblivious to what causes things to happen. it sounds so stupid writing this out because yeah, "just play idiot". i want a game to learn through playing instead of watching/reading guides but that's every game. idk what the point of this post was. smash is pretty much the best answer i got/can think of. fighting games in general. i basically have to know everything about anything i learn, regardless of if it's a video game or not (like if i make music and use a reverb i have to watch a ton of videos on what makes reverb happen).... and i wanna break out of that mould with something.

If you have a compulsion to twist your hair, and you can't seem to stop yourself from doing it, then maybe. A good way to gauge this is to pay attention to your reactions. Do you tend to get anxiety when you don't do it a certain number of times? Check if there are other habits like it as well. I have a number of things I'm compelled to do, like checking doors multiple times to see if they're locked, looking at myself in the mirror, rituals that I need to do a number of different times before I feel "right", so to speak. It was so much worse before I took zoloft.

With OCD, it isn't just perfectionism, but it tends to comes with it. People with OCD can be very particular about certain things. Some people are obsessive over cleaning, like the Double Dare host, others their looks, and some like you and I, video games (though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't obsessed about my weight and looks too).

Not with every post, no. You don't really need to see it all the time, unless that information is pertainent to the post. If you're replying to someone, odds are they'll know you're the same person by the way you respond. It's not really necessary to do all the time.

You honestly sound like me, but in real life. I notice you're repeating yourself a lot, and kind of looking for assurance in your posts because you seem quite worried about the thread you made, your own actions, etc. The difference between us is I've posted here long enough to not give a fuck anymore.

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well dota is notoriously unintuitive. You really need to have both practical experience as a base and advice from people who know what they're doing on top of it to start to "get it"

theres things like i always touch my houses doorknob and twist it every time i walk past it to make sure its locked. and every time i get out of my car i lock it a bunch of times in a row to make sure its locked. but its not a specific number of times i do it. and when i turn off the oven i have to press the button a million times. not saying im ocd but those are just examples i can think of. i also always check rooms to make sure i turned the lights off. everything also has to always be in the exact same place on my desk but i hate being like "omg im so ocd lmao!!!!!!" cuz i just assume its just me being tidy. if its not in the same place i dont rage, and i dont have to put it in the same place then like touch it a certain amount of times before i feel okay, but yeah. idk why im talking about this lmao. im just lonely and never post online. i always lurk. apparently "blog" is a popular word here so thank you for reading my blog

I'll give you this advice:
If there's an emotion that you think is bad for you, practice not responding to it.
Acknowledge that you are feeling the emotion, but do not act on it, and try to suppress any symptoms of the emotion - i.e. acknowledge that you are going to suck and that's bad, but play the game anyway.
Also, much like how you can practice making yourself angry and feeling angry for longer without calming down, you can practice making yourself feel calm, or staying calm longer without getting upset.

>im just scared of making mistakes.
If you're scared of making mistakes, you won't have your mental flow focused on making second to second decisions, and you'll second guess yourself, slowing your flow.
That is called being Tilted.
You are coming to a game pre-tilted. You are going to be bad, entirely because you're worried about being bad.
Being worried about under-performance is fine, but if it's something you can't switch off, then that's a problem for your focus and you need that focus to git gud.

thank you everyone for the replies lol. i honestly didnt expect anyone to respond to me with actual advice. also this spreads to single player games too. i think ive made like 8 different stardew valley savefiles all over 20-30 hours and i havent even made it to winter on any of them. everything has to be perfect etc etc. i just want to break out of this stupid mindset with something. im gonna play smash against real people tomorrow and see how it goes. my idea is that if i can get over this stupid shit with one game (smash) then i'll be able to get over it with everything else

also jesus christ why are these captchas so hard. i spend more time trying to finish the captcha than i do typing my reply lol

just play dota2 in a russian/brazil server.mute everyone at the start of every match, no exceptions.

you shouldn't avoid your issues, you should just rush them in the face and stop caring about them.
Dota 2 is so merciless and hard and so hopeless that is due to destroy your mindset.
Why should you even feel bad about making mistakes? by playing dota 2 you will soon see the high Truth: your teammates are subhuman and inflicting a loss on them with your "mistakes" is a righteous divine punishment for them.You are an agent of god and everyone else is lesser.That's how you play dota2.

>by playing dota 2 you will soon see the high Truth: your teammates are subhuman and inflicting a loss on them with your "mistakes" is a righteous divine punishment for them.You are an agent of god and everyone else is lesser.That's how you play dota2.

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>I am God
Don't end up killing too many kids

Instead of wasting your time watching hours of chess, you could just jump straight in and fail, and learn from those mistakes. It's the most efficient way to learn.

OP, you have autism, no joke

grow some balls and learn how to make mistakes, making mistakes is often the best way to learn. it's one thing for someone to tell you "if you do that, you might die" but it's another thing for you to actually make the mistake and die to it, it gets properly drilled into your head

Ironically this advice is terrible if literally applied to real life.