Five Ninety-Nine

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How did they get away with that?

Still cheaper than what the PS4 launched with after you factor into PS+.
What a fucking scam, and people bought right into it.


Single handedly gave Xbox the generation victory

They didn't, that why it sold like shit at launch.


Remember that one?

Today I will remind them

Then this guy proceeded to gift it back

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This, it's why the Wii won that generation.
Then Microsoft and Nintendo shit the bed and Sony basically lied their way back to first place again.

>The Wii surpassed 100 million units sold on June 30, 2013

>March 2017

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>Sony basically lied their way back

>wii WON
name three non-nintendo published games on that system

This really was the most heart crushing moment in videogame history. Ridge Racer was an innocent series with a streak of all great games at that time but it was buried instantly because of some fucko in suit spewing some shit on stage. Also, that game he showed was never even on the PSN store to begin with.

They lost 3.5 billion dollars on the PS3 generation, what makes you think they got away with it?

They didn't, it took
>a slim rerelease
>a string of high profile exclusives
>Microsoft shooting themselves in the foot with Kinect and pretty much giving up on making games beyond Gears, Forza, and Halo
>the hugely successful Kevin Butler marketing campaign
to get the PS3 back on track

That was ten years ago. Look at the stocks today. They got away with it, and nobody remembers.

Tbh that's not terrible for what was at the time a pretty top-notch BD player

Red Steel 2
No More Heroes
Jackie Chan

Funny, people would pay that much today just for PS1-PS3 back compat.

The entire Playstation division is only 9 billion in the black, and a third of that is from last year. 3.5 billion is not pocket change. Sony is way smaller than it used to be, those seven years of straight losses put a massive dent in the company.

how is red steel even considred a game lol

>3.5 billion isn't pocket change
>what is FateGO revenue per year goy?

If the PS5 launches out of the gate with XB1-tier back compat with ALL PS1-PS4 games I'd gladly pay five hundred and ninety nine you ess dollars for it.

>Also, that game he showed was never even on the PSN store to begin with.
It never was? Also I think he was just demonstrating playing PlayStation games on the PSP, but wow cannot believe it wasn't on the PSN store.

>Sony basically lied their way back to first place again.

They were going to do all the same bullshit microsoft was planning (Always online DRM, no used games.) Once they saw the backlash at E3, they dropped it and recorded those slapped together youtube videos like that 'how to play used games on the PS.)
But that didn't stop them quietly announcing PS+ where you had to pay to play online, which everyone ignored because they were so focused on Sony not being Microsoft.

They were after Xbox One reveal
RIGHT after

XBOX ONE fucked up SO Much with the reveal + always online + high price

So sony went on, chuck up something that looked like was done in 10 minutes with powerpoint and fucking won the generation off of that LOL

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Are you still pushing this discredited conspiracy theory? They said in February 2013 they weren't doing anti-used games DRM.

Only after the backlash when Microsoft announced it. And it was under the guise of 'user feedback'.
Don't be stupid.


3rd console curse.

No, Shuhei Yoshida said in an interview with Eurogamer that anti-used games DRM was not being planned.

The only thing they changed about their June E3 announcements was making it absolutely clear they weren't doing the stupid bullshit MS was trying to do.

F/GO is an outlier.
F/GO is not Playstation.

>Corporate suits don't lie
I'd like them, but they come from Shitaku and polygon.

How much of that is profit? How much does Sony get to keep? How long will this income last?

Fuck, you're right. I remember that.

It will be very intersting to see what the next Microsoft and Sony consoles will deliver.
This time i'm sure Microsoft is aware how they fucked up and will attack Sony instead of shitting the bed with the XBone.

Just think about it: The only reason Ps4 is so strong is because Microsoft fucked up, well and Nintendo fucked up as well with the Wii U

so was that 20gb model just one of those used car salesman schemes where they put a shitter car next to fancier car and put measly price difference between them so that people get fooled into thinking "hey with just 100 bucks more I get triple the harddrive capacity"?

Almost all of it, have you seen FGO? It probably took like some salaryman a week to make it, the art varies greatly in quality and they skimp on voice acting (the most expensive part) wherever they can.

>Shuhei Yoshida
People believe that guy? He's just a puppet of the California HQ now.

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It should be interesting, Sony shit the bed with their new policies and outside of series they moneyhatted, they've essentially ceded Japan to Nintendo. And you have some Jap devs actively giving the finger to Sony, like Omega Labyrinth hullabaloo.
The Switch just surpassed the PS4 in sales in Japan too.

they get off on knowing they annoyed you
this is why the correct respond is report and ignore

It's a third party property. They aren't getting almost all of it,

You'd think with Sony Pictures being colossally bad with PR in the recent years The Japanese branch would keep west far as fuck away from deciding the key aspects to the game division. The game division carrying the rest of the company overall, but here we are.

There is absolutely no saying whether or not it'd happen. But if Microsoft were to acquire exclusivity deals for FIFA and or GTA, then Playstation would be fucked. Especially now that their firstparty output is slower than ever.

does anyone have that classic meme about the rich guy who can afford one ps3

Eventhough Ridge Racer 7 was definitely a "console" style game deviating heavily from its arcade roots I though it was pretty good. It's a shame PS4 didnt launch with Ridge Racer. Now its relegated to mobile trash.

Sony owns Aniplex/A-1 which published it so they do get a huge chunk out of it.

That's not a lot of money today considering inflation so today they could get away with it

This and the fact that Microsoft aquired new studios. I hope they learned their lesson with all the blunders this generation ( cancelled Platinum game etc ) and release more good games specificly on their plattform

t. didn't play the sequel

Yes, but not almost all. It remains TM's.

>Buying consoles and worrying about the price
It must suck to be a poorfag who has to budget their hard-earned wagecuck money to buy a peice of shit with censored games.

>Kevin Butler

Fuck. Now I gotta watch those ads again. So kino.

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Sony fucked up big time by not keeping the actor around then later suing him for some petty shit.

And Six Fourty-Nine Canadian... Inflation hit us like a mack truck going 160 km/h.

>Sony fucked up big time

The title of sony's autobiography

Why do people keep posting this? Where's the evidence that the guy in the pic is gladium? Even if it is, so what? You're going to ignore his posts because he's ugly? Should we ignore your posts too then?

I wish Nintendo went full dick move and hired the actor and had him go by the name Bevin Kutler, special assistant to Reggie for a Nintendo Direct.

>defending tripfags

Doesn't matter if it's him or not. Tripfags are garbage tier.

I agree with that, I just don't get the point of the picture. Just tell him to fuck off or remove the trip.

The funny part is I'm pretty sure at that time even with that price they were selling it a loss. Blu-ray players were no joke then.


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same way most of sony first party games are.

xbox won