On a scale from 1-10 how likely am I going to be banned for having this name on WoW Classic?
On a scale from 1-10 how likely am I going to be banned for having this name on WoW Classic?
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Banned? 1.
Free name change? 5.
Depends on how many faggots report you.
youll probably be good
my name was fagslayer and it lasted a while
Fannyfiddler is one of my favorite creation
i had professor girlmolester
timelord lubelord
and the list fucking goes on, been banned alot
you might get forced to namechange but thats it, it only depends on the amount of people reporting you, its all automatic and no actual human being will read the complaints
>man I loved vanilla, back when wow was challenging
>casuals can’t handle vanilla I’m sure they’ll quit after a month :^)
>vanilla is the easiest wow ever was and you afk end game content
>EVERY expac that followed was more challenging
>retail wow is unironically the most challenging the game has ever been
>be me in 2008 playing Wrath
>going through a smoking weed phase
>our tank is a tauren warrior named Bigramboner
>guild was
I still laugh like a retard thinking about it 11 years later.
More likely you will get free name change but that also has small chance.
>bumholelick, bumholekiss
there are way more "offensive" names running around, plenty of guys with thot on their names running around
is the beta going on now a public beta or a closed beta?
theyre inviting more people everyday if you have a sub active you'll get in more likely
thanks m8, i'll try to join in without the sub, they aren't getting my hard earned shekels that easily
They have said it's a limited closed beta, but they will be running open stress test weekends for anyone with a sub
fannyfiddler lmfao
>Not naming yourself Femalethot
I've already right click reported you
my friend had the name Chinkdik on a goblin for all over Cataclysm
Less likely than my hunter Bowjob. They made me change that.
>guild leader was named "Raygold" from vanilla to pandaria
My tauren shammy got away with Spiritwanker until his 50s. Then he got a free name change
lasted a few weeks in legion because of the theme
no, you have to have a sub to get a chance to get in.
I don't get it.
thats a lie
Just started this badboy on Northdale
Thats an interesting last name
Where did the nickname Raygold come from? It's not in the article.
I played for 4 years on a character called "pissdribble" youll be fine
My rogue dwarf pantysniffer lasted for years rip famalam ):
"nights arent dark"
stop jacking up the gamma retards. this looks great on the new engine
Your not going to get banned or a name change for having the name Deadthot, You can get way more worse before a name change comes in.
>made guild called SUPERFRIENDS
>gm claimed this isn't appropriate on a RP server, forced us a name change 2 months later
>changed the name to IRON PIPE GANG
>gm claimed it's a racist nazi reference from sweden
>final change to REDLIGHT DISTRICT
>gm removed our guild straightup and gave all of us a weeks suspension
Fuck blizzard, can't take jokes or satire.
What are some other funny names on WoW, Yea Forums? :3
will i get name change for "Yameteonisan"
My favorite was some shitty human warrior on my server who throughout all of vanilla only made it to level 34 and spent 90% of his time shit talking people in trade chat. Dudes name was Someasshole
Quality. Well done.
saw these names in eve online
>molester stallone
>rick therapist
>allah snackbar
Name change yes, not a ban. Even tame shit like my char being called grillmaster got reported
It's all automated. If enough people report you, you automatically get flagged. No human ever reviews those reports, all it takes is enough people who want to fuck you over to report you. They amount of reports needed is random though, so you can't just figure out the threshold at which they get kicked and forced to change
Would you be mad if i stole Lubemyass?
I ran around for a bit with a Tauren called BossNigger, surprised it was allowed through.
Leveling warlock first.
Should I bother with professions before 40 or 60?
I'm thinking getting skinning and enchanting asap, level skinning while killing is easy, and you can DE anything from skill 1. I'd simultaneously level first aid with all cloth I find.
At 40 or 60 I think Engineering and Tailoring would be best, and worth bringing to 300.
Gold farming will be easy as a warlock so I should be able to buy mats off AH. I of course want Engineering because I'll be PvPing a ton.
I'm just thinking that the time spent running around and mining myself (and having to compete with any other player doing the same in the area) will take longer and be less efficient than just farming gold on Princess runs (and later Lashers when DME comes in phase 2). Like in 1 hour of mining I might gain 20g worth of ores, but in 1 hour of grinding I'll get 30-50g worth of vendorshit and maybe some greens to put on AH.
I haven't looked at the beta, so no enhancements confirmed? No dual-spec? No lowered prices?
I was looking forward to rolling a Holy/Shadow priest, but warlock it is then.
Nostalgia is possibly the greatest of the lies that we all tell ourselves. It is the glossing of the past to find the sensibilities of the present. For some, it brings a measure of comfort, a sense of self and of source, but others, I fear, take these altered memories too far, and because of that, paralyze themselves to the realities about them.
How many people long for that “past, simpler, and better world,” I wonder, without ever recognizing the truth that perhaps it was they who were simpler and better, and not the world about them?
Nostalgia is a necessary thing, I believe, and a way for all of us to find peace in that which we have accomplished, or even failed to accomplish. At the same time, if nostalgia precipitates actions to return to that fabled, rosy-painted time, particularly in one who believes his life to be a failure, then it is an empty thing, doomed to produce nothing but frustration and an even greater sense of failure. Even worse, if nostalgia throws barriers in the path toward evolution, then it is a limiting thing indeed.
-- RA Salvatore
acronyms are not a bannable offense, apparently.
i saw some guy named "hotMilf" YEARS ago, and still has his name today.
Are those names supposed to be funny?
Good for you.
Classic/vanilla isn't good because of nostalgia, but because it remains to this day one of the best videogames in history.
fuck off drizzt
Can confirm, I played on a private server recently and it's just a great game. I was suprised how good it was.
That's just nostalgia for the present.
I will make an undead rogue called childkiller, level it to 18 and park it in redridge.
grow up
>not a druid named pedobeer
anything with r@ygold on filename on limewire had cp.
have sex
>all these shit names
>will play on a rpg server so I won't play with anybody from here
I had BDK with the name Fistmedaddy for like 3 years on Thrall, until i got a forced name change
Later transferred to wyrmrest accord to help friends raiding. Changed name to Fistmedeadly. This one was weird, They forced a name change but it bugged out. I was stuck with a weird name with capital letters and numbers for a good month or so during the first silithus event at the start of Legion.
This guy's just runnin' around and ganking everyone he sees. Absolute madlad.
I've had a demon hunter called Semendemon for 4 months without problems back in legion. Then I got automatically renamed to "PlayerLRDYXD" and kept that name and was like the only guy on the whole server with capital letters in their name. I'm pretty sure you normally have to change your name immediately. I got a forced logout when my namechange happened and I was in the middle of a BG so I logged back in immediately and it let me keep the newly generated name. Got a few whispers for that one. Took them another few months to notice that.
>11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
I was forced to change my original name waaaaaaay back during actual vanilla World of Warcraft on EU servers. The evil horrible offensive name I had was Necroraper, because I am not native in english and misspelled it.
Guess what I actually wanted to write as an edgy teen.
That's not a bug, you were banned from having a name and instead got stuck with an autogenerated one
>not g
I was named Gayassassin for a long while. One day in a random dungeon the healer left, but we were able to continue easily. But the tank was really angry about this and, because I kept telling him to teleport back in before he missed the loot, kept saying he will report me for my name.