Top Processor

Just got one of these guys so I can work more efficiently at home. What games should I take it for a spin with

Attached: i9.jpg (679x679, 31K)

Hope you out your PC in a fridge OP. If you have a good GPU on top of that you should emulate some PS3 games.

How does that fit in a computer

Is my build at the moment with moving the GPU over from previous PC. Actual Monitor is 1440P 144hz as well.
Whats the most in demand games these days on both GPU and CPU

Attached: i9 rig.png (822x631, 117K)

Where is the PS3 emulation scene at these days anyway. I haven't looked in about 3 years and back then they could barely even boot one game

In terms of being could intensive? Emulators such as ps2 or even fucking Desmume.

In term of cpu intensive cpu games something like MechWarrior online

Very carefully

Why is the packaging for this CPU so retarded

They made SOME progress apparently you can even run demons souls at a higher frame rate than PS3 though loading into new areas can take a while while the textures get dumped

intlel shills working overtime lately

even though the packaging is shit, I like it a whole lot cause it looks exactly like a Destiny engram.

>he doesn't have a dodecahedron crystal powering his computer

Are you poor user?

i7 9700k way better for gaming.

Team Fortress 2

Attached: 9A2AHtv.jpg (482x534, 28K)

amd processors cant run emulators above dolphin, no reason to get AMD


How sad are you that you feel the need to try to damage control and shill for a scumbag company because you think the public perception of it isn't to your tastes?

Funny how there's been significantly more pro-intel anti-amd talks these last few days now that Intel's ANOTHER security flaw got exposed and a security patch cut their global performance by 5-9%.

OP just asked for games to play you dumb nigger, stop acting like a console warrior obsessed with brand wars, it makes you look like a teenager or a subhuman third worlder.

don't forget to disable hyper threading to fix the latest in please malware my shit up exploits.

PS3 emulation is about the only thing I can think of honestly, most games don't really have strong CPU requirements.

RPCS3 runs sort of okay on my i5 9400, Persona 5 dips when in the cities but usually stays at 30 FPS.

Should have just got an 8700k, the i9 is overkill for pretty much anything desu.

At least you'll be future proofed for a decade or so.

Actually no, 8700k wont be enough. PS5/Xboxnext both use RYZEN 4 3000x with 8core/16t. That will be the new baseline (for longest time PC was 4c/8t).

Yeah I'm sure a guy making a thread titled "Top processor" after the brand got exposed with yet another catastrophic security hole isn't trying to play up the company's image at all, just like the epic shill spammer is just a coincidence.
You should have seen the nuclear butthurt on /g/.

Doubtful, the PS3 had 8 cores and that isn't the standard.

The PS4 had 8 cores and it's not the standard either, thought it was a shitty FX CPU, Same with the xbone.

Unless something drastic happens I don't think much will change, 6c6t seems to be enough for a while.

For those two examples you're totally right, all the devs complained about the weak cpu problem of these last two gens. But this gen it's literally using the ryzen4 3000 thats coming out on desktops (just lower clocked/customized), and so the extra power makes a huge difference in usage. PC ports will rely even more on cpus than they have now (and look at some ports like assasins creed where you really do need 8core+ cpus to run well, where the cpu is the limit and not gpu(.

Asscreed is CPU-bound on PC for a very dishonest reason though, it runs a combination of denuvo with some vmprotect shit, of course it has insane overhead.

Any current processor will be a museum piece by the time PS5 emulation comes around.
There's no such thing as future proofing, you're simply overpaying for shit you don't need at all (games aren't CPU intensive)

denuvo was removed, performance didn't change really
ps5 is shown this year and releases next.

>i9 only runs at 3.6 stock

>that body

But if you calculate the performance equation of frames = cores x GHz it comes out way on top.