ITT: games Yea Forums told you were bad but were actually good

ITT: games Yea Forums told you were bad but were actually good

Attached: 538962-YIIK_Postmodern_RPG_Review.jpg (1920x1081, 1.13M)

You really listen to these idiots?

pic unrelated, obviously.

Hi dev. Don't even know your name because your games that shit.

You forgot to add pic not related

i actually like the artstyle

Based and yiikpilled.

can someone explain what the hell is going on?!

The frustrating thing is this game has some decent ideas and things mixed with big heaping piles of shit. If there is any example to not half-ass through things this is it.

I sighed as the bait thread began to shake vibrating with motion.


Breath of the Wild

>tfw you can't make the yiikes joke anymore

Attached: WHYTWOKAY.png (769x138, 236K)

Why do modelers not understand how teeth work?
The lower arch is not supposed to be directly below the upper arch, but slightly behind. Your incisors do not land on each other like that.
It looks ugly. Like he has an underbite or his jaw is small so he brings it forward unnaturally.

The whole script felt like its was written by a sociopath.
Not in an uncaring about human life way, but the not understanding basic human reactions and emotions.

The gaps between the teeth and no canines are my biggest problem

No one likes your shitty game Brian, fuck off.

>can't make a joke because man said so

This game sucks and so do you.

why not write Y2K then

Fuck off.
I know you're trying to be le epic contrarian but it's clear you've never even touched this game, I have.
It is legitimately the worst game I've ever played, calling it a game is an insult to the medium. Everything about it is shit, nothing in this game was polished.
The models and camera are shit, you often have the camera clipping into random geometry even though it's a fucking fixed camera so they just didn't care enough to fix their game
The artstyle and colors are garbage, I had to pause every 20 minutes because my eyes were legitimately hurting.
The characters are even worse than the screenshots make them out to be, the dialogue is painful to read, and it is clear the """writer""" wanted to suck off Murakami, even though he has no talent, which ends up with shitty prose that doesn't work in this type of game, describing details absolutely irrelevant, and that are clearly visible since it's a VIDEO game, they even manage to fuck up those details like the cat's gender.
The combat is a fucking CHORE, perform a 20 hit combo? 4 HP damage. A miniboss take around 40 minutes to beat, and 20 minutes is the game softlocking itself because the AI is shit, ennemies can infinitely use their healing skills, so you do maximum damage possible, 6 hp, they use heal and gain 6hp, it is fucking unbearable.
The story is uninteresting at best, insulting at worst, trying its hardest to be a mother game but completely failing at understanding what is good about it, characters don't grow they're still unbearable to the very end.
So believe me, if you see a post on Yea Forums saying "yIIk was good" they're lying, they've never touched this "game" and if they legitimately like this game they have never played another game in their entire fucking life.

That's not post-modern enough

you can tell the creator is autistic

So every game shittalked about on Yea Forums because Yea Forums is shit at game

You know most retards here are only bantering, imagine being so incapable of formulating your own opinion on things after trying them.
