Killing Floor 2 still sucks

Lets take a look at the facts here:

Killing Floor 1 was released in 2009. In roughly 4 years, in total, the game had about 52 weapons (including DLC, not including reskins or default ones,) 35 maps you didn't have to download through a third party website, and about 10 enemies including the patriarch.

Killing floor 2 was released in 2017. In that time, it has 70 weapons (all of which are generic as shit,) 26 maps, and about 20 enemies. And yet it still manages to fucking suck. How the fuck does a company pull that off? I'm absolutely staggered. The guns couldn't be any more generic if they even tried, that's whats absolutely mind blowing here. The enemies don't do anything different either, they still shuffle and march their way towards you as you kill them, and I'm sure if you want to keep from killing yourself you have to download maps from the community. Absolutely amazing. I still want my money back.

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You faggots know I'm right

We do know but if we all agree there’s not much left to say.

It just feels a whole lot less gritty and a lot more soulless.
Yeah sure you can wear pajamas and a giant foam cowboy hat... but is that actually a good thing?
Also the techy aesthetic just doesn't seem as fitting.

Time is making you realize that this series was always shit. The idea was good, but the execution was shit. Metal Gear Survive did it better.

>this series was always shit
KF1 is a fucking masterpiece and I will fight you to the death

For a very long time KF had a lot more players when KF2 was already out.
Killing Floor 2 is just visually a lot less horror-like and a lot more wacky and clinical except for a couple of levels.

>a lot more wacky
Actually it lost that part. KF1 was all about the "wankers gonna wank" and KF2 is more like "we want the call of duty audience"

it released as a half-baked generic zombie mod and stayed a half-baked generic zombie mod

I didn't know the CoD audience wanted steampunk maps and giant chicken suits.

>Killing Floor 1 was released in 2009.
Are you fucking with me? Why does it look like a 2004 game? I legit thought Killing Floor was around when HL2 was the hottest thing.

Unreal 2.5 is REALLY fucking ugly. It's all Tripwire could afford at the time.

>Killing Floor 2 is just visually a lot less horror-like
This. The original KF (not even the stand-alone, the mod) was gritty as fuck in part due to limitations. Then when KF came out proper it kept that aesthetic.

To perpetuate: KF2 is soulless.

There are loot boxes and most people run around in disgusting neon underwear with huge stupid hats.

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You got me to look everything up
>Red Orchestra release in 2006
What the fuck man my reality is all warped now.

Opinion discarded and added to the filter

frog man scary, shield your eyes.

The base game maps of Killing Floor 2 are objectively better than Killing Floor 1, minus the farm house
Also, the hitboxes are not broken, and the weapons fire smooth as asscheeks
Kf2 is objectively better in terms of pure gameplay and mechanics

Nah, gameplay-wise, KF2 is far superior at this point. The only thing I agree is that 2's visual design is ass compared to 1's.

Gunplay is satisfying as fuck, and the gore is some of the best in vidya history.

>Are you fucking with me? Why does it look like a 2004 game?
Because it runs on UT2k4 engine, and is a retail version of a free mod, whose first version came out in 2005.

UE2.5 is fucking amazing, and easily BTFO of the U3 the KF2 uses.

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Yeah but it's fucking generic and boring. Unnecessary sacrifices were made in order to make Killing Floor 2. This isn't even a meme of like OLD GAME GOOD NEW GAME BAD SOUL/ SOULLESS but god damn Tripwire screwed the pooch on this one. That, and Tripwire went full woke and I'm sure they're on full scam mode.

t. never used unreal engine editor 2.5
Trust me. As someone who used to cobble together maps for KF1, it's fucking dogshit.

You won't find anything in KF2 like that. Everything is so bright now.

KF1 is generally a shitty game. Combat is bad, gunplay is bad, weapons are generic, visuals are bad.

Have sex, I'd say, but not in a million years.

Pretty much these two. KF2 just looks way too clean, even with fires and broken debris everywhere, AND the gameplay is far more sterile. If it had one or the other it'd be fine, but both make it just not as fun as KF1.

Seek sunlight

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>The enemies don't do anything different either

Have you tried playing on harder difficulties?

Unless they crawl on the ceiling and climb over shit, I don't really care.

KF2 released with better maps than KF1 at its release. However, the new KF2 maps haven't really improved in quality whereas KF1 got a whole lot of interesting, borderline huge maps that still managed to stay fun without a lot of waiting for zeds to show up (except maybe for Mountain Pass).
KF2 also has a much less interesting art style. KF1 had a gritty/industrial look to it, KF2 feels way too smooth around the edges, the futuristic design is much less appealing.

Killing Floor 2 has a lot of welcome technical improvements over the first, however it lacks it charm. People bitched a lot about the trader being replaced by a 3D printer machine, I think that even though this is a minor issue it embodies very well the problems for KF2. That doesn't mean that it's a bad game, I spent hundreds of hours in both.

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Sorry, I write articles a lot. Not a journo tho.
Either way
>hahaha reddit spacing! it means that game's problems are irrelevant
KF1 is still a half-baked piece of shit. A fun one, but shit.

>t. never used unreal engine editor 2.5
Nigga, I've been modding things since Wolf3D's first map editors, and UE2 (yes, TWO) was some of my favorite "NEXT GENNN!" during my late teens.

Also, what the hell does a map editor have to do with the ENGINE?

>what are custom maps
practically all KF1 maps are now in KF2, and if you wanna go all bonkers, you can download RE4 and Silent hill levels.

>lol I've not even tried anything above Normal, and love being ignorant! :^)

Gain height

KF2 is a flat improvement to kf1 in every single way except the OST and map design, the music simply cannot compare to the first game's and the map design is just completely dog shit in comparison as it lacks any flavor, kf1 had amazing maps with different playstyles to each one of them, like that farmland with the barns and the wheat fields whatever it was called (forgot its name) and the big building with the offices, meanwhile kf2 levels are all just a small square where you run at the edge of it kiting the mobs until they're all dead, they only differ in whether or not they have a 2nd elevation level or not (last time I played anyway).

>Unless they crawl on the ceiling and climb over shit
That is exactly how it works in both games you dingus.

The more I read up about Tripwire the more I get the idea that they're a bunch of talently morons who ride on other people's success. Killing Floor originally had no involvement with Tripwire and its only when it got changed into a stand-alone title did Tripwire ever get involved, even then they started to outsource the content updates a few years later (incidentally the same devs they outsourced too also worked on KF2 for them as well).

I think Tripwire just doesn't know what makes Killing Floor.

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Play good games.

You make a very compelling argument. Let me run right over and oh wait I don't have to I've played hell on earth guess what doesn't happen?
>generic hopping is climbing over things
Ok sunshine

I wouldn't call spastically glitching over obstacles climbing. And no, nothing crawls on the ceilings.

>generic hopping is climbing over things
No, but that is exactly how it works in both games.

This as fuck

drink bleach

No, Killing Floor is clearly about lootboxes and golden aviators.

I miss the janky mod feeling of the first one but KF2 is more polished and technically superior in every way. You guys are really just being contrarians. It's not going to last forever but I've already gotten my money's worth from both games.

>I wouldn't call spastically glitching over obstacles climbing
Well, devs definitely think that it is climbing.
>And no, nothing crawls on the ceilings.
If you add waypoints, they can crawl on ceiling, but it looks like shit and all the zeds will walk on it, not only the crawlers.

Play games.

Who cares, we discussed this three or four years ago when it was in beta. Nothing's changed since then. There's no reason to talk about it, the game blows ass. Quit giving it representation.

Kf1’s design, atmosphere, and music is so superior to the new neon garbage there is no question. But Kf2’s gameplay is scores better than dealing with the original’s ping-variant drifting hitboxes and general clumsy old unreal engine horseshit. The best part of these games has been and continues to be making friends with randos during intense games. Kf has a way of making you bond with strangers.

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>it's like that in the old game therefore it's okay to do it in the sequel
yeah okay

Used to enjoy the mod quite a bit. Visually it's a lot more gritty and horror themed than Killing floor 1.

Doesn't matter if there aren't players to play with.

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No, I didn't say that, retard. I say, however, that it is dumb to say shit like
>Unless they crawl on the ceiling and climb over shit, I don't really care.
cause they don't do that in either games.

They spent too much development time trying to make the guns look good at all possible speeds of the game. Graphics fags don't buy video games.

>The best part of these games has been and continues to be making friends with randos during intense games.
This. KF2 pub games is where it's at.

My statement was a more general assessment of Tripwire was a whole simply using KF as the example. Generally I see people on Yea Forums still being quite positive towards them and they don't deserve it.

>Everyone in game is in a discord chat except you

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based poundposter,KF as a whole is like a cart racer, the whole idea is a little hollow when you get down to the meat of it but it's the hottest shit with a bunch of enthusiastic people that aren't max prestige field medic.

The only people putting in work are the map designers, but because it runs on UE3 it looks like shit.
The other thing is that the characters look like soulless puppets.


This right here is why I have 1000+ hours in both. There's something about jumping into a team of people you've never met before and silently forging yourselves into an absolute machine of death because you all know your roles and trust everyone else to know theirs. Made a couple good friends along the way, too.

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That has never happened to me in 1000+ hours of playtime. It's usually 2-3 at most that are organized. You can tell because they stick together like glue if shit escalates.

For me it's always:
3 people together, and then another 2 together. I'm also there but the two other groups are clearly communicating in voice chat elsewhere.

>You can tell because they stick together like glue if shit escalates.
Not really the best indicator. When I play, I always sort the rest of the team into "knows what they are doing" and "doesn't know what they are doing" based on how they play and where they choose to hold and I will always, always stay near the ones who know what they are doing and ruthlessly abandon the know-nots to their untimely deaths.

stay mad double nigger

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>they run off to the other side of the map at the earliest sign of trouble

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Survivors are a dying breed.

have sex with each other while i watch

like most folks i’ve always been different, but not like the others

>I always sort the rest of the team into "knows what they are doing" and "doesn't know what they are doing"
I only ever join games where I at least recognize 1 name. Because chances are you'll be able to 2 man it without much of a hassle whereas always being last man standing gets tiresome over time.

I really wish Tripwire would stop adding zeds that add visual clutter like the alpha crawlers and the robots. I already can't play HoE because the map looks like a sick brap fetishist fantasy after 5 minutes with all the poison clouds.

>KF1 enemy designs
>simple, crisp and easy to identify; both through audio cues and from within a crowd
>as a result they look stylised and cartoony while still keeping to their horror-grindhouse aesthetic

>KF2 enemy designs
>don't want to look cartoony in muh super gritty shooter so everything grinded down - basically just brown zombie with X weapon and Y height
>muddy, garbled audio, visually indistinct (especially in a crowd), have to announce every major threat spawning via loadspeaker because they're so hard to pick out
>overdesigned animations so everything jumps, spins around, flails about, making aiming a pain in the ass
>also there are robots?
They tried too hard to 'de-arcadify' KF1 and made it look and play like shit. The levels have hints of being okay but trying to make it look less cartoony and more realistic means that they need to restrict designs to fit in with reality, and cram far more detail which means less large, sprawling maps and less space to move in the area that you do have

>screencaps from 2003 Yea Forums show people using double linebreaks
your move faggot

Is it just me or are the attack animations/hitboxes of emped (perhaps even just unraged?) fleshpounds bugged? It sometimes seems like i get hit by invisible attacks when going to town on them with the static strikers which actually makes it safer to just let them rage and spam on them during the rage animation.

Red orchestra was kino.

Which one, Ostfront or 2?

The first. 2 is good too, but they CoD-ified it a bit to appeal to the masses.

Dropped it when they added the robots. Not even because they were retarded to fight, but because they decided to make new enemies and instead of designing zeds to fit the roles they wanted the enemies to fill, they straight up said fuck it and made them robots. Less work for the same effect. Why the fuck would patty make robots now after using zeds this whole time? Makes no fucking sense.

Same. Alpha Crawlers are fucking trash, they're not even that big of a threat in themselves, they just make it hard to see. Don't give me that bullshit "hurr durr just shoot the head", when you have 6 million infected coming from the doorway (and most of the time, they'll be coming from several directions), the priority 99% of the time isn't headshotting the fucking crawler at the feet of that bloat.

>it's a "2 pyro on the team, robots and alpha crawlers everywhere" slideshow episode
>it's a rerun

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I like both. But the second game definitely made some weird decisions, whether it was the art style or what updates have entailed (EDARs, gaudy as fuck cosmetics, etc). That's not to say KF1 was an angel by comparison, it still locked various weapons behind DLC and for some reason imposed a retarded grind on Commando.

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Agreed, I liked Ostfront. 2 was enjoyable was well, but having played it from launch yeah. Not the best.