What games do trannies play?
Asking because this board is filled with them.
What games do trannies play?
Asking because this board is filled with them.
Your mother would know.
This goes for all of you, Yea Forums:
Why are you so obsessed with trannies and crossdressing freaks? You seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time talking about them
Persona 5
Oh, this thread should be good.
Read Only Memories.
Russian Roulette mostly.
Usually MMOs, such as FFXIV. Main requirement is that it has cute characters with decent customization.
Get out of society's eye and we'll stop obsessing.
kys tranny
It honestly still is too crazy for me. How much have we fallen that a guy cutting of his dick and claiming that he is a woman needs to be approved by everybody and if you disagree not only are you unpersoned, but also can go to jail.
Can just some meteor hit us and make humans extinct? We clearly do not deserve to live.
russian roulette i hope
>tfw no bf
I like to play Minecraft and Civilization and Sekiro and the original Battlefront 2. Anything along these lines is neat. :)
Any game that they can speed run
That's not the tranny flag grandpa. Sane gays don't want to be associated with them.
Mobas and mmos
Also whatever is the current fotm, no matter how shitty it is, just so they can fit in.
Where are these phantom trannies?
How about you respect these people's decisions and let them live their lives without scrutinizing them? Also treat them like just another human, because that's what they are. Wow so hard.
none, it's just something they can get a grip on to scream off their "values", and the thirsty guys seem to not care if they can ERP with something remotely resembling a female, they will build empires to just get a tug from a man wearing a bra
everything humans do is just a long fucking death animation
meteor would be too easy
Can you imagine a tranny janny? LOL
There is literally a discord full of trannies that is focused around infiltrating Yea Forums and pushing a tranny rhetoric
post your cute tranny butt
>ruin their entire lives because of a fetish
you disgusting freaks will never be "normal" and when this fad dies out people won't care about you offing yourself in droves
Source: Their generals are infested with them.
Is this the whole thing or is there more?
Is that you? Damn you look nasty. Hope you know you'll never pass.
There's discords full of a lot of things, who cares? You're probably on discord right now
That's /ourgal/ Christine Western Chandler, you fucking newfag.
Russian Roulette with one in the chamber
>Asking because this board is filled with them.
Imagine going so deep into shitposting psychosis that you unironically think this is true
They like to play games where they are an hero. It's the best for of escapism in this horrible existence.
The game will be even more popular when that tyrant Adolf Blumpf cheats his way to a second term.
lurk more
I know the dregs like Life is Strange or just about any filthy tumblr approved nonce
>Everything I dislike is tranny
I have never seen a tranny in my entire life.
Trannies are just the latest boogeyman, I'm sure they'll think of something even more annoying next.
What did OP say he disliked?
Prove it via in depth chat logs, nigger.
You've met many here, i can guarantee that.
I’d like to see a word cloud like this being made of Yea Forums’s most used words during the last 30 days. I’m willing to bet that ”tranny” would be one of the biggest ones besides of common non subject-specific words.
When people get boring and have nothing to do then this kind of shit happens
Everytime I look in the mirror I literally want to kill myself. I made a mistake and once I said it once I was forced down this path and now I have these massive fucking tits and it just wont stop please
the 40% game
thank god mods will delete this shitshow of a attempted raid considering it has nothing to do with video games
What is a "discord tranny"? I alqays see that being thrown around but what is the association between the two?
>gay pride flag
I hate that I've been associated with them.
/trannycore/ games
>kingdom hearts
>any mmo
/Pol/ bogeyman
Any person can play games. It just so happens that people like that use forums cause the internet is their only source of entertainment because the ReAL WOrLD Is SCAwY!
Easy target to ridicule. But do not take it personal when I say "easy target." Literally everyone is an easy target, no matter how polite and neutral you are. The people of Yea Forums just hate everyone and everything and vice versa, it's the point of shitposting, it's not serious, but if they are, then it's rather unplesant. They'll use trigger words to get attention, if you are offended, just leave, arguing gets nowhere on /v./ Nobody listens.
No you can't
Anything with feminine benis desu~ :3
Literal boogieman retards made up because they cannot come to terms with the fact Yea Forums isn't a hivemind for /pol/.
I absolutely fucking despise transgender ''people'' with every fiber of my being. I can tolerate flamboyant gays, lesbians, bisexuals and other shit, but trannies? Holy shit they're totally insufferable. ALL OF THEM without exception. They turn every subject into a personal one and raise hell on you and make any place unbearable for everyone if you don't buy their agenda. Never in my life I've seen people that can produce so much drama as they do.
They ruined one of my favorite generals on /vg/ thanks to their endless dramas, shitposting and off-topic garbage that not even on Yea Forums people would fall for it. I never checked the /lgbt/ board until recently and the amount of depressed, lonely, sad and suicidal people I saw on the trans generals is out of this world. They make wizardchan look like an upbeat place in comparison.
>muh nazi boogeyman
I heard form the trannys that if you bully them and call them by correct birth gender they will kill themselves, just doing my part.
probably speedrunning some shit
/pol/ isn't a boogieman, user. It's the most popular board on this site.
>This meme didn't come from /Pol/
Lmao sure buddy
Tranny tripfag from the swedish general on /int/
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