The West can't make an attractive female charact-
The West can't make an attractive female charact-
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This is why happens when you live in a gynocentric society.
>white woman in her 30's
ugly ass bitch looks like my mom, the fuck you smokin bro you got a milf fetish? Disgusting
So whats the reasoning behind having sub-par or just generally ugly characters in western games?
Modelers afraid of what their co-workers would say if they started giving their model huge tits or feminine features. It's an immensely puritanical society.
shes very plain and non-offensive.
fucking ugly
trying to be realistic
white women are ugly in real life
so you get girls like OPs
This is her mocap actress.
Entire thread btfo.
Now apologize.
Fuck off, Remedy. Just make a movie already. That's not how you do a well designed character. It's just hiring an actress.
She seems alright
Kind of what they are going for a more realistic look, but this is a work of fiction where the characters can look how ever you want them to, so why not make them more attractive if you can? Same goes for the men. If the game is good, people who buy it for gameplay will buy it regardless, but if the characters aren't as attractive as you can make them, you're gonna lose out on virgin-bux from neets who buy games because they think a character is hot.
>not liking milfs
Zoom zoom
look, you're on Yea Forums. you would fuck that just so you could say "im not a virgin"
ew what's wrong with her face
She's more attractive than the on game model, which is a disgrace. They could've made the character look anyway they wanted and they chose to make it look like the mocap model but worse.
yeah thats what happens when you put real girls with bumps and imperfections over their face straight into a game
look at miranda lawson looking like she has downs
Also your picture is heavily photoshopped so yeah
It's Miranda from Mass Effect 2 all over a gain. They took a pretty woman and uglified her for the game. I won't apologize, because you just proved my point.
So why did they make her look ugly in game? Why do game devs think ugly = realistic?
because you can't photoshop a 1:1 replication of your non photoshopped face
>40 year old white woman
Oh, right. I forgot pic related happened. The problem with post Max Payne Remedy is that they're clearly capable of writing decent story and put out good graphics and visual effects, but after a while they get REALLY repetitive and boring. With Control, they're trying to bring telekinesis back and make use of "lol physics". I smell something burning already.
do you guys not know what photoshop is? zoomers baka
mona wasnt attractive either but i dont go into a remedy game expecting 2B or Kasumi.
There isn't a reasoning, because they don't do that, you're just hopelessly deluded and caught in a circlejerk to the point it might literally be affecting your perception of the world.
Amy Schumer
What did you think of Quantum Break?
She has a cute flat butt. I think she's a lesbian given her attire.
No, but they didn't have to make it a 1:1 representation of her face. That's my point. The character could've looked like literally anything. Why wouldn't they go for something better?
cant play it cuz my pc is shit. need to upgrade
I don't get it. Is their rendering software faulty or are they intentionally making women uglier in modern western games?
>that chin
probably easier to let a machine just do it
virgin post
I think this is the most this board has ever engaged with a Control thread. No one even talks about it.
Not an argument.
it's no use trying to convince these people, OP
Rise Lara is the most beautiful girl in video games, though.
Definitely easier, but obviously not better.
yes it is
you think a photoshopped image is what she looks like lol
Too bad she's only into equines and pubescent boys
based and larapilled
dude audrey hepburn has a smaller jaw and chin than 100% of modern female actresses and even basically all drawn fictional characters
you're a fucking blind retard
part of the problem is they're using a lot of face scan shit on modern "actresses" who are actually nothing but high class prostitutes for fat kikes like weinstein so naturally none of them are as attractive as they used to be
anyone who thinks she doesnt look like a tranny is an incel
How big is her penis?
Never met a redhead without roastbeef labia.
Just grow a horse penis, easy.
fucking yikes
Bro, I dated a girl dressed in a similar attire. One of the best girls I have ever met, I think you'll be fine if she wears an attire like that.
Go play Mortal Kombat 11 then where faces are scanned... oh wait, you are beating off to the ugly bitches in MK9.
no one cares about remedy's elfen lied
there is no circlejerk, you are just trapped in a maoist delusion that corrupts your perception of the world
So they didn’t really make an attractive character. They took an attractive woman and made her look like a greasy plastic mannequin.
yes this is the method
>scan real woman
>make character look like shit anyway
B-But I think Sigourney is kinda cute in her own way.
name 1(one) japanese character(or real woman)that is more attractive than nulara
Yes they did. The differences you see are because she isn't posing for a photoshoot like a model in the game like she is in that picture you literal fucking brainlet nigger lmao.
She looks like a single mother
Do you mean a Japanese character or a character from a game made in Japan?
>japanese character
I masturbate a lot to 女
but I think 男 is more to your taste
I wanna play her game.
I reckon it's passable.
Sure she's not as hot as lara but as others in the thread have pointed out, it looks like ineptitude/laziness rather than pandering. Hell I'd believe that they would've made her a little bit ugly to make her less of a perfect mary sue.
I only care about designs grovelling for feminist brownie points and she's not ugly enough for that.
Opinions are like assholes though.
what anime is that?
Binbougami ga. Used to be free on youtube from the publishing company. Saw it back in '08.
i love you Lara
looks like an inbred anglo
Red is pretty cute.
I actually liked it, after I fixed all the graphical issues, not as good as Alan wakes story though
I love my perfect wife Rise Lara so much
Holy fuck that thing looks ugly.
She looked better in quantum break
>Literally looks like a man with a wig
end yourself trannylover subhuman
>actress is beautiful
>ingame character is a joke
Every. Single. Time.
>that fucking jaw
Remedy doesn't have perfect talent in their character modelers. Alan Wake doesn't look anywhere near as good as Ilkka Villi who he's modeled after. You can really see the difference when the ingame Alan is juxtaposed next to Mr. who is depicted with live action footage.
Women peak between 25 and 40
Women peak at 16, then it's all downhill from there.
>spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on popular actors instead of getting better at modeling and animating
Backward savages
Then again. They pulled out Iceman pretty well.
>95 posts in
>no one posted this Elizabeth yet
I am extremely disappointed.
ripley is one of the only times hollywood did a "string female" lead right
Fuck Bioshock Infinite
Fuck 2K
Fuck YOU
>face is literally a rectangle
Release Elizabeth was best anyway.
Also, 2K can fuck themselves and you are free to fuck me.
Only pedophiles say so.
post your hairy boipucci, faggot
what the fuck is that
Label me all you want. It's still the truth you seething old roastie.
Remember in aliens 4 where the director wanted do do as much lesbian stuff as possible with her and they turned her in to an half xeno half human hybrid?
What makes you think I'm male?
The desire to have intercourse with anons, obviously. Dead give away.
It's an opinion and a pretty shitty one. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go whisk some meat for this lovely lady here.
Double Standard. Most of anime women run after the protagonist's dick.
Literally looks like a fucking tranny.
the rules are simple:
tits or gtfo
>Literally looks like a fucking tranny
delet this
this is from Control right? when's the game coming out?
>not liking milfs
Is there ever a time that hasn't happened? I thought the chick who did Quiet was qt irl but she looks like dogshit in game.
>Also your picture is heavily photoshopped so yeah
Post the unedited one then.
isn't that gal from the walking dead? you know, the spouse of the now dead chink
different gal. this red head has starred in bold and the beautiful soap drama.
There are no girls on the internet but if you are one pls be my gf
Character is based off Courtney Hope. You're thinking of Lauren Cohan
ah ok.. people are getting as generic as videogames so it's hard to tell who's who nowadays
Sexist pig uwu
>The West can't make an attractive female character
Only retards who don't play video games say this.
Not bad not great but not bad
no, she is prettier than the character she is mocapping.
which proves that something rotten is going on on videogame industry.
That's why I would fuck, I bet it wouldn't even feel good haha
tits or gtfo .
>tfw Westerners make the best Asians
Nice man face
You know the drill, Maria.
But anons are at best the side character that dies off screen, not the main protagonist, check mate!
Why not? ;_;
Literally looks like man with a wig.
They still go for the worst girl. I'd rather die a virgin than fucking the most annoying of the bunch (plus, her pussy might stink). Gotcha.
When peak physically between the age of 16-27, everything past that is getting old. If you're a woman and you aren't in a dedicated relationship by 27, you're basically going to have to settle for whatever beta shitstain will take you, unless you whore yourself to whatever guy wants to get his dick wet.
Not nearly as masculine as yours, tranny
The real version of this is the west wont most ungodly pretty women anymore. Hell they dont even let women loo like 10's now.
best you get is an 8
Hell they made MJ butt fucking ugly in the newest spiderman game. Shit she was a serious 6 or something
>Frogposter being retarded
Business as usual
>uncanny valley horseface
Maximum fpbp
Why does the ingame model look like it ate a brick?
bcuz beauty standards do not apply to virtual characters
>Posting seven year old bait
Surely by now you realise she only wears that final outfit for the beginning of the game?
did they model them on beyonce?
They scan her actual face. The pic you're quoting has a lot of makeup and touch up done. The whole point of headshots is to show how you look with optimal lighting and makeup
Whatever happened to this game? Its been years and we haven't even gotten any updates
The hair is too stupid for me. She looks like she just stepped out of her dressing room ready for her photo shoot for a shampoo company.
I'm buying it day one on PS4 because I REALLY enjoyed Quantum break more than I thought I would. That shit was kino as hell
Beats me.
Lara Croft
All at least 10x better, all western.
Hades is Supergiantkino
Milfs are only good in 2d. 3d women age like milk.
wasnt it cancelled?
what in the actual fuck
Not an excuse. Capcom made Claire as close as possible to Jordan in Re2make. And that's with a fraction of budget AAA games have. She still looks much better than all modern western girl characters. Why can't western devs do the same?
>And that's with a fraction of budget AAA games have.
REmake 2 was not a small budget game. It was one of Capcom's most expensive games ever. It had a development team of over 800. It was a AAA game with a AAA budget.
august 2019 - console and epic game store on pc - coming to steam a year later i believe
Is that a fucking TF2 Medic?
he is right
>but in today times it's wrong
Ok, let's assume it is. Then why can't other AAA games/devs do it too, despite having the same budget?
They can. You're just a moron weeb incel.
>They can. You're just a moron weeb incel.
that's a tranny
it's literally a man in a wig and makeup
The real beauty is on the inside
>SE as publisher
>publisher make games
She remind me of her
>publishers are philantropists companies who give free money to anything the developer makes without seeing and agreeing to the concept/design
tripfag BTFO
why the fuck would you post with a trip
>developer makes
So it was made by a developer, developer is from the west, op is btfo.
Not hard to understand even for a weeb brainlet.
>i can't even comprehend a simple sentence
Okay, whatever, you win.
I see way better looking women in real life than i see in western games
I think 愛 it's pretty sexy
I'm literally licking my monitor
bruh that's a dude
Everyone in this thread needs to
Please have sex.
Holy crap it's the crimson chin!
AbiShapi would be all of my fetishes if I didn't know who she was.
please win elections
The hair is doing all the work, if you zoom in on her face, it's just a dude's face. Like rose from TLJ.
Nigga, Mona was vidya Demi Moore
>big man chin
Fiona looks like she fucks Hewies.
>incels think dilate is an appropriate and equal response to 'have sex'
imagine telling someone to 'dilate' in real life and then feeling the wave of embarrassment when everyone asks wtf you're talking about. and then you autistically explain MtF surgery and everyone will ask why you know so much about this subject.
Isn't a pedophile someone attracted to girls who haven't hit puberty? Id say a 16 year old has probably hit puberty some time ago.
Who's she?
Audrey was a doll, get your eyes checked
oh great its the hebephilia gang
That's just moot with a wig
>woman in her 30's
>oval face
>man jaw
Pffff hahahahahahahahaahahahahaha
looks like a worn out 7/10 34 year old with a lot of makeup on
literally just add 15lbs to this bitches body and you can find one of these in every large scale HR dept
I mean are you trying to say their is no difference between a girl say 8-12 versus a girl whose say 16-18
Based. Best reaction in the thread.
Nah, that's Nicole from Fallout 1. She's saved by the ridiculously sexy voice though.
>Not even diverse™ characters get to be pretty
>give a character average sized tits
>get fired because your female coworkers who don't even do anything complained to your managers
Western society BTFO
Ben Shapiro's sister.
Being pretty=sexualization
I think Kara from Detroit: Become Human looks a lot better than her actress. Actually, that applies to almost all characters there. Frenchies still know what beauty means, it's pretty based.
100 bison bucks she'll get censored by snoy when it's released.
>when you're so cute that your fuck huge beak is not even a factor in men's minds.
It's dude, isn't it?
>hair removal ad
B-but the weebs on Yea Forums told me asian women are naturally hairless along with being naturally odorless and immune from the effects of aging...
Is that supposed to be bad?
That's also cos the model is based on how she looked 10 years before they made the actual game.
ITT: Incels speaking about the worth of women they will never even have the chance to touch.
No they didn't you shitposting white roastie
Here are your W*stern antagonists, bro !
Oh no no no no no no no
This but unironically.
Gonna kill myself
>t. just another incel but a white knight on top of that
Oh no, Asian women aren't disgusting monkeys like me and remove their hair. If you can't handle me with 5 inches long armpit hair you don't deserve a REAL woman, incel !
Ha hahahahaahahahahaaa
What game is the female (male) appearing in?
She is lucky she got nice distracting hair
serious case of resting bitch face.
There are just enough familial resemblances that she ends up randomly reminding you of a whiny-sounding living cartoon jew.
Eh, even 10 years ago she didn't look better than Kara, imo. Chloe also looked a lot better than her actress.
It's that ugly dyke bitch from TWD
Oh. I don't follow american politics so it's a non issue to me. A hot girl is a hot girl.
>Being obsessed with noses.
Get over your racial/political hangups. She's pretty.
I want to black his sister.
>artfully leaves out 13-15
>smol tiddy
I thought this was the ugly-ass Overwatch girl
Somebody post the DMC5 Lady comparison image