Are Japanese developers retarded? Who the fuck is gonna pay 60 (SIXTY) euros for this game...

Are Japanese developers retarded? Who the fuck is gonna pay 60 (SIXTY) euros for this game. That's $67 for you Americans out there.

Also lulmao requirements for 1080p/60fps:

AMD Ryzen™ 3 1200 / Intel® Core™ i5-6400
Radeon™ RX 470(4GB VRAM) / NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 6 GB VRAM

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they have to offset the pric of denuvo

>expecting Sqeenix to not be dumb and greedy

This game was so fucking boring.

oh well
their loss

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It's a good thing I played my roommate copy and was a waste of time. It feels like they wasted more time with the visual. Just save your money user

Music was nice. The story was a bit meh, but Cyrus and Tressa made the game for me.
Would be cool to have some kind of mod support, but I doubt it.

>Are Japanese developers retarded?
do devs directly dictate their prices or does the publisher control that? we all know that square enix is retarded already

*clicks magnet*

B-b-but user, you'll get exclusive wallpapers. That should be worth the 60 dollars price...right?

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Fun part is, they've set every region price manually to be equal to $60. So third world countries have to pay like double the price of a normal AAA release.

>regional pricing up to $70 in third world shitholes
SE is dumb, but not that dumb. My bets are on nintendo forcing it's greedy prices.

Don't do this. Magnets wipe your hard drive.

just buy it on sale if you are poor

Lmao i bought the game for 40 bucks for my Switch

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>AMD Ryzen™ 3 1200 / Intel® Core™ i5-6400
>Radeon™ RX 470(4GB VRAM) / NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 6 GB VRAM
So it's not only overprized but also unoptimized. Nice.

I bought it for my gf's Switch and it was really boring.
I mean it has a neat look, but the story is generic and the combat mechanics just aren't that interesting.

Waste of 60 bucks.
Better stick to PC games.

yeah thats a pass for me id pick it up if it was $40 maybe

It also has Denuvo lol

The art and music were excellent but the story was meh and I traded it to get xbc2 torna. Might pick it up again for the switch now that the price dropped

Don't buy it PC-only bros.
I pirated it and got memed into playing it for 20 hours expecting it to get good.
It never did.

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I imagine the requirements are inflated, it'll probably run on an i3 and 750ti.

>"You were expecting decent regional pricing, third worlders? Too bad poorfags"
Where were you when SE BTFO'd half the world's population

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>implying developers have any influence on the actual selling price

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They always overstate the requirements.

I've seen so many games list 1060 as a requirement but run just fine on my dinky 1050ti at 1080p/60 with room to spare.

>2389.99 pesos argentinos
>can buy a PS4 with 5000
gonna preorder right now.

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Nah bro, isn't it made in Unity? Unity is a resource hog for 2D. Look at all those fucking light effects the game has.

>SE bringing Switch-tier prices to PC

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Nope it's UE4

how the fuck do those ps1 graphics with a shitty reshade take top of the line hardware to run?

You should see this...

how else do you expect squenix to make up losses from tomb raider, deus ex, and final fantasy 15?

I paid full price for the game for the Switch. In fact I paid over the full price since I got the edition that had the pop-up book.
The game was my GotY of last year. Don't regret it in the slightest.

That said, the Steam version has fucking Denuvo. That makes the entire release thorough cancer.

That doesn't inspire confidence either, although why would you use fucking UE4 for 2d, that is overkill.

you guys had been riding the gravy train too long
t. hue

Octopath is literally 50 euros right now and was avaible across europe for 40-45.
So they charge you even more than on Nintendo consoles

If those specs are legit, it's because c++ requires manual memory management (c# is automatic). If the devs aren't too competent, the game will eat up memory like crazy and you'll get stuttering even on a 2D game.

it's still $60 here

for all we know it's running on an emulator LMAO

The only game on Switch worth playing, so now I have no reason to buy one until CFW is far enough along to make it piss easy to hack.


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love that canada is included on that. what a hellhole

Just wait for a price drop.
Or save your money for another (and imo better) classic, Alliance Alive HD

I'm gonna pirate it and use cheats to make it even more of a pleasure to play, beep-beep

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Unitonically worse than EA, their handling of the Automata pc port is a fucking scandal, they released the game completely busted and unplayable and didn't even patch anything with the DLC or the "game of the yorha" edition, fucking lazy scumbags.

Their refusal to remove malwarenuvo even though the game was cracked years ago is retarded, the level of autism of this publisher is off the charts.

Holy fuck those filters and that bloom make it look so shitty

Looks like shit desu, won't even pirate it

Well just wait for the steam summer sale. It's coming soon anyways.

Because 2DHD so gotta have top of the line shaders and particles. It's such a crime. They had the artists spend so much time on all the boss artwork, and then thanks to the camera movement you can never see it in game without there being mixed pixel sizes all over, and without colours being ruined by the lighting slapped on top.

>Few days after release.

Square never had exclusivity deal with Nintendo about Octopath. Square is just being Jewish as usual, fucking Final Fantasy XII on Steam costs as much as Final Fantasy XV.

>That's $67 for you Americans out there.
It's actually $60 USD on our store. You just pay more because Europe.

Who knows, maybe that can be modded out.

Almost 5x the price of MK11 in Russia, holy shit.

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I don't see why we need to keep making threads about this. Just pirate it if you hate it.

im pirating it lol

My ass looks like hers

>Who the fuck is gonna pay 60 (SIXTY) euros for this game. That's $67 for you Americans out there.

And that's EIGHTY NINE DOLLARYDOOS down here for us.

>nintendo forcing it's greedy prices
Imagine being retarded enough to think Nintendo has any control on what a third party company does on a completely different platform

Get it from gmg idiot.

And 5x a better game
So not very great

I guarantee you do not need a 1060 for this.

10 bux cheaper.

Weird, my listing shows 0 euros. Who the hell buys Denuvo trash anyway?


>4499 pyб.

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holy fuck it's true
full fucking retard pricing hahaha

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That's ten dollars cheaper than Canadian

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denvo is auto pirate for me

>stalled torrent
lol no

>you will get these stunning JPGs
literally gatcha tier

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You forgot that, during the last gen, people shilled PS3 versions of certain games because
>they come with PS3 themes!!!

>Yakuza kiwami 2
>$45 AUD
>60+hrs of content

>OT only 30hrs of content
>shit pixels with smear

>OT only 30hrs of content
It's at least 50, you koala fucker.

no it isn't squeenix shill 30hrs only

I see the hand of Nintendo in here... Standard 60$ game is exactly 4499 rubs in eShop

I'm going to pay $60 for it and I already bought it on the switch ages ago. Gaming is a cheap hobby and games should actually be significantly more expensive.

You jews who only buy indie games on steam sales for $2.99 are fucking subhuman.

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If you play with 1 or 2 characters only and complete only their storyline, then yes. If you decide to do everything then it's way over 30.
Source: everyone who played the fucking game.

That is rude, user. There are good indie games out there. For example, StemwWorld Dig costs 3 euros on eShop now, and it's probably even less on Steam during the sales. Why shouldn't I buy that?

This is very true

do you really need yous so badly?

>not master of dumb

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It took me 100 hours to beat the game, straliatard.

no, in gacha usually the different jpegs have mechanics you can use in battle, these are literally just jpegs with no use

I have these "wallpapers" as premium posters I bought at the Square Enix cafe in Osaka

that's because you're shit at games

yeah just add more grind to games because gameplay lenght is only think that matters

i honestly dont understand people who think that gameplay lenght is event within top three factors of game values. More grind and more backtracing = game worth more monay. YAY

>asking and answering his own question
japan is soon to cease to exist, so enjoy the products of their decadence as much as you can while you can

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lmao gooks

>hits him as if it's his fault
Actually it's kinda his fault he allowed her to do it. Both are fucking retards who deserve suffering.

I thought women don't have balls.

your first day on 4chains, i assume

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>One year old game
>Overpriced to all fuck everywhere
>Apparently just as unoptimized, for a Switch game running on Unreal 4
Square's just pushing this game out on Steam without care, right? I know Squre fucking sucks when it comes to selling their games on Steam, I mean, they still haven't patched Automata, but this is fucking overkill.

Absolutely fucking based

>he kicks the railing and falls down the slope

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Ah, I see they're taking lessons from the Koei Tecmo playbook.

It's pretty bold to ask for this price years after its release. Personally I won't buy it, 30€ was my limit for this, they doubled it the god damned jews. Killed all interest I had in the game, so I'll skip it or pirate if I feel like it

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>But not that dumb
>The company that spends at least five years on multiple games at the same time and going overbudget on all of them
>The company that absolutely refuses to put any FF game on Steam at over 50% off no matter how old and out relevancy it is today
>The company that still haven't patched NieR Tomato on PC
>The company that made two sequels tothe critically panned Final Fantasy XIII
>The company that released a broken piece of shit of a MMORPG that had to be completly remade from scratch
>The company that choose to remake FFVII in episodic form because they have no money left make a full scale remake
You underestimate how dumb Square Enix is.

wow that's pretty arse for argentinians

is this for real? that's 1:1 price to €, how fucking retarded as squeenix?

>>The company that still haven't patched NieR Tomato on PC
What's wrong with it? I was thinking of buying it (again) during the next sale.

i feel like this thread was made by a buttmad switchlet afraid of seeing exclusives walk away
what's the fucking problem for normal Yea Forums users ?
just fucking pirate it you fags

I honestly thought this was a troll post. $60 for OT lol was thinking of getting it if it was $30 or less.

People like supporting Japanese games on PC, when they're done right. This isn't.

>The company that made two sequels tothe critically panned Final Fantasy XIII
>XV was reviewed and sold decently but the last pieces of DLC were cancelled, despite one of them probably containing the true ending
People who think the VII Remake is going to be finished are delusional.

works on my machine

Why isn't it worth 60$? I feel like we had this same exact argument when it came to Switch.

>S I X T Y fucking dollarinos for an old and busted game that's out on Switch already






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Hitting woman into her nether regions is very comparable to hitting man in his balls.

Game looks like ass and shutters without the FAR mod which fixes most of the issues. Also denuovo cancer.

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pay up goblin

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It's a year-old handheld port that looks positively hideous. Caligula Overdose is a recent counterpoint to this, it adds a shitton of story and the game was remade on a new engine that marked improves graphical fidelity. And it's a bit cheaper, only $50. The game is still ass, but that's not the point.

I kinda liked the combat system in Caligula, but I couldn't get past the 2nd dungeon from how terrible it was.

>years after its release.
A year.

I guess I'm pirating this

but UE4 is garbage collected

I thought Tressa's story was one of the worst. I've never felt less like a merchant than going through her bullshit.

imagine paying $60 for a turn based jrpg

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wait for a sale fag

Selling a $60 port of what on the surface looks like a filtered to shit RPGmaker game to PCfags is going to be next to impossible.
$60 games in general are a tough sell, let alone this.

AND it creates mustard gas

>falls down and gets her cunt smashed due to her own clumsiness
>reflexively starts hitting the nearest man as if it's his fault somehow

Women in a nutshell.

it's on top sellers in steam.

Imagine not knowing that turn based RPGs are the best genre of games.

everything is. I see Death End re;Quest in the top sellers list. A game I'm pretty sure just me and a few hundred others will play (right now).

I kind of like how octopath does it too because the boost and break mechanics add a little bit of a puzzle like layer to it.

>those requirements
>for a pixelshit game
Do Japanese not know how to code?

Everytime I look at steam forums to see price complaints it's almost the most retarded ESL faggots alive posting shit.

>why game not $10 look like indie game no buy

>Who the fuck is gonna pay 60 (SIXTY) euros for this game.
Enough to offset the small porting costs for what was already an Unreal engine game.

i dont see it on my steam

>coming 7 June
>top seller
What's your disability called?

i played earthbound when i was a little kid too but uh they pretty much only exist because old consoles werent very powerful. there hasn't been a good turn based rpg since the super nintendo

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Holy fuck it is literally just spics and Russians.

Squeenix is dumb and a jew, what’s new?

>but uh they pretty much only exist because old consoles werent very powerful
Wrong. Action RPGs are just as if not older than turn based.

>that one guy trying to blame it on Nintendo when they have nothing to do with it

wait at least a year since it has denuvo

You could say the regional pricing are pretty ASSED.

I genuinely feel bad for cykabros.

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You mean, tactical turn based RPG. Menu turn based JRPG like Octopath Travellers and vid related shouldn't cost more than $30. The combat pretty much revolves around selecting the super effective moves and watch the battle animations, literally the laziest and braindead style of combat in a vidya.

Attached: 1556626202244.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

>I kinda liked the combat system in Caligula
I liked how the party member's abilities could combine if you time them right. You can wipe out a similarly-levelled party of enemies in a single turn of you plan your actions right and nothing goes awry, and the opposite is kind of true, as well. But the the enemy variety is so small and the side objectives so drab that experiencing a lot of the combat quickly becomes a chore.
>I couldn't get past the 2nd dungeon from how terrible it was
The 2nd dungeon wasn't particualrly terrible, I bet it just hit you how terrible ALL the dungeons in the game are. Copy-pasted tiles everywhere, frustrating labyrinths that you have to navigate by sneaking past enemies because them seeing you means another boring 30s battle, backtracking.
If you ever do end up continuing your playthrough, make sure to take up Thorn on her offer, you stand to lose nothing.

>AMD Ryzen™ 3 1200 / Intel® Core™ i5-6400
>Radeon™ RX 470(4GB VRAM) / NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 6 GB VRAM
Do you need to emulate 3 virtual switch instances in the background or why are the requirements that ridiculous?

Square's Denuvo is something special too I think. Left Alive and The Quiet Man are still not cracked.

As a Switch owner, I'm just mad all around because PCbros are getting fucked over from this, and we're getting fucked over because this isn't going to sell and we are never going to get a sequel.

Why? Thanks to the magic of regional pricing they usually pay jack shit compared to everyone else.

>The Quiet Man
That game is uncracked because no one wants to play that shit.

>The combat pretty much revolves around selecting the super effective moves and watch the battle animations
Ah so you haven't played octopath then. It'll certainly work in the very early game but it stops becoming effective in the chapter 2s and you can very easily fuck yourself by giving the opponent first move which usually involves a weakness shuffle or having shields on their weaknesses.

Really? You want to blame Nintendo for this? For a game that's no longer exclusive to the Switch?


For real though, this configuration is stronger than a PS4 Pro.

There's always one that has to bring them up when they aren't involved.

There'll be a sequel, it just wont be on PC

Nah, it's their economic and market situation that decides there purchasing power, which in turn decides their regional pricing.

"jack shit" price for you would be a high enough price for them.

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Yeah, having the abilities combo right into huge damage felt pretty good, specially when I was trying to beat those lvl 20ish guys hoping they would drop good stuff and exp lots of fucking misses even with buffs tho and as you said, by the second dungeon, it all felt too repetitive, enemies are the same, dungeons didn't feel like it would get better and so on. To me it felt like they had a nice idea but just neither the budget or the skill for a good execution.

Yakuza 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2 are all decently priced.

What's SE's excuse?

>This globalism thing means they can sell the same product to people across the globe for different prices and still make money
>So, I can buy stuff cheaper in different countries?
>Nice try, goy.

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A real shame, the writing is a solid 7/10, if you consider Overdose's new characters and Ostinato musicians. I can't speak for the Ostinato route but that would probably have been pretty interesting, too.

>Kiwami 2 is still $50 on PSN
>superior PC version is $30 on Steam
This is pretty excellent, not decent.


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>The Quiet Man
You could just watch it on youtube

Or better yet, don't

>entitled PC gamer who thing they have any right to get games for cheaper than standard retail price
You guys crack me up.
How about being thankful for even getting ports of games?
Imagine PC without ever getting any ports, all you had to play would be some shitty, boring ass strategy games.

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it'll be cracked in less than a week like everything else anyone wants to play.
Codex are based as fuck.

Good idea