WoW classic sounds great! But if you think about vanilla...

WoW classic sounds great! But if you think about vanilla, you remember the depressing feeling that hits you after level 60 and everything starts to feel more like a chore than a game.
Think before you resub. This is going to be a highly addictive game and if you know you have an addictive personality/don’t have your life together and shouldn’t risk getting addicted, don’t give Blizzard your money.
Don’t waste months on this game and realize it was a bad idea to start playing again.
Anybody else WANT to get classic but know they shouldn’t? Share your thoughts on why you feel conflicted

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I've played several p servers and honestly agree. My friend group is really hyped, but secretly I'm not really looking forward to the huge nolifer grind that is raiding.

yeah it’s just not that fun.
>okay sheep this guy
>okay guys now kill this guy
>mmmkay good job now let’s sap this guy
>sweet I got my axe, good run yall
>gg gang

Same here. I can't be assed to farm fire res gear again. Also, fuck pre-raid best in slot items. I wasted weeks trying to get that fucking hammer off Thaurissian, to no avail.

Looking back at what you just described, I suddenly realize why they changed so much over the years.

I work in a hospital and if people can get addicted to WoW then they won't be on the streets looking for drugs.
I take care of countless degenerate drug addicts and alcoholics who would be better off dying on the street

oh geez, you farmed for ironfoe?

what if they drink and use drugs while they play?

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early WoW was good for memes

>people actually get addicted to the boring grindfests that are MMOs


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Yes, I am obviously retarded.

They removed racial abilities later on, right? Gnomes were a bitch in PvP.

Eh I am hyped but I will only play within reason

Wish I could say the same. Will be fun either way.

>was hype enough about the announcement I resubbed for Legion
>remembered why I had dropped it
I don't think classic will have 30 or so jackasses hanging around Goldshire at 2 a.m. getting into slap duels and otherwise enjoying the nightlife.
Missy and Basalisk won't be there, so it won't be the same.

what is there to be hyped about?
even at it’s most exciting moments nothing is very “hype” about WoW
>gg ya’ll
>trannysaurus: gg every1 :3

For some reason I always get a strong urge to play Wow around Christmas time. It's absolutely weird. It's been going on for so long that I have my own WotLK server set up I can just log into and dick around a couple of days and then get bored again. Before this I used to go through the hassle of joining private servers and getting attached to characters and then it's a nightmare.

It's Halloween for me, something about the way the air feels in autumn sets it off and makes me want to roll an undead for Hallows End..

watch some horror movies instead and light some candles.
You crave the atmosphere, not the game.

yeah i dont think ill be doing much raiding

probably just dungeons with the lads

>play the game for hundreds of hours
>have lots of fun
>start to get bored
>stop playing

Problem solved.

Once I get bored of leveling I'll just pay some chinks to get me to 60. I don't want to do anything but world PvP anyway.

Vanilla WoW was great because of the right knit community. Servers were their own ecosystem and guilds were their own family. MMOs these days can't have that.

>get the game
>RL friends either won't hop in or play like 2 hours a week
>overlevel them to fuck
>no one to group up with
>community will probably be still shit

still not sure if I should bother getting the game to play alone and try to make friends ingame, being a warrior should help getting dungeon groups made right?