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Bottom is better tho
What's what
soul v soulless?
I think it's Rage vs Rage 2
second that, what game? looks like some zoomer fallout? not hatin' just askin'
>bottom dirty town you'd expect in post apoc world SOUL
>top, tryhard grim dark town SOULESS
i really like rage 2 but i love the world of rage 1 way more and wish they had kept it closer to that
how the fuck it's looking worse than a 8 year old game
The building in the middle is literally the town plumbing building.
The open sign is misleading i never understood that.
fuck, true... I played Rage 1 so long ago I completely forgot about it. Why the hell would they make a sequel? That game was boring as fuck after a few hours.
but top is older so it's automatically SOUL
MEGATEXTURES vs negatextures
Is that how it works?
I thought what you like = soul, what you don't like = souless
yeah, didn't you know?
old = good
new = bad
and clearly, every Yea Forums user only likes good things
Thank you for opening my eyes.
Back then id at least knew what they were doing on the tech side, not the gameplay one. Now they know neither of those things.
mega textures where ahead of their time. they would probably be much better now.
Rage 2 npcs are mongoloid ps2 models.
Bottom looks like a Fallout 4 mod. I unironically prefer MEGATEXTURES if it means more detail and a sky with clouds.
Rage 2 wasn't id software, or at least primarily id software.
god the skybox in rage 1 was good
>2011 vs 2019
just end it all
Rage 1 wasteland was small, dense, and detail oriented. Every npc was a unique handcrafted little gem of character design, I love to play it just to tour it like a gallery. Mechanically Rage 2 is fun but it's an abomination visually, aside from some enemy designs that are pretty exceptional.
Sums up western AAA games pretty well.
Rage 1 had so many good midriffs.
i want to loosum her up
>dude brown lmao
>dude post apoc everything is made out of shit
>dude post apoc everything is made out of shit but we're quirky now so we spray painted everything in disgusting neon colours
>no skybox
>shadows look like shit
>chromatic aberration
God they both look unappealing but bottom looks so much worse. Did they do it with FO4 assets/engine?
I wouldn't be surprised to find out the ambient npc models in Rage 2 were generated by an algorithm they're revolting and everywhere like cockroaches.
2019 = delete tits
Did they just copy-paste the town from Rage1 into rage 2 or is it the town but from the future?
Criminally underrated fapbait.
>Back then id at least knew what they were doing on the tech side
But Rage 1 ran horribly on release.
Oh yay, another ugly boring open world shooter with nothing to do. Just like everyone wanted.
top: separate location with a loading screen
bottom: open world
Only difference is level streaming. No excuses Avalanche are supposed to be good at wastelands.
Rage 1 wasn't THAT bad was it? For some reason I'm mostly only remembering good things.
>Great skybox & NPC designs
>The world looked great despite the brown color pallet and muddied textures
>Good gunplay and the boomerang thing was cool
Other than the driving sections I'm drawing blanks on why the game is considered shit. Maybe there was too many loading screens?
>not hatin'
You need to be 18 or older to post here
did they even use the special doom texture compression thing for the new one?
megatextures or whatever?
>when videogames had attractive women
oh god why did it all go to shit so fast holy fuck we were so close
>I'm drawing blanks on why the game is considered shit.
Unfinished and rushed out release (have you seen that ending) and has boring and uninspired writing. Gameplay was OK. It wasn't great, but it was OK.
they started hiring women and trannies
Because OP put everything on minimum in the bottom pic just to mislead people like a jew that he is.
>Carmack leaves
>Girls get ugly as fuck
He was too based for nuid
>Because OP put everything on minimum in the bottom pic just to mislead people like a jew that he is.
Nope. It's not minimum. Towns looks like ass in Rage 2. Only nature looks good.
>VR games become a thing
>Women in games become super ugly
What the fuck bros
It doesn't.
>(have you seen that ending)
Actually no I hadn't finished the game when I played it near release on console. I can understand the disappointment for a shit ending though. I think I need to play this again on PC to really understand.
What is the bottom one? looks like Fallout4 but not sure.
But they are.
Rage 2.
If only the game had some human characters who don't look like poorly stamped chinese action figures, then it'd be a beautiful game.
At least we have trannies.
How's the driving?
in the butt
Rage had fantastic gunplay and enemy reactions at the least. Main problem stymied from its content progression unfortunately. Too much backtracking about.
On AMD, and it was all on AMD since iD gave them ample heads up that their drivers were fucked for their title.
Jesus Christ has abandoned us.
It's like the soul out of an already soulless thing
Does Rage 2 have John Goodman?
Thats the nicest pic I've seen from this abomination
I'm not even going to bother pirating it, jesus fucking christ
Pretty shit
They made a sequel to make it much better. I'm enjoying the fuck out of it to be honest. The combat is amazing. Movement is great, weapons are fun, powers are amazing and it's a decent challenge on Nightmare.
They ARE much better now. nuDoom uses an updates version of them and it works great there. Wolfenstein II as well. Not a good game, but the tech is great and it works flawlessly.
I just wish they didn't completely change the look and tone since the first game.
Is the joke here that Rage didn't either?
Rage 1 still runs like absolute shit. If this is the sacrifice that had to be made to make Rage 2 run as well as it does, then I'm all for it. My PC is technically below their "minimum" requirements, yet I'm running it on pretty much the highest settings with a frame rate of 60 that has dropped only a couple of times in the several hours I've been playing the game. Vulkan is fucking amazing.
he's the first person you meet.
>They ARE much better now
Aside from still taking a fuckload of HD space, more-so if you wanted PBR materials to work with it, which a lot of earlier megatexture games didn't since it prebaked everything.
Megatextures is more a thing that'd be better off being exclusively used for detailing/decal work to be layered overtop of traditional PBR'd textures.
The original had a pretty bland color pallet, but it had more style in its models and the world. Some of the assets looked almost cell shaded. I do wish they had kept things a bit more stylized but I really don't care very much seeing as the gameplay has been improved significantly.
I know. He then stops being in Rage two seconds later.
Ironically taking cues from Beth even before they sold.
Rage looked clean which is what I appreciated most about it, in a general full of brown&bloom FPS shooters.
I heard so much shit about the driving before playing the game myself and was surprised to find that it's actually pretty decent. The vehicles understeer a bit so you have to use the handbrake for turns that aren't really that sharp, but it's satisfying once you get the hang of it. It feels weighty and there's a learning curve to the driving. There's also a good sense of speed when using the boost (which recharges pretty rapidly, letting you use it almost constantly), which also surprised me because I kept hearing how the driving felt too slow. All in all, it's nothing amazing but I'd call it serviceable at the very least.
Megatextures don't take up any more space than regular textures. The reason why Rage took up so much space for so little actual game was, as you said, it prebaked everything which resulted in a lot of unnecessary excess data. You can use virtual texturing as you would in a regular texturing pipeline and not blow your game out to a billion gigs.
Does the same go for nuDoom?
NuDoom was a hybrid approach, trying to weigh the best of both worlds.
The only problem on the tech art end I'd have with something like Rage is, every texel then counts at that point when it comes to coming up with a standard resolution per square foot in the game to use upon the assets in that vicinity, just so when it comes to compressing/resizing/packing the atlas down, you don't get areas that look lower rez than others.
what would you call buyers remorse but you're also enjoying the goods (shooting is fun)?
Yes and I know nuDoom takes up twice the space of Rage.
It actually has some really amazing views, you just have to play around with the adaptive resolution settings to make it not blurry. It has this option for optimization reasons but if you have a beefy PC you can disable it and it looks amazing. Also it's a dystopian, post-apocalyptic future. Frankly I'd expect trannies and all other sorts of degeneracy. Don't miss out on a fun game because /pol/ told you to. I pirated it too and it's been amazing so far.
Wait one month guys. It's a good game for 20$ on cdkeys.
Mad Max or Rage 2?
That tranny looks disgusting. If anything, this is a joke at the expense of trannies, not some SJW propaganda like some of you guys think.
>buying games from grey market sites instead of just pirating
I don't understand this.
>Rage 1
this meme has gone too far
Apples or oranges? Really depends what you're looking for. A direct comparison between the two is retarded. Do you prefer great FPS combat combined with okayish vehicle combat or good melee combat combined with good vehicle combat?
The landscapes are fine, it's the up-close visuals that are dogshit. Rage had beautifully desolate vistas and excellent character models, Rage 2 only has one of these elements.
nuDoom used megatextures for all its non-transparent textures (due to limitations in the tech), same as Rage and Wolf:TNO did. id Software just made the mistake with Rage that while virtual texturing gives you the freedom to make every single texel perfectly unique, you don't have to and really shouldn't do it. Far Cry 4 managed to use VT pretty well for terrains, even baking the decals into the texture atlas at runtime.
Rage is still impressive for what they managed to achieve tech wise but they really could have made it more impressive had they gone with a dynamic lighting solution instead of a baked one and saved themselves the headache of balancing quality with disc space.
Soulless oversaturated pastel colouring is the 2010s version of the old everything is brown filter that every game in the 2000s had. I'm sick and tired of it.
>PC Max vs Nintendo Switch
Justice for tank girls!
Just remembering how fucking terrible the performance was and still is in Rage 1, I'll take Rage 2 any day of the week.
The kind of men that go to work in gaming studios in 2019 and people that like games, the kind of women that work in gaming in 2019 are feminists.
What the fuck are you trying to say, did you just have a stroke while typing this?
Mad Max was great. I was really hoping Rage 2 would be Mad Max 2 but with good shooting. The driving in this game is such a disapointment.
But the shooting is fucking good
But gameranx told me it was good!
I'm really not getting the complaints about the driving. Sure it was better in Mad Max but that game was 50% vehicle combat, while here the focus on driving is around 20%. The feel of the driving is not too far off from Mad Max IMO. Mad Max's driving only started feeling fast towards the end of the game when you get your hands on the V8 and have your boost maxed out. RAGE 2 already starts you off with hefty boost and I think it's pretty damn good.
It is. Not that you should listen to reviewers one way or the other, but as far as the shooting goes, it's a great FPS.
Then I'll listen to you and buy it.
Yeah I have fun with it but the good parts seem wasted because the bad parts drag the overall enjoyment of this game down. With at least decent writing and less gay design choices this game would be cool as fuck.
don't buy it, pirate. the shooting is good but the rest is pretty weak
Yeah I've just started skipping all the dialogue. I really don't know what they were thinking, every character is insufferable. But they allow you to skip all the dialogue and its rare to get a single player shooter with good shooting mechanics so I'm fine with it.
I'm too paranoid and dumb to pirate so I'll just buy it cheap.
don't pay over $30
Not only is the dialogue boring but every single NPC is just going on and on for no reason. There are several people who made a living by writing this mindnumbing drivel. The gaming industry is a bizarre place.
You got it boss, I know a guy.
Japan does this all the time, as they ALWAYS run bars and have a deep voice
I am probably the only person who enjoyed RAGE 1.
I thought it was real neat and I got it for £2.49, an absolute deal. The game looked great for its time.
That looks fucking spectacular.
>we want the zoomer audience
it ain't bad
>id Software failing at graphics.
is there nothing sacred anymore?
It's a game that id software had nothing to do with. It's made by people who did Mad Max and other shit.
it uses apex engine created by avalanche fagbois
so is rage 2 basically designed only to make rage 1 look good
it worked but thats not a good thing, 1 was fucking terrible too
It’s really not. I’m playing RAGE 1 right now the game looks great at a distance but all those textures are total dog shit. It actually doesn’t look good in total.
How do we save Rage lads?
Just Cause
Thankfully this is a lot better than the JC4 disaster. I’m going to get Rage 2, I just like their games, but not at full price. Maybe $40.
So problematic. Ugh.
no megatextures
I miss the days when video games were a white man's hobby
This is the best representation of trannies we have seen in vidya, judging by what they actually look like.
yes its a joke, he has a funny effeminate male voice
There's at least a wojak appeal to Liam O'Brian's delivery when he's confronted with all the degenerate weird shit and just walking away with a curt comment from ugly npcs trying to give him bland quests.
Who voices the Old Man that gives you the Nicholas Raine Death God quest? I've heard him somewhere before.
It was never a white man's hobby you mongrel
kys, fag
Don't fall victim to instagram tier back archers. They're trash.
>Deathgod armor wasn't Crimson Elite
feast upon the unwashed pussy