What is her purpose?

What is her purpose?

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Shoehorning Tara Strong in the VA cast one way or another

>tara strong is VA for a character that doesnt even speak for the majority of the game

based namco

To carry wood.

to give genis a romantic interest despite being a 2ft manlet with no redeeming features

To be a heckin' cutie

>with no redeeming features
He's cute and I like his hair

Genis grows up to become Sephiroth.

Further expansion on the concept of Cruxis Crystals while also showing more how negatively Exspheres could affect people. She also serves as a link to Regal's backstory making him slightly less disconnected from the rest of the party. She's also arguably the character that needs Lloyd the most out of the entire party.

And to be the vessel for the best character design in the game, of course.

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Obligatory legal loli/cum slave

To be the obligatory loli party member that's actually pretty reasonable compared to most of the series

This pretty much. There seems to be a unwritten rule that every tales game must have either a loli or a shota in the party, no matter how irrelevant they are.

A niche Japanese franchise covering as many bases as it can consistently to hit multiple appeals with different characters? Say it ain't so!

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Deceptively-aged humorously-strong female child. With... three different personalities depending on what the writers want her to be in a given skit? I guess getting yourself does that to you. As said these characters are designed to be super multifaceted.

Amazing what happens when you have characters whose arc is that they don't have to be cold, distant jerks to survive... so they spend most of 40 hours being jerks until they get to that point. A shame really.

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Is this a Tales thread? I'm interested in trying the franchise since I'm looking for a comfy adventure with cute girls.
Which games have a good mix of solid gameplay and likeable characters?

it's . tales of symphonia was in many ways the last of its kind, it took a lot from the 4th-5th gen jrpgs that would have party members that just kind of fucking join and have their own little arc that only kind of relates to the plot and then just hang around helping you fight things because they don't have anything better to do

>Which games have a good mix of solid gameplay and likeable characters?
symphonia and vesperia. every other game either barely has writing, deliberately annoying characters, or bad gameplay


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Are all the 3D Tales games the same in terms of gameplay? I've been going through Symphonia with a friend and we're nearly at the end in the angel city looking for information and man, the combat is clunky as hell. It's been fun but at this point, we just want it to be over. We were originally planning on playing a lot of the Tales games together but at this rate it's not happening.

chrono cross.txt

Thanks. Do I need a strong computer for Vesperia? Is the gamecube or PC version preferred for Symphonia?

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Symphonia was the first 3d tales so yeah, the combat was unrefined. Later games improve upon it almost entirely, most notably abyss and vesperia.

>Do I need a strong computer for Vesperia?
its a game from 2008

> Is the gamecube or PC version preferred for Symphonia?
gamecube version runs at 60 FPS sometimes and has some glitches that make the game better, the pc version is a jank version of the ps2 version which has more content but fixed 30 frame rate and no glitches

the pc version has a lot of mods to fix the issues last I heard but the console version is a lot easier to enjoy out of the box, especially if you're emulating it so the framerate doesn't die whenever someone casts a high level magic spell

the team symphonia games all build on symphonias foundation in fun ways but there's certainly a charm to symphonias combat if you're playing on harder difficulties and can't just button mash to victory. without free 3D movement you can really get cornered and ganked if you aren't careful

Symphonia Gamecube runs at 60 FPS but has character outlines and a depth filter that do not look good at higher resolutions (latter should be removable but the means have changed), the PC version has the PS2 port's extra context, mostly more super moves, combo moves, and an extended extra dungeon. PS3/PC version is cropped to 16:9. Really depends on what you value.

Depends on what exactly you mean by clunky. A lot of them are 10+ hours too long, though, so that is a series thing. You've got four dungeons left, by the way.

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Fans of this series tend to be pedophiles. Berseria being the sole exception, a game enjoyed exclusively by chads.

What I've noticed is that they all feel much shorter the second time you go through them and every time afterwards, knowing exactly how many story beats and dungeons are in the game helps to put things in perspective and makes 60 hours feel more like 40

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I agree entirely, if left to me I would probably end up axing more of Symphonia's dungeons as result of trimming story than by removing the ones that actively annoy me.

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I mean it just so happens that most of the really obnoxious dungeons in Symphonia are also almost completely irrelevant to the storyline

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Symphonia is the most basic one in terms of gameplay, the later games all improve on it quite a bit and some take fairly different approaches as the series goes on. Graces in particular has fantastic and snappy combat.

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What am I looking at

Symphonia is the only one with actual dungeons, and quite frankly free running has just made the combat shittier.

Why does everyone keep forgetting that Abyss had some great dungeons too

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I'd have to take a tally. I do know I would rather get to Heimdall without a fuss and Welgaia be not awful and the absolutely beyond hype grand finale it could have been. The anime version playing that up was fan service well taken for me.

"A familiar wind blows behind you."

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Abyss's dungeons are the best in the 3D series in my opinion. Not overly annoying like Symphonia's but still had their own unique identity and effort put in, and even the ones with overly intrusive gimmicks gave you the option to forego them in favor of doing a few extra fights. Then they were in the process of phasing out dungeon puzzles in Vesperia and everything since then hasn't bothered at all outside of a few bits in Graces. It's so weird.

Reflection in a puddle

Also the thing.

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Some of the shit in Symphonia's dungeons I had to legitimately pull up a guide for because they were so mind bogglingly retarded and obtuse or so simple that I didn't think the solution could be so blatant.

Name some examples because even I found the shadow temple stuff incredibly trivial

If ypu use a guide for anything in a tales game, especially the phantasia war sequence, you deserve to be shot. A 12 year old can solve this shit with basic trial and error.

>the party can hold their own against a world-threatening angel
>can't pick up a seed on a lilypad floating a few feet out on the water

If you unironically defend Ymir Forest you deserve to be shot

*Feverishly searches for fan comic in which Zelos points out more than one of them can fly*

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Which one? Symphonia was mild backtracking, and phantasia was only bad if you were playing on a small crt with shit colors.

>colette literally uses her flight to pick up an even less accessible key card in a renegade base earlier in the game
jesus fucking christ

> 138cm

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Surprises there.

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Being constantly shat on by the plot.

Why estelle so fucking cute?

So Jude is /ss/ bait?

No way

She was my first Rei clone. I always found it massively interesting because of her.

His battle stance in Innocence is really hunched over his big ass sword, and that game has a semi chibi style, so I guess it's pretty surprising to see him that tall when you convert the proportions.

just to add another cute girl