Is Dreams worth getting without having VR? It seems like just using the standard controller would be difficult for creating things with.
Is Dreams worth getting without having VR...
You don't need a PSVR for anything, you have the option of using 2 PS Move controllers (need a camera too) for easier sculpting, but a DS4 seems to work pretty well. A lot of tutorials out there are from skilled creators are using a DS4.
Oh well that's good, cheers. I kinda assumed the move controllers required VR since they seem to be marketed specifically as VR accessories but I guess that's not the case?
Correct. In fact, PSVR support isn't even available yet.
90 bucks for the camera and another 120 for the move controllers, I'm going to stick with the DS4 anyway.
>you posess the pod
>there is a dead doll on the field
>people think this is impressive
The old PS3 Move controllers work if you can find them on clearance or something. But yeah, it's quite an investment otherwise.
They can just mask it with a transition
Oh fuck well in that case I should dig mine up. Hope they still work.
>assume the position for me, Sonic.
Mine still worked when I used them for PSVR
>The old PS3 Move controllers work
and apparently they have some magnet thingy that the newer ones don't which gives them less drift
Squid update. I figured out how to animate the eyelids, and add some movement to the tentacles, but it still needs a lot of work.
OP here, just started the game and realized I had forgotten about the DS4's motion controls lmao
Ah yes another 150+ IQ Rick and Morty fan
wont all this shit just get shut down by the companies that own whatever they're copying? wasnt this a problem in lbp?
Yes, if MM receives a copyright notice they will remove a creation from the public pool, but you will still have it locally. Supposedly you can privately share creations/collaborate with others without making a creation public in the first place.
oh sweet
i was worried it would be hard for people to make loli games but if you can share privately it should be ok
It's not that bad actually
These are cool and all but everything looks so...gaudy.