Rate my Pokémon tier-list, Yea Forums!
Rate my Pokémon tier-list, Yea Forums!
It certainly is a tier list.
this is like the most Yea Forums conformist tier list out there, with BW2 being ranked lower being BW the only exception.
Very smooth brained tier list.
Why do we even have a /vp/ if I still have to see you fucks here.
Not that bad, but here's the real one.
This is the most all over the place tier list I have ever seen.
Put xy on bottom and switch black and white with diamond and pearl and you got yourself a accurate list. 5 was the series high point. it was the last time they actually gave a shit about anything.
>Yea Forums conformist
>with vanilla DP that high
>BW above BW2
>ORAS above bottom tier
>BW2 that low
emerald was the best game I've ever played.
Personally, as long as someone acknowledges HG/SS are the absolute peak of Pokemon quality, I don't really care about the rest.
I do have a soft spot for D/P though, because that's when I got back into the series after a long hiatus. I assume most people with opinions have certain gens that meant something to them.
Surprises me everyday just how mentally handicapped some people are on this dogshit site.
Zoomer / 10
I really do not get the hype around HGSS.
>BW higher than BW2
The pokemon following you and being able to interact with them was a big deal for me. The random responses you'd get went a long way towards making your pokemon seem like they had quirks and personalities.
Stuff like a pokemon stealing a flower from the shop in Goldenrod and giving it to you, your starter being attracted to the lighthouse Ampharos, having pokemon with spikes wanting to cuddle you and similar odd events. It was cute shit and it was really immersive.
I'd swap HGSS with Platinum otherwise good
The S tier is absolute, but swap ORAS and RS and we really got a deal.
>putting platinum close to dp
Please don't do this ironically they're dramatically different games.
this is like asking why animeposters exist outside of Yea Forums and the other anime boards
OP here, didn't realise the thread actually got replies lmao
I just don't like Gen 5 for some reason. Then again, I only played through them once when they came out, so maybe I should try them again some day.
R/S have their benefits yeah, I could deal with them being swapped. I just like the 3DS versions for some reason, but I acknowledge that they're probably the most half-baked trash remakes out of all of them (unless you count Let's Go)
Really? I haven't played D/P in a while
Anyone who puts Sun and Moon above bottom tier is automatically incorrect
Wow, I actually agree with this list
You fucked up, third gen needs to be higher
Rate mine!
>move BW1 up to A
>move FRLG up to B
>move RBY up to C
>move all of S tier to SS and then move GSC up to S
>move BW2 to SS. OP is niggee for putting BW2 anywhere lower than elder god tier
>Switch RS and ORAS. ORAS should be an entire tier below RS for removing content alone.
I don't give a shit about post-BW2 pokemon.
Sun and Moon was a mistake
It's shit.
Didn't even look at it.
Hang on let me look at it.
... actually it's kind of all right.
You forgot to put the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series in S tier though.
This is the only real, the others are wrong and fake.
>ultra beasts
this is objectively wrong, I don't know how to say that any more plainly it's just false
This is just Main-Series, user
If I counted [spoiler[the first two[/spoiler] PMD games, they'd be in S tier and everything else would have to be in F tier because Explorers and Rescue Team are just that much better than the main series.
I like the formatting
>USUM over SM
What the actual fuck are you thinking
Unless you actually care about the story changes, USUM is better.
i dont think platinum is a bad game by any means, most of my problems with it and DP as a whole are entirely subjective
like clockwork, the Yea Forums conformist responds like a typical Yea Forums conformist and denies the truth
very smooth brained reply
>The random responses you'd get went a long way towards making your pokemon seem like they had quirks and personalities.
Yeah, quirks and personalities shared between every Pokemon. Really immersive.
>Gardevoir glomps at you
>swap ORAS for a worse game
Yeah, like you and 's brains. Have the actual picture.
This is it. Very close.
Changes needed:
OR/AS need to be lower. Emerald up one tier. Then it's perfect.
>LGPE shitters seething