Best shooters of all time

Let's see who has the right opinion, Yea Forums.


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>new vegas
>spec ops and cod shit over quake, serious sam, doom, half life, wolfenstein
>dead space that low
>fallout 4 that high
>max payne that low
>spec ops that high
>csgo that high
>cod that high
>halo 1 and 2 that high
>FEAR that low
>apex that high
>STALKER that low
>homefront that high

This is a such a shit list I don't even know where to start, I haven't even covered everything wrong with this fucking atrocious list, just do everyone a favor and kill yourself you worthless faggot.

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I agree, Brink IS better than Quake 3!


I don't know what else to say...

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>multiplayer only ranked alongside singleplayer only / rpg experiences
fuck off

You seem like the type of person who would put games like For Honor and Mordhau on a list of 'best fighting games'

There I fixed your piece of shit list and your retarded ratings, I even kept the games that aren't even fucking shooters to begin with.

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u wot m8?

I didn't like it, call me a boomer but I've always preferred the first.

>destiny 2
>literally anywhere close to masterpiece


I can't hate on original UT99 but 2K4 was just unmatchable in my book as far as the great community and endless content.
Hell, games that started as mods of it are in your top tier.

>best shooter list
>no doom II
>no doom 3
>no wolfenstein 3D
>no return to castle wolfenstein
>no goldeneye
>no timesplitters
>no perfect dark
>not a single fucking game from the build engine trilogy
What fuckhead zoomer faggot made this list?

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fixed it for you retards

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>Call of Duty, Battlefield and CS:GO
>above TF2, Max payne 2, FEAR, Half-Life and Quake

I pray this is bait.

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No Duke 3d, no Blood, no Dusk, no Ion Maiden, no Powerslave, no Amid Evil Ect. This is a shit list

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>BL 1 higher than BL 2

user, I...

OP may be a zoomer, but this has gone too far over the other end. Only nostalgiafags rate the original doom alongside way better games.


If it wasn't for Dead Space 2 Max Payne 3 would be the best TPS of all time.

This is the most offensive thing I have seen on Yea Forums this year. Good work OP, my asshole clenched up hard

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>puts doom on a list alongside other games released far after doom
I think the entirety of the build engine trilogy (blood, duke3D, SW) is better than doom but the fucking faggot didn't put any of them on the list.

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Fallout New Vegas is not a good shooter at all. It's a good game, but not meant to be a good shooter.

>implying Doom 3 should be in a best shooter list

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GUYS GUYS GUYSE!!!!! Most Caawwaaspooky are REALLY bad!!! but plEASE do play fine ass games such as ThE fallout Three, Black Ops 1 (because kinoe der totten XDDD) and pls play the Line cause it guud!

No argument here. I knew when Metroid Prime was nowhere to be seen but New Vegas was a masterpiece, the list was a steaming pile of dogshit

>pretending Yea Forums didn't eat up Spec Ops on launch

Actually, having played the original doom for the very first time recently, its a really fun game. It does hold up and i can only imagine how it must have felt playing it when it was new or relatively new because that mustve felt just insane.

Yea Forums is a hivemind