Can it still be saved?
Can it still be saved?
Other urls found in this thread:
after they add a report option for wojak/pepe
nope, to many alt-right incels flooding our board now
It doesn't deserve to be saved.
more loli
Chanology killed it
its all politics or wrong opinions. if people really cared about vidya, they wouldnt dismiss everything because "muh swjs"
No, but it's actually at rock bottom now so you don't need to worry about it getting any worse
If you still consistently find the odd decent thread or two a day, there's a reason to come back
We need AI bot mods
Save me instead.
This, but all boards.
fuck off pedo, more preferable to be sjw then let you peds in
>that reflection her in eyes
good detail
No, shut it down.
We were doomed the moment you fuckers invited reddit of all places to visit. Now they stayed. Now they invited THEIR friends. Now they get into fights with the election tourists. Now the election tourists want to stay. Now it's an infestation from both sides of the political spectrum, using things from traps to transgender issues to racial diversity to devs actively shitting on their player bases ANYTHING is ammo for the left and the right.
kys fag, you didn't even answer my messages.
This board isn't yours, tranny.
he's right tho
Really? It was accident.
Add IDs and bring in better moderation. Oh, and tell newfags to lurk more I barely see that anymore.
Cringe and bluepilled and yikes and dilate incel discord tranny
>Add ID
This kinda ruins the anonymity
Good idea, those words should be filtered
It isn't yours either, faggot.
Ban anyone from posting on any other board for 3 days if they posted on /pol/ recently
Fuck off both of you
drink bleach
I remember back to when it was created, it as chill. Nowadays, not only Yea Forums, but the entire Yea Forums as a whole is place ridden with negativism. Redditors and normalfags litterally turned it into a dumpster where they discharge all emotions stuff they are simply forbidden to say in real life and social media. The average user nowadays is your typical redditor who will act tame and polite anywhere else, but at the end of the day will shitpost at /pol/.
There used to be a sense of camaraderie between anons, but time completely destroyed it, and anons now actively despise each other.
He is not wrong, alt-right fags are cancer and they constantly try to push their incel agenda here.
>Waaaa /pol/ :(
/pol/ is cancer too, it's thanks to their constant attention whoring that this place is a newfag galore nowadays.
loli posters, especially cunny posters are pretty annoying but I dont think sjw lvls annoying.
The new culture of forced negativity, edginess, and bitterness created by newfags who came here because Yea Forums was "the edgy website" is boring as hell. Half of the posters here could be replaced with bots that just speak in memes and I'd never know the difference.
from what? from being what it always was?
Fuck off both of you
i don't care about politics, i care about videogames, they should both fuck off my board, alt right and sjws.
I'll do anything to save it
You chose best girl