Why the fuck does this game not have Pause?

No, seriously, Fuck you Capcom. There is no goddamn reason for the single player mode to be completely unable to pause or halt the game.

I understand why you can't pause when in an active online session or group, but there is literally no way to pause the game at all even when playing in single player, even with no internet connection at all.

Gotta take a shit? Gotta run to take care of an emergency? phonecall? lol fuck you asshole game is life.

It's especially dickish because quests are time limited, so if you have to take care of something that takes 30+ mins there is a real danger of timing out of the quest and auto-failing.

3U, 4U and Gen all had the ability to just stop whenever you wanted. Sure, if you did it'd boot you out of online mode, but that is a perfectly acceptable compromise. Why the fuck did they DEVOLVE?

MHW has made so many great quality of life changes, yet they removed one of the absolute biggest of them all

Attached: Monster-Hunter-World-Sales-01-Header.jpg (1280x720, 247K)

Other urls found in this thread:


On console you can just going into standby mode and it pauses the game.

Managing your time is a skill.

Why the fuck is that necessary?

I shouldn't have to deactivate my entire fucking console just to pause a game. it should be a single button press.

Wanna pause any of the 3DS games? literally just close the console/flip a switch. There is no rational reason why this game could not have a built in pause function in single player.

Some people have lifestyles that make it difficult to play a game where they're literally just not allowed to step away from it.

Some people have kids, or take care of someone, or just generally have reasons why they may need to step away from the game for a bit at random times for something important.

Give me one good reason why not to have a pause function in single player.

>Need to pause in GU
>Pause button is right there
>Get up to take a shit/order pizza/contemplate ordering pizza while taking a shit
>Return in an hour
>Can pick up right where I left off
It's nice

>Some people have kids, or take care of someone
Fuck those losers

>He can't kill a monster in 5 minutes


>Gotta take a shit?
Should have done it before doing a hunt
>Gotta run to take care of an emergency?
If it's an emergency than your games doesn't matter. Priorities son.
Take out your phone. Turn down the volume of the game Continue playing as you answer a phone call.
None of your problems are something to pause a game for. It's all your own negligence and poor planning

To give you a sense of urgency that helps with both immersion and makes winning more rewarding because you had to dedicate yourself to it for a few minutes. If you can't finish a hunt without pausing then you don't deserve to beat it.

Again a bunch of random excuses for capcom not putting in a basic near universal feature, that MH has had for years.

And don't even try to tell me its about being "realistic" or "hardcore", because MHW is babby difficulty compared to 3U and 4U, both of which had easy pause options.

You gonna bitch at From Soft for doing the same thing you giant toddler who can't plan his life around common problems?

Most hunts take 5-10 mins if you are not a complete shitter.
If you are shitting your pants during a 10 min fight than that's on you.
If you can't learn to just turn the game off when a emergency happens. that's just you being a terrible person.
If a phone call is too hard for you to handle while playing a video game. Fucking give up on life.

Why do you need a pause if the game is babby mode anyway.

Attached: 1557631855340.png (1024x862, 1.76M)

Who gives a shit? You shouldn't even be playing this trash anyway.

What are you talking about? if you do village quests you can pause the game.

Farcast to the tent. A lot of these monsters only need a few minutes to hunt and you have an abundance of time.

Yeah wish they added some form of pause in the game.
The last game I played was Freedom United and the only way to pause there is to quickly hit the power switch. Would put the PSP in power saving mode and hitting it again would seamlessly start the game right up where you left off.

Its called the gillie mantle and you get it early.

>Some people have kids, or take care of someone, or just generally have reasons why they may need to step away from the game for a bit at random times for something important.

Then they'll play something else? Not everyone can have everything, life is about making choices, dude.

Consoles have a sleep mode, and I'm pretty sure cheat engine has a pause setting of its own somewhere. It's shit but there are always workarounds if you look hard enough.
world sure changed the community for the worse, none of you deserve to play monster hunter

He wanted a good reason to not have a pause in a single player game. I gave him one. Pull the stick out of your ass.

There was always a pause option in the menu. It was in 3DS, PSP, Wii, WiiU, PS3, Switch versions. It was active in singleplayer only for obvious reasons. Don't remember how things were in PS2 days.

Pity it's not in world. Another reason to play GenU.

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 79K)

>Wah how dare you gate keep I'm going to gate keep YOU


It's not the end of the world (heh) if you just stop playing mid fight to go take care of something actually important. It is still just a video game after all.

>"tfw no gf" average poster
See you crying everyday, /r9k/

Probably to stop you from easily abandoning quests when you're about to triple cart and get back all of the items and ammo you spent

How does pausing get you out of the quest?

Gate keeping is a retarded term and you're retarded. Stop posting.

No clue. When you pause in other games the screen just has a huge "Pause" on screen. The moment you unpause you are back into the fight. The screen doesn't pause while you scroll through the menu. You got to scroll through the menu to pause.

And you're a hypocritical retard for telling people not to do it and then doing it yourself.

>abandon quest

>alt f4
>reload the last autosave

If it's really an emergency then don't you think you should just drop the controller and stop playing instead?

Why do you need to pause in alt scenario?

just kill the monster
world is so piss easy it takes like 5 seconds

You people are genuinely retarded. Seek medical attention.

>Can manage time well
>Is retarded
>Can't manage time well
>Is well adjusted human being

Spotted the retard

>hunts are 15min tops
>you can return from quest
>you can go to tent
>most hunts have a 50min time limit which gives you plenty of time
If you have to pause the game in

but mommy what if i have to pee

>Unironically defending the removal of a pause button, something everyone agreed is a staple in singleplayer videogames since its beginnings
>Not only defending it, but being smug about people pointing out how retarded it is
Yea Forums contrarianism is something to behold. Stop embarrassing yourself

>Pause game
>Drink all the potions
>Damage is not a punishment

I bet you think Skyrim has the best combat system

>phone rings
>laundry timer dings
>spot a giant fucking spider on the wall
>sudden mighty need to take a shit
>doorbell rings
>oven timer dings
>fire alarm goes off
>child has shit himself
>door kicked in by burglar
>grandpa's fallen over
>dog has escaped through the open door

Sometimes the game just has to be put on hold

Attached: 1517527718966.png (935x778, 255K)

>That's the sound of a burglar knocking down your door.
>he takes my TV

Attached: 1557369044329.png (236x231, 72K)

Are you retarded?

Not as retarded as you for thinking pausing in a real time combat RPG is a good thing.

not even that, you can just go to the console home menu, same for every single monster hunter game on every console

Wrong, doesn't work for World

Just download a microsoft program and ctrl+alt+del then suspend process

Doorbell is ringing?

Reposting this because dumbfucks keep posting the fake/mistranslated info instead

>devs should be lazy and not add a feature because i have no responsibilities to distract me from video games - the thread

Imagine being this retarded. Nice to see your priorities are in order.
In my 1k hours in 4U i never needed to pause. Because you know, I got the fuck up and did irl shit and restarted/continued the battle with the time I had left. Jesus you guys are absolute shitters.